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newbie needs swag ideas


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I am new to geocaching. I want to only leave "good" swag. I need to some ideas!! We are traveling to Europe and would like to be good Americans, no ugly Americans. In searching the forums, my first idea of leaving a California state quarter (something that represented where we are from) was in the bad swag list. What could we take easily with us and use?


I like the quarter idea.

I found a postcard from Germany in a cache. It was really cool because it had a note written on the back in German along with their address asking for one from here to be sent to them. I really liked that.


I like the postcard idea. We live near Yosemite and that would be fun for the kids. Its kind of a message in a bottle idea (which we once found in Ireland!) I will visit the dollar store today and see if I can find some california stuff. You guys are awesome!

Posted (edited)

While the quarter is "currency" for you, in Europe it is seen as "foreign coin". Since you cannot buy foreign coins from banks (they only exchange large-ish bills), it's also kind of a rare item, and it would be fine to be found in a cache. They also fit in micros!

However, it's a good idea to have a geobag of assorted items, in order not to "spam" the caches in an area with quarters. Pins, keychains or "fridge magnets" representing California/US are better than the coins. You could also visit some dollar stores and buy some nice items (that can be left in local caches, too). I raided the local stores and bought spring-propelled toy cars (the kind you pull back several inches, and they go forward a few feet), put them in zipbags and left them in caches (it became kind of a signature item) - and finders love them.

Postcards are a nice item to leave, but they only fit in regular caches (and some regulars are actually small) - if you will hunt mostly urban caches it will be difficult to drop them.

Edited by Dj Storm

I like to leave $2 bills, they are unusual and not too expensive and most things left by others are not expensive so I consider it a good trade.


I am new to geocaching. I want to only leave "good" swag. I need to some ideas!! We are traveling to Europe and would like to be good Americans, no ugly Americans. In searching the forums, my first idea of leaving a California state quarter (something that represented where we are from) was in the bad swag list. What could we take easily with us and use?


I like signature items! I am collecting them. If you can come up with something that has your name on it, they can "search for another player" and see who you are. I have a wooden coin with a phrase on the front and our family, the year and our screen name on the other side, with a hole and keychain. I deliver those around in addition to trades made by my kids


The only ones I have decided not to pick up were a playing card with someones name hand written on it, and a piece from rumikub with the person's name on it.


I do really love the post card idea though! It is so much more personal than a sparkly rubber ball! I think you should take at least a few of those for the caches that will accommodate - it would be fun for you and the finder!

I like to leave $2 bills, they are unusual and not too expensive and most things left by others are not expensive so I consider it a good trade.
How much do they cost?



<ducking...> :blink:


I love the idea of the PostCards!

As for us Limeys, we normally soak up anything from 'forners' specially those from across the pond, so how about some very American things, like American Football helmet keyrings, or baseball cards, Stuff we English just dont do..?


American sports (I never would have thought of that as the only sport we follow is Soccer (football to everone else!!) Baseball cards are cheap and light weight. Keep those ideas flowing. I got a geocoin today and now I have to figure out how to do it correctly. It has Mount McKinley on it (little choice at REI today) but since we've been there, it was the best of the lot. We are going to leave in a cache in the Alps since its a mountain geocoin. When the kids get sick of seeing the sights, I thought we could do a little geocaching!


I think the California quarter is a great idea for a European trip. Coins make really good swag, provided they are old or from far away.


I used to leave European coins, buffalo nickels, mercury dimes. I left mine in little coin envelopes with a rubberstamp of my avatar. It pleased me when the next finder logged that he'd taken it.


I am new to geocaching. I want to only leave "good" swag. I need to some ideas!! We are traveling to Europe and would like to be good Americans, no ugly Americans. In searching the forums, my first idea of leaving a California state quarter (something that represented where we are from) was in the bad swag list. What could we take easily with us and use?


I think that might be a good idea in Europe. In the US they are common, but maybe not so around the world. Foreign money is one of my favorite things to leave.


American sports (I never would have thought of that as the only sport we follow is Soccer (football to everone else!!) Baseball cards are cheap and light weight. Keep those ideas flowing.


Europe hardly has any interest in baseball, you're better off with coins and postcards and other trinkets that have been suggested


my vote is on $1 bills. in europe you don't get to see dollar bills very often (i.e. never). i left a few dollar bills in caches i placed in europe, and the FTF logs told a story about how the cachers tried to decide who gets it :(


I found out the hard way both on the forums and in real life, some coins are terrible as cache items, as any moisture in the cache causes the coins to deteriorate rapidly, which the corrosion can really mess things up in the cache, so be careful with certain coins, like copper ones especially,


If you have thrift stores around they usually sell toys by the freezer bag full for about $2 you can fill a lot of happy cache containers with some really neat old school toys that way,


I'm leaving on Thursday, and I'm still trying to figure out my GPS! I've found one cache, but clueless on a second on in my neighborhood. I'll be lucky to find anything in Europe at this rate!! We are using what we got. 1. quarters (I'm too cheap for $bill) 2. Key chains from Hawaii (yes, I know not California, but we bought a boat load last summer, and hey they're from Hawaii!!) 3. postcards-hopefully someone will mail us one.


I'm trying to think cheap and small, but its not coming to mind very easy.


lapel pins

unique designs of buttons/beads

pretty polished rocks

OK- so that's really the swag my 5yo niece likes, but it should work.


There's nothing more American than apple pie. Leave a few of those in the caches. :(


As for finding caches while on vacation/ finding caches as a newbie: skip the micro size and go for lower difficulty/terrain ratings.


I'm a newbie too and have been trying to think of a swag for our family of three.


Reading the other posts, an idea popped into my mind... how about doing pressed pennies from local attractions? They usually cost $.50 plus the penny. Guess it depends how many times you want to spend $.51. lol


The kids can crank the handles and make it more personal for them too.

Posted (edited)

I am not sure about down in the US, but the local dollar stores here have started carrying small camping items.

If the cache size permits, LED flashlights (work really well), decent compasses, emergency reflective blankets, chemical hand warmer packs make for good, quality swag.

These work really well to bring the swag quality up in a cache, and they are still ~$1. We do carry with us small dollar store toys so that when we are caching with the kids, they can put toys in.


Keep in mind, Geocaching in this area is pretty much an outdoors activity (bush), so the LED flashlights (headband style) and other items are a huge hit here.

Edited by Mike & Jess

I say no to all toys - who wants to take extra luggage to Europe to carry swag? They have dollar store items there so those things would not be unusual or special - they import from China, too .


I hit up the bay for some $1 items from Hong Kong vendors. Imagine folks will dig on these:




The laser pointer has a red pointer, a white flashlight LED and a blacklight LED.


The compasses are functional as well.


Can't knock this for $1 swag. :anibad:



I like to leave $2 bills, they are unusual and not too expensive and most things left by others are not expensive so I consider it a good trade.
How much do they cost?



<ducking...> :anibad:


I dunno, but it might be the same amount that this kid wants:




just drop by your local dollar store and pick up a few trinkets..... im sure you could find some California keychains, buttons, pins, etc....


Yeah I agree. When you are the big dog everyone likes to take shots at you.

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