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1. I see that you get an icon on your Found list for Benchmarks, but they don't count toward your Found count. Why?


2. Why don't they show up on the map - even when you are on that particular benchmark's page and click the map link?


3. Why can't you run a Pocket Query to load them into your GPS/Phone?


It seems semi-integrated into Geocaching.com, but still it's not easy to see them without doing separate searches - just like Waymarking. It's frustrating and not convenient.

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I believe they don't register as a find because they are not technically geocaches. They are more closely related to virtual or locationless caches which are no longer allowed by Groundspeak.


To view a map of benchmarks in a particular area, I've found this site to be very helpful:

Benchmark Viewer

Just click on your state and pan/zoom to the area you are interested in.

When you click on an individual benchmark, it gives you the link to the GC page (if there is one) and also a link to the NGS data sheet.


Not really sure on the export question. I would assume it has something to do with the way the file is created on GC.com. Maybe it's more of just a text file, no separate "blanks" for coords or descriptions.

Edited by glorkar
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