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TB logs in foreign languages (non-English, that is)


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We have a few TBs out there. One, in particular, was picked up in San Francisco and has been to Germany and is now traveling around Switzerland. While we're happy to see it moving around Europe, it would be nice if we knew what the logs said. I guess the reverse is true as well... they may not be able to read what I said about the TB in the first place. Oh well.

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We have a few TBs out there. One, in particular, was picked up in San Francisco and has been to Germany and is now traveling around Switzerland. While we're happy to see it moving around Europe, it would be nice if we knew what the logs said. I guess the reverse is true as well... they may not be able to read what I said about the TB in the first place. Oh well.


Try Yahoo!s Babel Fish (lovely HHGTG ref.). The translations are not always semantically or grammatically correct, but most of the time you get the general gist.

Sometimes it can be pretty good, though.

Example: One log on one of your TBs says "Hier machst du nur eine kurze Zwischenrast. Deine Reise geht gleich weiter." Babel Fish translates that one as "Here you make only a short intermediate rest. Your journey continues directly."

Edited by Pork King
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I used to be a devout bable fish user, untill arabic became a staple in my internet life.

Bable fish does not have an arabic option, instead I use google translate.

Google doesn't translate word for word I find, and it tried to correct semantics and grammer, this can be both a blessing and a curse.


Anyhoo, as far as your post goes, just copy and paste the text into your favorite online translator.

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This came out in the Groundspeak Newsletter today, but I don't know how it works translating other languages back into English. It's mainly for pages that are constant on the system (the ones that don't change) but it looks like eventually Groundspeak would be able to make the whole website translate-able (I added the bold):


Hello from Groundspeak! This is your weekly update from Groundspeak for 10 June 2010 to 17 June 2010.



Geocaching.com Now in Six Languages



The latest update to Geocaching.com allows you to view sections of the website in a number of different languages, including German (Deutsch), French (Français), Portuguese (Português), Czech (Čeština), Swedish (Svenska), and English!


Our goal is to localize/translate the entire website and we are starting with the most often used pages. Portions of the Hide and Seek a Cache, Nearest Caches, Cache Details, Log a Cache / View log and Submit a Geocache pages are now available in languages other than English.


You can temporarily choose your preferred language using the navigation links on the bottom of each Geocaching.com page - this will last for your current session on the site. To set a permanent language preference, please log in and visit your Account Preferences page at http://www.geocaching.com/account/ManagePreferences.aspx.


If you would like to help translate the site into your language, please visit the Localized Languages and Translated Pages Knowledge Book for more information:



Thank you very much to the volunteers who provided the translations thus far!


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Ich würde einfach mal behaupten, dass die Babelfisch Übersetzung garnicht so schlecht gewesen ist. (Zumindest im obigen Fall).


As there are a few english speaking people in this forum as well ;) I will give the translation: I would say the babelfish translation is not that bad. (At least in the case mentioned above)

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You can go to the country/language-specific forums here and ask for help.


You could even contact a Cache Owner whose page is written in both the foreign language and in English. It is possible that he/she did not write the English part himself/herself and can not directly help you, but he/she might be able to direct you to someone who can.


The translation sites are not perfect, particularly with words that are not that common in everyday language.

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