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Need help locating a datasheet


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I stumbled on a USGS Benchmark disk from 1952. The station name looks like a couple of letters/numbers are worn. I can read "TT F11," but it looks like there might be something else in front of the "F11" It even had a witness post right next to it. I tried everything and can't locate it on the NGS site (or Scaredy Cat's for that matter.)

I found it near:

N 43 43.649 W 89 00.362

I can get anyone a bigger picture if they like.


Edited by glorkar
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Hi Glorkar,


There isn't an NGS datasheet for this mark, or at least any that I'm aware of. The majority of benchmarks set never meet the rigid requirements for inclusion in the NGS database.

Your example is a Transit Traverse Station, hence the "TT", number F11 in the series. Probably the only info on this disk is located in a filing cabinet at the U.S.G.S.


Here's a really great tool for finding NGS Benchmarks:

NGS Benchmark Viewer


Hope this helps,

~ Mitch ~

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from info posted by NGS in forums here


The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), an agency in the Dept. of the Interior has the responsibility for producing our national topographic maps. They completed the monumental task of complete national mapping of the 1:24,000 scale map series (about 55,000 maps) in the early 1990's. USGS would often set survey monuments to help "control" the map. Maps are produced from aeronautical photos mosaiced together. In order to provide accurate location, orientation, scale and elevation to a flat map of a curved surface, it is required to have numerous points that can be identified on the photographs for which the coordinates/elevations are well known. The marks set by USGS were a vital part of this operation. In the days when mapping surveys were conducted primarily by line-of-site methods, these marks helped save money by helping to ensure a network that cartographers could rely on for mapping update procedures. With the rapid developments in surveying and mapping technology, especially GPS, USGS sees little need to setting new marks or maintaining the old networks. Unfortunately the data for tens of thousands of these marks set by USGS were never submitted to NGS for inclusion in the National Spatial Reference System. Due to major reductions in staff and the changing nature of mapping requirements, it is highly unlikely that USGS will ever automate these data
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Bummer. Well, at least that explains it. Thanks for all the info!

Contact the County where you found the mark. Ask for the Land Survey Dept, they may even have a County Surveyor.


That is a third order bench. He may have a file on the mark.

Edited by latahgps
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No need to contact the locals, DaveD already helped me on this one! Here's a copy of what he found for those that are interested:



The discription is part of a old bench run. You could send and email to: john.ellingson@noaa.gov. He's the NGS state avisor for WI. Send him a new discription of the bench and photos. He will see that it get to the correct UGSG Office.

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