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NEW COIN: wolf song


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Draft #4. Focusing on the front of the coin now. Focused on the eye, coloring (of course it'll all change when I switch to pantone) and the text placement. Now to figure out what it is about the fur lines in the neck area of the wolf that is bugging me so much...




About the face fur lines, I'm a fan of simple and would just remove them. I think the perspective still holds with them removed. You did remove some lines around the ear and that worked in a similar fashion. Just a thought :lol:.


I understand the issue of the fur lines... Our eyes naturally see the perspective problems.


Take a look at some howling wolf pictures on the net. You will see the fur naturally parts in clumps, the largest are closest to you and are straight up and down. The further up or "around" the neck you go, the smaller, narrower, and more rotated they get until they stick out sideways like you already have in the outline of the coin shape.


My Wolf Haven coin was modeled after a real wolf photo. I think you'll see what I mean...


I had a thought about the fur lines, and think there is more fun to be had with them. They could form silhouettes of howling wolves, perhaps? At a glance, they look like fur, or random lines assembled to look like fur. Upon closer inspection, they could each be stand-alone line images of wolves, wolf heads, etc. I imagine this would be more difficult than these few sentences might imply, but it was a thought I had.


Also, "Canis" should have a capital "C". In scientific nomenclature, the genus name is always capitalized and the species name is always lower-case. Canis lupus Unless this is artistic license, of course!


The eye and fur lines were actually modeled after a photo of a real wolf howling. :lol: The eye was closed in the picture I used, but I liked it better being slightly opened. However, it does look better being bigger. I will tweak some more with the eye, and maybe use fewer lines for the fur. When removing them entirely it looks too plain and unbalanced with the text on the other side.


Let's see, what else. Oh yah! Canis lupus. Aware, but umm, everything ELSE is lower case... Bad artist, I know! As a scientist, is it going to drive you up the wall if it's that way? Artistically it looks really odd if that's the only capital letter in there. I could do small caps instead of lower case... lol


Let's see, what else. Oh yah! Canis lupus. Aware, but umm, everything ELSE is lower case... Bad artist, I know! As a scientist, is it going to drive you up the wall if it's that way? Artistically it looks really odd if that's the only capital letter in there. I could do small caps instead of lower case... lol


Visually, it is pleasing to the eye just as you have it. I would be a bad scientist for not pointing out the "proper" way to do things. I'd rather keep the scientific name in with an oversight to rules of using the scientific name than to forego it completely.


In other words, I will not be driven up the wall!


Maybe you should just design it in your style :P In my humble opinion, the coin loses its honesty when you keeping changing elements based on everyone else's ideas (no offense meant to those contributing). There is no way to make the design "perfect" because we all have different tastes.


People will like it or they won't :lol: I like all caps personally but others don't like all caps. Some like everything to be symmetrical with no human "error" and I say who cares, I'm all about the flavor and uniqueness. In other words, do what feels right to you.


Then again, what do I know, lol. I'm just a lowly drawer :D


Maybe you should just design it in your style :lol:

My feeling exactly. Some minor changes are based on convenience, like font size for the tracking number, but the rest of the coin is your design.


As long as it looks good I'll buy it, I just want to collect it. :P


Hahaha don't worry, I in no way feel like this is no longer my design. Notice the number of things people have suggested that I haven't incorporated.


However, I couldn't figure out why the fur lines were bothering me, and based on feedback, I now know what it is, so when I tweak them, I know what to look for.


The Canis lupus thing was because Penny & Kona is a PhD student like I am, and I understand what it's like to have someone make a scientific error on something in a field you specialize in. There are some things that are easy to overlook, but others that will drive someone up the wall. My asking her was to figure out which of those things it was. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but it was important to me, hence asking. :P


I guess I'm saying that I'm not trying to make everyone happy (notice the text is still in a block, there are no stars on the reverse of the coin, there's no howling wolf on a rock anywhere, etc) but I actually enjoy the creative feedback I get and people think of things I never would have thought to try (putting a 3D curve under the translucent to make it look like the moon is glowing. Adding Canis lupus to the coin). It's not design by committee, but rather getting constructive criticism from my peers.


I am not trying to sound defensive (and probably failing :lol:) but I have fun sharing the process so plan to continue to do it. It's not me feeling unconfident in my designs (I've been an artist for a long time :D), but rather having a fun creative design process involving my (online) friends.


Hopefully that makes sense. :D

Posted (edited)

Hahaha don't worry, I in no way feel like this is no longer my design. Notice the number of things people have suggested that I haven't incorporated.


However, I couldn't figure out why the fur lines were bothering me, and based on feedback, I now know what it is, so when I tweak them, I know what to look for.


The Canis lupus thing was because Penny & Kona is a PhD student like I am, and I understand what it's like to have someone make a scientific error on something in a field you specialize in. There are some things that are easy to overlook, but others that will drive someone up the wall. My asking her was to figure out which of those things it was. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but it was important to me, hence asking. :P


I guess I'm saying that I'm not trying to make everyone happy (notice the text is still in a block, there are no stars on the reverse of the coin, there's no howling wolf on a rock anywhere, etc) but I actually enjoy the creative feedback I get and people think of things I never would have thought to try (putting a 3D curve under the translucent to make it look like the moon is glowing. Adding Canis lupus to the coin). It's not design by committee, but rather getting constructive criticism from my peers.


I am not trying to sound defensive (and probably failing :lol:) but I have fun sharing the process so plan to continue to do it. It's not me feeling unconfident in my designs (I've been an artist for a long time :D), but rather having a fun creative design process involving my (online) friends.


Hopefully that makes sense. :D


Not taking it defensively at all, you want to include everyone in the process, your coin/design, you're the boss/artist :D Never said you were "unconfident" nor did I mean to imply it :grin:


I'll go back to minding my own business, I'm not an artist so I'll keep my thoughts to myself :grin:




edit for spelling.

Edited by tsunrisebey

I don't mind you speaking your mind. :P I know other people are thinking it as well, so now they have an answer since you asked!


P.S. I don't think you can get away with calling yourself "not an artist." :lol:

Posted (edited)

I am not trying to sound defensive (and probably failing :lol:) but I have fun sharing the process so plan to continue to do it.

I did this with my first 2 coins and it was pretty fun, getting everyone involved and whatnot. Then went a bit more solo with taptap (just facebook fans helped out here and there), and kept zeezee completely in the dark. I had a oversight on zeezee because of this, so I guess I have mixed thoughts on "collaboration" vs. "secret"!!! Pros and cons of each, that is for SURE! Anyhow, I certainly learned different and new things with each process (collaboration vs. secret).


Ok, back to the coin! This is a great one and I'm REALLY interested in how that 3D back is gonna turn out!!!

Edited by Zelanzy

Thanks for all the feedback everyone!


The trees on the back will be full raised and then recessed for the dark blue, so I am thinking translucents. Moon will of course be glow! :unsure:


i was just going to suggest translucents over texture for the sky. glow colour don't really appeal to me, but i know i am in the minority. in the dark, one can't see the coin, except for the glow, and in the light the glow colours are, well, funky. :(


I am considering doing a constellation (maybe the big dipper since Minnesota is The Star of the North? Not sure) and possibly incorporating a crystal into the constellation somehow.


my thought is skip the crystal. i love the simplicity of the coin and idea behind it. does it really "need" a crystal in the design?


I want to clean up the trees on the back, but otherwise keep the sketchy style of lines. ...

might also be cool if I change the trees to all be full height.


that could work too. great idea for a coin, sign me up!




I really love this coin. I hope I can get one. Since I know I'm not going to make it to geocoinfest hopefully I can find someone who is going to get me one.


The lines on the neck didn't bother me at all, but now that you mentioned them I can see where they might be improved, Just not sure how. If you left it exactly how it is I'd still love it. Can't wait to see pictures of the actual coin.


If there are coins left over from GCF, I will put them up in my online store.


Also, I will likely do a run or two after GCF without the logo (and something else in the place so the design doesn't look wonky.)


I've submitted three versions of this to the mint and am waiting for mint artwork. :)


If there are coins left over from GCF, I will put them up in my online store.


Also, I will likely do a run or two after GCF without the logo (and something else in the place so the design doesn't look wonky.)


I've submitted three versions of this to the mint and am waiting for mint artwork. :)


That would be cool! I'd definitely be in line to buy one if a version was available afterwards! [:D]


I'm minting three versions, and it's highly unlikely I will sell out of them. :ph34r: I'll make them available on my webstore when I get back from GCF. :D


I will be posting sneak peaks of the other versions on my facebook page (As designed)


The mint came back with some changes and suggestions, and I'm waiting for the latest round from them. The biggest push back I'm giving is that they think it should be zinc alloy, and I'd like to avoid that if possible, as it makes the coin feel a lot lighter.


After a few go rounds with the mint, I just approved the artwork for this tonight!


2" tall

3.5mm thick

2D front, 3D back

text will be screen printed on the front


There will be 50 each of the GCF versions, and I'll probably do a run of non-GCF versions later this year (which will have different text, and will likely be different color combos.)


hmmm.... if you're doing a black nickel coin then I don't think you'll be able to do a trans blue and get the lighter blue colors you're going for here in the illustrations. I really like the idea, but unless it's a two-tone as well this might not work as is. I do remember Yime pulled it off using a two-tone though a couple years ago.


From what I understand, it depends on the mint. If they apply the black nickel finish before the IHE is applied, you get mud. If they apply it afterwards, then the translucent enamel is put over the bronze base, and you get the bright colors.


For instance, Portugal's 10 years! event coin was done with black nickel and the translucent colors are just as bright as on any other coin:



The results of this generally suck. It was much better when they two-toned with silver under the enamel, my 2008 Tiki Stomp coins have this and they were far more vibrant than the luau ones I did this year (which were done by the method mentioned above.


i would twist the mint's arm into putting silver under the translucent enamel.


I think it all depends on the underlayment, yes? If I'm not mistaken (and I may well be), zinc alloy is actually a light-colored metal, so the colors would be more vibrant. Whereas bronze already has a yellow/orange tone to it, so it's going to affect the colors on top of it: blues and purples, for example, will be dulled down. This is because yellow/orange and blue/purple are color compliments (on the opposite sides of the color wheel), and adding them together tends to desaturate them (makes them duller, but it's a rich kind of dullness: if you want to desaturate a color while painting, for example, it's often better to add a bit of the color's compliment rather than grey, so as to knock down the color but not make it, um, chalky in tone).


I'd think that yellows/oranges/reds (warm colors) would not be as effected by a bronze underlayment.


So, if the mint wants to do zinc alloy, and if I'm right about my assumption that it's a paler metal, it'll probably help out the blues in your coin quite a bit. I know there's almost a prejudice against zinc alloy, but I'm not quite sure why: I had a coin done for a Navy function that was zinc and it /is/ a bit lighter, but not so much that I'd outright notice. In fact, I was surprised by how heavy and solid it was. In other words, if you get a coin made out of zinc, it's not going to be light like tin. It's still going to have a nice heft.


Quick add: I have one of the 2008 Tiki Stomp coins and it is still at the top of the list of my most favorite coins. It really is tremendously vibrant against the black nickel. Of course, having silver under the enamel's going to do that. But I've been finding, recently, that mints really hate doing that. Perhaps the error-rate is unacceptably high, but every time I ask for it, they really do not like it.

Posted (edited)

Actually the mint is going to do bronze instead of zinc. I'll get some rich dark skies this way. :(


I did a google search and found the 2008 tiki stomp coin, and it is fabulous, I admit! The colors really pop!


The coin is in production now (these posts were a bit too late :laughing:) so we'll see what happens.

Edited by anne.and.eli

I just found this thread and read through it. Seeing the step-by-step progress of this coin toward the final (fabulous) end result was very very interesting. I love that people on the forum made suggestions that ended up being incorporated into the final design without significantly changing the original concept of the coin. It was also fascinating to read the back and forth discussion of metals, enamels, drawing tool features, and mint issues. There certainly appears to be a lot of specialized knowledge involved in getting a design done and having the results from the mint match your expectations. When or if I ever have a personal geocoin minted, I'm convinced now I must seek out help from experienced coin designers or risk botching the coin.


When these coins become available, I'll definitely be interested in getting a few.


Blue skies!

Model Citizen - Zero Discipline


I'm glad it was helpful ModelCitizen! I know when I started designing coins I felt like I didn't even know where to start!


I was ruminating on the black nickel issue, and then I remembered I had some le chat rampant sample coins in some of these colors. I didn't end up using the black nickel versions of the two coins shown below (but did use the silver one). One I'm showing how #8 blue looks with black nickel, which is what will be on the wolf coin, and my worries have been minimized after looking at this coin. <_<


The other I put in the picture to show the differences in the silver and black nickel coin. It seems that in the thin sections, you can really see the yellow tones of the black nickel base metal. However, in the larger sections where the enamel is deeper, it's much harder to tell. Pretty sure it'll work out fine for this coin since it's just in a big area.




In other news...


Mint artwork has been approved and this coin has moved into production. There will be three versions for GCF, although I've already started playing with colors (thanks Merkle!) for post-GCF versions.


For a sneak peak of the grey wolf version, please visit my as designed page on facebook. Other GCF sneak peeks are there as well, and I am even more chatty about design process there. <_<



For now though, here is the arctic wolf version. Pearlescent was Mike's idea, and I think it should be quite fetching!




In other news...


Mint artwork has been approved and this coin has moved into production. There will be three versions for GCF, although I've already started playing with colors (thanks Merkle!) for post-GCF versions.


For a sneak peak of the grey wolf version, please visit my as designed page on facebook. Other GCF sneak peeks are there as well, and I am even more chatty about design process there. :)



For now though, here is the arctic wolf version. Pearlescent was Mike's idea, and I think it should be quite fetching!




OMD! I think I'm really going to love seeing this Arctic Wolf version! Sounds amazing!

Posted (edited)

In other news...


Mint artwork has been approved and this coin has moved into production. There will be three versions for GCF, although I've already started playing with colors (thanks Merkle!) for post-GCF versions.


For a sneak peak of the grey wolf version, please visit my as designed page on facebook. Other GCF sneak peeks are there as well, and I am even more chatty about design process there. B)



For now though, here is the arctic wolf version. Pearlescent was Mike's idea, and I think it should be quite fetching!




Oh I so wish this coin was made already, just read in the local paper that their holding a "Wolf Howl" event in the near by provincial park (first ever here)

It would have been great to drop a few in the caches around the park, even if they didn't get the local wolfs (real) to howl you'd hear the cachers who found this coin that's for sure :):grin:

Edited by kini_ont
Posted (edited)

All 3 are so pretty!!! Timber wolf, Grey wolf and Arctic wolf!!! Amazing!!!! and I just love the sky colors!!! and the purlpe is so nice!!! :)

To tell you the truth I do not know which one I like most!!!


BTW... Anne... a new version of Lil dreamer??? B) Sea horse version??? WOW!!! Lovely!!!! :grin:

Hmm... how many were made of this one so I can write it in my list? :grin:

Edited by GATOULIS

ooooh a wolf howl!!! The closest I've come to that is sometimes Mishka howls in her sleep. Creeped me out the first time she did it!!


I'm really hoping when I go to the International Wolf Center in Ely, Minnesota, I'll be able to hear some wolf howling. :grin:


Gato: 50 of the sea horse edition. :) Yes, 50 is my magic number. lol


If the wolf coin comes out well, I'll make some non-GCF versions. I already have a couple colorings I'm playing around with, including one for Halloween. B)



I already have a couple colorings I'm playing around with, including one for Halloween. :grin:


Perhaps HOWL-oween?




If they get produced, you're so getting a free coin for coming up with the perfect name!



I already have a couple colorings I'm playing around with, including one for Halloween. :D


Perhaps HOWL-oween?




If they get produced, you're so getting a free coin for coming up with the perfect name!

Darn! I should have come up with that! I'm hoping to get married on HOWL-oween. :grin:

Posted (edited)





Here's the front of the grey wolf version, and the back of the arctic wolf version! Mint pictures are notoriously awful, but hopefully these give you an idea. :huh: These will be available at GCF, and if there are any leftover, I will make them available on my store when I get home.


If you're going to GCF, come by and say hi! My booth will have Santa Cruz salt-water taffy (anyone who has received a mission from me has tasted this stuff, it's delicious!), and every purchase will get you a raffle ticket for a drawing for a special version of one of my coins sometime after GCF.


Hope to see you all there!

Edited by anne.and.eli

I'm glad it was helpful ModelCitizen! I know when I started designing coins I felt like I didn't even know where to start!


I was ruminating on the black nickel issue, and then I remembered I had some le chat rampant sample coins in some of these colors. I didn't end up using the black nickel versions of the two coins shown below (but did use the silver one). One I'm showing how #8 blue looks with black nickel, which is what will be on the wolf coin, and my worries have been minimized after looking at this coin. :huh:


The other I put in the picture to show the differences in the silver and black nickel coin. It seems that in the thin sections, you can really see the yellow tones of the black nickel base metal. However, in the larger sections where the enamel is deeper, it's much harder to tell. Pretty sure it'll work out fine for this coin since it's just in a big area.




the first one is the catnap in BN??? WOW is looks so different!!! WOW!






Here's the front of the grey wolf version, and the back of the arctic wolf version! Mint pictures are notoriously awful, but hopefully these give you an idea. :huh: These will be available at GCF, and if there are any leftover, I will make them available on my store when I get home.


If you're going to GCF, come by and say hi! My booth will have Santa Cruz salt-water taffy (anyone who has received a mission from me has tasted this stuff, it's delicious!), and every purchase will get you a raffle ticket for a drawing for a special version of one of my coins sometime after GCF.


Hope to see you all there!


WOW!!!! this is so pretty!!!!! BRAVO!!!!!! :P


My daughter would really love one of the Arctic versions! Could you drop me an email after GCF if yo have any left?


Sure! I will be doing a future run of these coins without the GCF logo on the front as well.


My daughter would really love one of the Arctic versions! Could you drop me an email after GCF if yo have any left?


Sure! I will be doing a future run of these coins without the GCF logo on the front as well.


I love these! ;) I'll be hoping to get some somehow!

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