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Not moving TB


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Posted (edited)

:rolleyes: I have a TB that was picked up from a cache 03/10/2009. I have messaged the cacher who picked it up and they have said that they do still have the TB however they have only found 2 more caches since they collected my TB. The last caches they found were 26/04/2010.

What else can I do to get them to move my TB along.

Edited by rosekate

Probably best to do nothing at this point. You have already emailed and they responded. At least (so far) they have acknowledged that they have the TB (many, and I do mean many, never respond at all!).


Sometimes life gets in the way of geocaching and they are busy with other things. When they get to do some caching again, they will probably place it.


Too many emails oftentimes produces opposite effect. :rolleyes:


It may be a tough apple to chew, but sometimes you have to wait it out. :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

I know how you feel! I bought and placed my first TB a few months ago. It took a long time for someone to pick it up but the ones who got it are very infrequent Geocachers and emails to ask them to move it on have not been answered. It makes me leery about placing any more.

Edited by tech450
Posted (edited)

as sad as it is, unfortunately that's something that is very likely to happen


apart from all the TB's i sent out there that got lost, this one in particular had a very short lived life lol

i dropped it at an event nov 30th 2009, someone took it at dropped it a month later in another event and got discovered but that's were it all ended :unsure:



Edited by t4e

:unsure: I have a TB that was picked up from a cache 03/10/2009. I have messaged the cacher who picked it up and they have said that they do still have the TB however they have only found 2 more caches since they collected my TB. The last caches they found were 26/04/2010.

What else can I do to get them to move my TB along.

The guy holding your bug has your bug, so don't make him angry. As long as you know someone has it, it is safe. Just try to be happy about that.


PS I have a bug I better get moving. I have had it for over three weeks. It is in my caching backpack, but I never seem to have it with me when I am caching...Strange...


my daughters bug was placed in a cache in Dec that is closed from end Dec to end August. Why anyone would even place it there is beyond me. Especially an experienced cacher with over 1000 finds. I also don't know how a cache can be allowed when only open 4 months of the year


Depending on how bad the winter is you could see caches inaccessible from October to May. I've placed travel bugs on a wing and a prayer that the cache will get visited before winter. I typically try to put them in higher traffic caches (unless the bug owner desires otherwise) but sometimes I just want to have them out of my possession quickly and they end up in the first suitable cache I find size and location wise.

Posted (edited)

my daughters bug was placed in a cache in Dec that is closed from end Dec to end August. Why anyone would even place it there is beyond me. Especially an experienced cacher with over 1000 finds. I also don't know how a cache can be allowed when only open 4 months of the year


I would send either the owner or the person who placed it there a friendly polite email asking that if it looks like it is going to sit during the closed time could they go and retrieve the bug.


Some people here will tell you that travel bugs in their caches are not their responsibility or concern but I think there is absolutely nothing wrong in asking for assistance. Just keep it friendly and make no demands. Sometimes bugs sit for a while, at least it's still in circulation.

Edited by BlueDeuce

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