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TB Hotel locations


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Greetings to all-


Visited my first TB Hotel in San Francisco and it was very neat and educational. I travel quite a bit to India and Europe and was wondering if there were other safe drops for TB's such as the one in San Francisco.


We picked up a TB and will be going to Hawaii (Oahu) in a couple of weeks. Since it is such a high International traffic area, any suggestions on a safe drop there would be appreciated.






Leave No Trace

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TB hotels are not quite the "safe drops" people think they are. Ever seen that movie "Hostel"? :laughing:



I Think TB Hotels are bad for at least a couple of reasons:

1) many impose a limit as to how many TB a cacher can take, and if they need to leave one to take one. WHile these limits are, of course, voluntary, many do abide by them, causing TB that would otherwise have moved to languish in a box. This undermines the point of purchasing and releasing a TB.


2) If the cache was to get muggled/stolen/destroyed/carried off by ravenous ant, etc, there will be alot more casualties in a cache designed to harbor TBs. Sure, an occational TB goes missing in a MIA cache, and that's too bad, but 10 TBs going missing at once... That's just a tragedy.




The best spot of a Travel Bug is in a cache that is enough off the beaten path that there is little risk of it accidentally being discovered/vandalized, but easy enough that many people will find it, increasing the chance of TB retrieval.

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I dont trust TB hotels, just because someone puts TB hotel in the name of a cahce doesn't mean it's a safe cache.

I have criteria for selecting a cache for tbs/gcs that I am moving.

The cache must not have a history of being muggled, or having tbs missing from it

The cache must not be way out in the boonies, unless the TB does not want to travel far (I've moved a few that wanted to stay within the south island)

The cahce must me in a cool spot, I don't leave TBs in p&gs. (this has nothing to do with the safety of the cache, and everything to do with a good photo-op for the tb page.)


I always look for a couple of cahces before I leave for a trip to check for tb compatability. I always make sure I have co-ords for at least two possible locations, in case I dnf one.

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