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International Space Station

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So I found myself reading the rules for hiding caches the other night and read about outer space caches.....So um I would love to see the listing for the ISS if it really exists. Anybody know how to look it up?


Thanks so much for the help. My wife found it for me using google before I ever got to check back in on the forum ;)


Oh and good point about the difficulty rating...... although it IS very difficult for me to get there right now......


Although the cache placer makes a common mistake by not reading the guidelines. He has it as a 5/5. it is actually a D=1, T=5. The same as a large container on top of Everest would be.


No, this cache is rated correctly. I'm sure we'd all agree that the terrain is easy to rate a 5 (though it should be a 6) since you'll need an orbital space craft to get there. The difficulty rating is more encompassing than just how hard it is to find the box once you've reached the site. It's common fallacy that the difficulty only relates to the "camo". I've put out a 5-star difficulty puzzle cache that doesn't require a fraction of the mental and physical preparation, education, and training that is needed for the trek to the ISS cache. The difficulty rating on getting to the ISS is at least 5 stars. If anything, I'd call this cache under-rated in both categories.


If anyone is willing to sponsor an exploratory trip for me to go find this cache, I'll get back to you about the correct D/T rating.


Unfortunately, even though the cache is listed as active, nobody can log the cache:

"The listing has been locked and is not accepting new log entries."


That makes me wonder if there's a cache there at all. I mean, it's not like anyone will be going up there to check. It's easy for someone to have gotten bored and decided to contact a few friends at Groundspeak and list a cache like that.


That makes me wonder if there's a cache there at all. I mean, it's not like anyone will be going up there to check. It's easy for someone to have gotten bored and decided to contact a few friends at Groundspeak and list a cache like that.


Or more frightening -- perhaps it was muggled and it's a giant conspiracy to keep us from finding out that there is an inter-galactic muggling group working their way through the universe! ;)


If anyone is willing to sponsor an exploratory trip for me to go find this cache, I'll get back to you about the correct D/T rating.

Unfortunately, even though the cache is listed as active, nobody can log the cache: "The listing has been locked and is not accepting new log entries."

I believe if you can prove to Groundspeak that you actually made it to the cache and logged it, they will unlock it for you to log your find. C'mon, let me prove it to you. What's $25 million between friends total strangers?

The difficulty rating on getting to the ISS is at least 5 stars


According to the guidelines the difficulty is how hard is it to find when you get there.


I put the information in clayjar's system recommended by the froggie and it did a 1/5.


In addition here is a quote from the froggies glossary



Geocaches are rated in two categories, each designated on a 5-point scale. Difficulty relates to the mental challenge of finding a cache and terrain describes the physical environment. A 1/1 difficulty/terrain rating would the easiest cache to find, while a 5/5 difficulty/terrain rating would be the most difficult.


I am sticking with 1/5


The difficulty should include more than just the space flight to get there, it should include how to get in when you get there. Those are some pretty brave men and women in the ISS but I betcha an unexpected knock on the door would get their full attention! I know if I was wandering around in space I wouldn't open the door for a stranger! :laughing:B)


If anyone is willing to sponsor an exploratory trip for me to go find this cache, I'll get back to you about the correct D/T rating.

Unfortunately, even though the cache is listed as active, nobody can log the cache: "The listing has been locked and is not accepting new log entries."

I believe if you can prove to Groundspeak that you actually made it to the cache and logged it, they will unlock it for you to log your find. C'mon, let me prove it to you. What's $25 million between friends total strangers?


But wait a second, does GS require or even ask for proof of a find for any other cache? Aside from that, isn't there something about being placed in a building that the general public doesn't have access to? Or what about placing a cache where you'd most likely need to first pass a security clearance. I'm just saying...(not really debating the point, just having fun).

Posted (edited)

Although the cache placer makes a common mistake by not reading the guidelines. He has it as a 5/5. it is actually a D=1, T=5. The same as a large container on top of Everest would be.

Have you been to the ISS? I bet there are lots of places there to hide a container. I don't think it would be a D-1. Although there are a few spoilers in the write up.


That makes me wonder if there's a cache there at all. I mean, it's not like anyone will be going up there to check. It's easy for someone to have gotten bored and decided to contact a few friends at Groundspeak and list a cache like that.

Maybe you should read a little bit of the history and activity of the person who placed it there. He has been there. He has placed other geocaches. He has a lot of money, spare time, and an adventurous spirit. Groundspeak isn't in the habit of listing bogus caches merely to torment a few forum denizens. If the listing had been posted on April 1, and there were images of black helicopters on the page, I might be suspicious.

Edited by wimseyguy
The difficulty rating on getting to the ISS is at least 5 stars


I put the information in clayjar's system recommended by the froggie and it did a 1/5.



I put it in Clayjar's system and got 5/5.


I think where we disagree is on the last question in the Clayjar form:


How easy is it to find the cache?

Cache is in plain sight or location is fairly obvious.

Cache could be in one of several locations. Hunter may have to look for a while.

Cache may be very well hidden, may be multi-leg, or may use clues to location.

Cache likely requires special skills, knowledge, or in-depth preparation to find. May require multiple days or trips to find

Finding this cache requires very specialized knowledge, skills, or equipment. This is a serious mental or physical challenge.

Please consider visibility, accessibility, and relative signal strength due to tree cover or other obstructions when answering this question.


I think you must have checked "Cache is in plain sight or location is fairly obvious." Which may be true. But it's also true that "Cache likely requires special skills, knowledge, or in-depth preparation to find. May require multiple days..."


Or even "This is a serious mental or physical challenge."


You aren't going to get to the ISS, find the cache, and get home in a day. It's at least a 4.

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