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Got pulled over last night for....

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ot pulled over last night by a traffic cop for running a red light (supposedly) and making a left turn without a turn signal, course it was like 2pm on a wed night, so there was NOBODY around, (well except for the cop)


ive delt with cops so many times i know how to handle myself so they can relax a little bit and not be so on edge....


for example....


Never admit to anything, let them make up a story for you if they want to, but never actually admit to anything,


Always refer to them as "officer, or sir or ma'me(SP?) this will get you a long long way with cops if you at least act like you respect them when they stop you.


As soon as you see the blinking lights, or flashlights in some case, put your hands where they can see them, no do not put them above your head, you are not guilty until proven so, just out, empty and always in plain sight.


never make any sudden movements, such as running, or reaching for something, this is a good way to put a cop on edge, because although they serve the community (supposedly) they have to consider their own life first, and if you go reaching into your glove box before being asked to, or asking permission to, they will automatically assume you are going for a weapon, with good reason as people do that sort of stuff with cops all the time. big mistake, this is the best way to get shot by a cop.


with that in mind, always ask for permission to grab anything you might be asked for, and never grab anything you are not asked for, if the cop asks for your liscense and registration, tell them "its in my glove box, and wait for them to tell you you can grab it, they will usually shine their light on your glove box and watch for you to grab it, they are protecting themselves like stated before and if you take this into consideration they will give you much less of a hard time.


remember you do not need to explain anything, you are pleading guilty if you do, and you are not guilty until proven so.


also generally if you know you will be out late at night, try to keep any paraphillia or bizare tools out of your car, or out of sight, (i made that mistake last night, as i had all sorts of tools and such for geocaching in my back seat, cops WILL look in your car through the windows, and they are allowed to look through the windows, they are NOT allowed to search the closed parts of your car without permission form you unless they have probable cause, which would be in this case a back seat full of weird looking tools.


how this relates to geocaching....


well, honeslty i was out looking for geocaches all night, (but when i got pulled over i was heading to a dumpster to check out some stuff i saw from the road, completely impulsive, and little did i know there was a cop watching the whole thing,


well i told the cop i had missed my exit, and i was out looking for geocaches, he didnt know what that was, but he understood i was telling the truth (and i was to an extent) so he let me off with a verbal warning.


it also helped there was a high speed chase nearby which i heard come over his radio while he was standing there, and he wanted to be a part of it, so he ran off.


saved me a bunch of money,


thanks geocaching!


you could save a bundle on car insurance by simply telling cops you missed your turn because you were fumbling with your gps looking for a geocache.



you could save a bundle on car insurance by simply telling cops you missed your turn because you were fumbling with your gps looking for a geocache.


Not in Ontario, Canada. It is against the law to be using any hand held device (cell phone, PDA, GPS, iPod, etc.) while driving a vehicle. I think the fine is around $400.

Posted (edited)

well since a lot of geocachers have had run ins with the cops, i listed a few tips for getting out of it unscathed,


how i got pulled over has nothing to do with geocaching, but geocaching as an excuse helped me get off the hook.


the point is to be honest, but not to admit to anything.

the other tips will get you a long way to get out of ay sort of tickets.


i just thought it was weird that he gave me a verbal, and even though he didnt know anything about geocaching he honestly believed thats what i was doing and didnt question the weird assortment of tools in my car any longer,


and i honestly didnt tell him i was fumbling with my gps, i should edit that part out of the above thread,

i told him i was looking for such and such street where a geocache was supposed ot be and i was lost, and asked him for directions.


cops love giving directions, they can actually write it off as a civil service of sorts, i heard somewhere they supposedly have to get so many of these civil service points per quote period, things like helping someone change a tire, giving directions, and following a junk car to a mechanic,


this can help you if you ever get approached, you can always admit to being lost there is no fine for that. and cops are almost always willing to help you get back on track, plus its a good distraction to get them from badgering you with questions

Edited by ashnikes

I live in an area where using a handheld device where driving is illegal.

therefor that excuse wouldn't work for me, but I'll keep it in mind if I ever get pulled over in the sunshine state.


I live in an area where using a handheld device where driving is illegal.

therefor that excuse wouldn't work for me, but I'll keep it in mind if I ever get pulled over in the sunshine state.


if you come here, ill pull you over.... rawr


I live in an area where using a handheld device where driving is illegal.

therefor that excuse wouldn't work for me, but I'll keep it in mind if I ever get pulled over in the sunshine state.


if you come here, ill pull you over.... rawr


I'm waiting on that ring pop tb you mentioned...


I live in an area where using a handheld device where driving is illegal.

therefor that excuse wouldn't work for me, but I'll keep it in mind if I ever get pulled over in the sunshine state.


if you come here, ill pull you over.... rawr


I'm waiting on that ring pop tb you mentioned...


le sigh, canadian girls are the best,

Posted (edited)

well since a lot of geocachers have had run ins with the cops, i listed a few tips for getting out of it unscathed,


how i got pulled over has nothing to do with geocaching, but geocaching as an excuse helped me get off the hook.


the point is to be honest, but not to admit to anything.

the other tips will get you a long way to get out of ay sort of tickets.


i just thought it was weird that he gave me a verbal, and even though he didnt know anything about geocaching he honestly believed thats what i was doing and didnt question the weird assortment of tools in my car any longer,


and i honestly didnt tell him i was fumbling with my gps, i should edit that part out of the above thread,

i told him i was looking for such and such street where a geocache was supposed ot be and i was lost, and asked him for directions.


cops love giving directions, they can actually write it off as a civil service of sorts, i heard somewhere they supposedly have to get so many of these civil service points per quote period, things like helping someone change a tire, giving directions, and following a junk car to a mechanic,


this can help you if you ever get approached, you can always admit to being lost there is no fine for that. and cops are almost always willing to help you get back on track, plus its a good distraction to get them from badgering you with questions


Well in UK , we dont have those sort of probs with cops, they may ask what you are doing and where you are going ,but no weapons involved !

However using handheld devices are big no-no and attract fines and points on licence

Edited by Archangel_UK
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