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Should there be a minimum age requirement to post a cache

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I've been wondering why Groundspeak doesn't have a minimum age requirement in its TOU for registering an account on the site and planting/posting caches. Can we really expect a 10 year old to be a responsible cache owner?


Can we expect anyone who must rely on their parents/guardians to buy the supplies (GPS, container, logbook, swag), take them to the cache (kids can't drive) to plant the cache and to maintain the cache in a timely fashion, take care of the online clues - obtain their own email account and check it often for alerts.


Should there be a check box when posting a cache that says:


O I am 18 years of age or older


I've been wondering why Groundspeak doesn't have a minimum age requirement in its TOU for registering an account on the site and planting/posting caches. Can we really expect a 10 year old to be a responsible cache owner?


Can we expect anyone who must rely on their parents/guardians to buy the supplies (GPS, container, logbook, swag), take them to the cache (kids can't drive) to plant the cache and to maintain the cache in a timely fashion, take care of the online clues - obtain their own email account and check it often for alerts.


Should there be a check box when posting a cache that says:


O I am 18 years of age or older


As a 17 year old planning to plant a cache, I think this would be a bad plan. There's no "magic age" at which someone becomes capable of maintaining a cache. If it's not being maintained properly, just report it.


I would say when they can be reasonably maintain the cache without assistance from other, such as getting parents to drive them. So I would say 16 or 17. BUT... when kids start caching at a young age I think we can expect them to be able to place caches very well when they are younger. Someone who grew up caching from age 4 can probably place a better cache than a 45 year old who has been caching for 2 months.


I would say when they can be reasonably maintain the cache without assistance from other, such as getting parents to drive them. So I would say 16 or 17. BUT... when kids start caching at a young age I think we can expect them to be able to place caches very well when they are younger. Someone who grew up caching from age 4 can probably place a better cache than a 45 year old who has been caching for 2 months.


^ I think that's about right.


Besides, Do you really want more rules (or "guidelines")?

How about a rule that only certain containers can be used? etc...


I believe the premise that persons younger than 18 are without financial resources and lack the ability to walk, ride a bike or use public transportation is flawed. Also, many persons under 18 are more adept at using communication devices than many people over 50 ever will be.


I'm also wondering how it would be possible to deal with the age of dogs that have accounts. :P


♫ Never in a hundred, never in a thousand, never in a million years... ♪♫ :P


Because... many younger people "get it" whereas some older ones don't (ever)!

Sure, there is a learning curve to any new endeavor -- have not you seen sorry or lame caches placed by other than young people or kids? I think most all of us have.

There are some pretty young ones (not old enough to drive yet) that have posted in these forums with better intuitive remarks (and questions) than older people. It just seems fitting that they at least grasp what geocaching is about -- unlike adults that cry about junk or lame swag.


Besides, if there were an age limit, you are sure gonna cut into the boy scout/girl scout picture. Yes, they have guidance adults, and some of them are very good but I often wonder about the ones that do not qualify as "some of them". Too, what about the grade school class project?

I can hear the parents now, "But it is his/her cache, and that is how they want to do it".


I dunno about an age requirement. It sort of falls in-line with a "minimum finds" requirement.


On the face of it, I think it would cut into the "family oriented" aspect of geocaching.




Oh sure, because it's so hard for a 12 year old to click the check box that says they're 18, do you have any idea how many people do that to play online games and such. Besides, how would they know that it was a young person unless they didn't check the box? Yes somebody could meet them as they go to check on their cache, but where's your proof that it wasn't the adult who hid the cache sending their kid off to check on it?


I am planning on placing a cache within walking distance of my house. I am under 18, but I have a lot of time just sitting around doing nothing (look at my number of posts vs. how long I've been in this game) and would probably be checking on it a couple times a week. This is really no different than wanting people to not be able to hide a cache until they've found 100. Just because you're 18 doesn't mean that you're suddenly responsible, and it doesn't mean you're never responsible earlier. Just because you've found 100 LPCs doesn't mean you're any better than the person who's found 20 caches, each with their own unique style.


I believe the premise that persons younger than 18 are without financial resources and lack the ability to walk, ride a bike or use public transportation is flawed. Also, many persons under 18 are more adept at using communication devices than many people over 50 ever will be.


I'm also wondering how it would be possible to deal with the age of dogs that have accounts. :P


Well lets just add a maximum age requirement and species requirement while were at it.


Maybe we can add a motor vehicle access requirement too. Maybe also a minimum requirement for how much free time people have to cache.


There problem solved right? :P


There is a cache near me that was put out by a 4 year old. Now, I'm quite sure his parents had a lot to do with helping him hide the cache, and they help him maintain the cache. However, I'm sure it is a thrill for the kid to have a cache of his own. The cache has been out there for a couple years and is doing just fine.

Posted (edited)

I believe the premise that persons younger than 18 are without financial resources and lack the ability to walk, ride a bike or use public transportation is flawed. Also, many persons under 18 are more adept at using communication devices than many people over 50 ever will be.


I'm also wondering how it would be possible to deal with the age of dogs that have accounts. :P


Well lets just add a maximum age requirement and species requirement while were at it.


Maybe we can add a motor vehicle access requirement too. Maybe also a minimum requirement for how much free time people have to cache.


There problem solved right? :P


You must have at least 1000 caching hours under your belt, as well as 10 geoscars, and 3 GPS units!

Edited by silksmybaby
.... take them to the cache (kids can't drive) ......


What ever happened to bicycles and feet as modes of transportation?

what are those, I think that those went out along with the dinosaurs, or were they even around then? :P


there is a cacher that started placing caches at age 14. He has a bunch. A few of them are bland, but he has a few that are really cool.


All of them are maintained.


I don't think there should be a limit on age. We have all seen caches placed by adults which make you wonder. Your never going to get away from a bad cache here and there. I don't think its fair to say that if you are 7 years old, you can't have a cache. Most youngsters go with their parents anyway, and if they are going to place a cache, I am sure it would be done with the parents anyway.


I think all of the systems in place to make sure caches that are active are maintained and within guidelines is plenty.


Hmm. I know cachers over the age of 40 that have placed lame hides (IMHO) and don't do a great job maintaining them and these are cachers with over 5000 finds. Maybe the rule should be: No one over the age of 18 can hide a cache. :P


18 is too high, at about 10-12 they'd often be responsible enough to check it regularly, especially if they're parents know about it, and below that it would probably be the parents hiding but letting the child believe that it's entirely them.

.... take them to the cache (kids can't drive) ......


What ever happened to bicycles and feet as modes of transportation?


But can they go out to the cache without seeking permission from a parent? What if the parent forbids the child to go without their supervision and then doesn't have the time to supervise a visit? I suppose that falls under a unfortunate CO experience and the cache goes unmaintained and eventually archived. Still I don't see how a child (someone not of the 'age of majority') can be asked to be responsible without the express permission of the guardian. Anyway, I'm curious about why the site allows anyone including infants to register on the site? Just thought their might be some legalities with regards to the TOU. Guess not.


I believe the premise that persons younger than 18 are without financial resources and lack the ability to walk, ride a bike or use public transportation is flawed. Also, many persons under 18 are more adept at using communication devices than many people over 50 ever will be.


I'm also wondering how it would be possible to deal with the age of dogs that have accounts. :P


Well lets just add a maximum age requirement and species requirement while were at it.


Maybe we can add a motor vehicle access requirement too. Maybe also a minimum requirement for how much free time people have to cache.


There problem solved right? :P


You must have at least 1000 caching hours under your belt, as well as 10 geoscars, and 3 GPS units!


And you must have released at least 15 TBs and 5 GCs, plus walked 5 miles uphill both ways.


I believe the premise that persons younger than 18 are without financial resources and lack the ability to walk, ride a bike or use public transportation is flawed. Also, many persons under 18 are more adept at using communication devices than many people over 50 ever will be.


I'm also wondering how it would be possible to deal with the age of dogs that have accounts. :P


Well lets just add a maximum age requirement and species requirement while were at it.


Maybe we can add a motor vehicle access requirement too. Maybe also a minimum requirement for how much free time people have to cache.


There problem solved right? :P


You must have at least 1000 caching hours under your belt, as well as 10 geoscars, and 3 GPS units!


And you must have released at least 15 TBs and 5 GCs, plus walked 5 miles uphill both ways.


In the snow!

:P My son is thirteen and placed his first cache when he was twelve. We spent hours at the home depot picking out the right materials for his design. So much so that I finally had to tell the salesperson it was a project and to let us be. My son is homeschooled and checks his cache regularly as well as makes sure there is paper and a writing utensil. I think it would be a shame to raise the age as this is a great activity for him. He placed it close enough to our house that he could maintain it as well as watch to see people find it. He has had several replies on his clever design!

Picture this:


CacherMom and CacherDad and CacherKid go caching together all the time. It's their favorite thing to do as a family. Mom and Dad drive while Kid reads the clues out loud to them. Kid loves getting to hold the GPS, and often finds the caches before Mom or Dad. Kid always signs the logbooks, and loves choosing just the right swag to trade, never forgetting Mom and Dad's instructions to trade up or even.


In this situation, why shouldn't Kid be allowed to register on the site and post their own log, get their own find count, and collect their own smilies?


Now, after finding all those caches with Mom and Dad, and even helping them make their own hides, Kid wants to make a cache all on their very own. Kid chooses the theme and name of the cache, and carefully chooses what swag to fill it with. Mom and Dad take Kid to their favorite park, and offer gentle feedback on the potential hiding spots Kid chooses. They help Kid write the cache page, and help read the owner emails that come after people start logging the cache. When the cache needs maintenance, they take Kid to fix it. Kid loves being a cache owner, and seeing all the logs people write and all the treasure they leave in his/her cache. They love looking at their very own profile, and seeing: "Found, ##. Hidden, 1"


If there was a blanket ban on kids owning caches, Kid wouldn't get all that fun. Kids love being able to do things for themselves, and getting all the credit on their very own account can make them feel very proud of themselves.


I know several 50+ year olds who play this game and should never have been allowed to place a cache.


My son "found" his first cache with me at age 4 months. He has been there through years of tough finds. He now has a hide, although he is only 6 years old. He, more than most adults, understands the idea of maintaining a cache, as only a child can - he says that it would be "wrong" or "bad" if the cache was not there when someone else was looking for it. Are you telling me that he should not have this cache listed?


We already have guidelines and mechanisms in place to ensure that badly maintained caches are dealt with. There's no need to single out younger cachers - there are plenty of adults who do a bad job at maintaining their caches.


I believe the premise that persons younger than 18 are without financial resources and lack the ability to walk, ride a bike or use public transportation is flawed. Also, many persons under 18 are more adept at using communication devices than many people over 50 ever will be.


I'm also wondering how it would be possible to deal with the age of dogs that have accounts. :P


Well lets just add a maximum age requirement and species requirement while were at it.


Maybe we can add a motor vehicle access requirement too. Maybe also a minimum requirement for how much free time people have to cache.


There problem solved right? :P


Ooh... Ooh... Can we add a race requirement too? And make sure that all cache owners are good Catholics? :)


Apartheid FTW! :P




I believe the premise that persons younger than 18 are without financial resources and lack the ability to walk, ride a bike or use public transportation is flawed. Also, many persons under 18 are more adept at using communication devices than many people over 50 ever will be.


I'm also wondering how it would be possible to deal with the age of dogs that have accounts. :P


Well lets just add a maximum age requirement and species requirement while were at it.


Maybe we can add a motor vehicle access requirement too. Maybe also a minimum requirement for how much free time people have to cache.


There problem solved right? :P


Ooh... Ooh... Can we add a race requirement too? And make sure that all cache owners are good Catholics? :)


Apartheid FTW! :P




How about an intelligence requirement. That would probably get rid of 90% of the LPCs.


You know, where is this thread going? Really, people. Some of the absolute worst hides I hast ever seen are unsupervised teen or even pre-teen hides. I'm talking film Canisters tossed into the Quizno's landscaping in full view of patrons (I'll bet the 12 yr. old cache placer had permission for that one, eh?); or maybe caches tossed into the grass in drainage ditches in residential neighborhoods in full view of 50 homeowners?


I'd never go for an age requirement, but seriously now, Apartheid references?


By the way. The Boy Scout Merit Badge in Geocaching requires a cache placement. I'm just sayin'. :P


Apartheid references?


Alright I went back through the posts and didn't see anything like this. Give me a break. If someone even types the word "race" now we have Apartheid references?!?!?


I think that White Urkels shouldn't be allowed to cache.


You know, where is this thread going? Really, people. Some of the absolute worst hides I hast ever seen are unsupervised teen or even pre-teen hides. I'm talking film Canisters tossed into the Quizno's landscaping in full view of patrons (I'll bet the 12 yr. old cache placer had permission for that one, eh?); or maybe caches tossed into the grass in drainage ditches in residential neighborhoods in full view of 50 homeowners?


I'd never go for an age requirement, but seriously now, Apartheid references?


By the way. The Boy Scout Merit Badge in Geocaching requires a cache placement. I'm just sayin'. :P


All people under the age of 18 should not be allowed to hide caches because they're irresponsible and won't maintain their caches.


That's not discrimination? :P It's certainly prejudice!


I'll agree that it's nowhere near apartheid, but forbidding those beneath the age of 18 to place caches is insane. At the very least, it calls the family friendly nature of the sport into question


I think that White Urkels shouldn't be allowed to cache.


See, it's the men ruining it.


and narcissas...BTW, very appropriate name...


Apartheid references?


Alright I went back through the posts and didn't see anything like this. Give me a break. If someone even types the word "race" now we have Apartheid references?!?!?


I think that White Urkels shouldn't be allowed to cache.


I did jokingly say 'Apartheid FTW!' after suggesting (with equal jest) that race requirements should accompany the age requirements...


Perhaps TWU took that to mean that telling young geocachers (and I stress that they are geocachers after all) is the same thing as apartheid. That's not what I said, but it is true that doing this would create two classes of cachers; those with the privilege of placing caches, and those without.


If we're going to do that, we would definitely be better off limiting cache placement to premium members.


By the way. The Boy Scout Merit Badge in Geocaching requires a cache placement. I'm just sayin'. :P


See, it's the men ruining it.


Oops. Can't argue with that one. :P


I think that White Urkels shouldn't be allowed to cache.


See, it's the men ruining it.


and narcissas...BTW, very appropriate name...


Because she's pretty, like a daffodil? :P


Apartheid references?


Alright I went back through the posts and didn't see anything like this. Give me a break. If someone even types the word "race" now we have Apartheid references?!?!?


I think that White Urkels shouldn't be allowed to cache.


drfred shouldn't be allowed to post until he reads all the posts and then waits and reads them again. :P


I've been wondering why Groundspeak doesn't have a minimum age requirement in its TOU for registering an account on the site and planting/posting caches. Can we really expect a 10 year old to be a responsible cache owner?


Can we expect anyone who must rely on their parents/guardians to buy the supplies (GPS, container, logbook, swag), take them to the cache (kids can't drive) to plant the cache and to maintain the cache in a timely fashion, take care of the online clues - obtain their own email account and check it often for alerts.


Should there be a check box when posting a cache that says:


O I am 18 years of age or older

kids can mow lawns for the money and can ride their bicycles to the site.

however they should not be taking readings with their crappy iphones.


I've been wondering why Groundspeak doesn't have a minimum age requirement in its TOU for registering an account on the site and planting/posting caches. Can we really expect a 10 year old to be a responsible cache owner?


Can we expect anyone who must rely on their parents/guardians to buy the supplies (GPS, container, logbook, swag), take them to the cache (kids can't drive) to plant the cache and to maintain the cache in a timely fashion, take care of the online clues - obtain their own email account and check it often for alerts.


Should there be a check box when posting a cache that says:


O I am 18 years of age or older

kids can mow lawns for the money and can ride their bicycles to the site.

however they should not be taking readings with their crappy iphones.


I would like to know the percentage of iPhone owners vs the percentage of people that don't have an iPhone who call them "crappy".




I've been wondering why Groundspeak doesn't have a minimum age requirement in its TOU for registering an account on the site and planting/posting caches. Can we really expect a 10 year old to be a responsible cache owner?


Can we expect anyone who must rely on their parents/guardians to buy the supplies (GPS, container, logbook, swag), take them to the cache (kids can't drive) to plant the cache and to maintain the cache in a timely fashion, take care of the online clues - obtain their own email account and check it often for alerts.


Should there be a check box when posting a cache that says:


O I am 18 years of age or older

kids can mow lawns for the money and can ride their bicycles to the site.

however they should not be taking readings with their crappy iphones.


I would like to know the percentage of iPhone owners vs the percentage of people that don't have an iPhone who call them "crappy".




I don't own a iPhone because I think they are crappy. :P


I've been wondering why Groundspeak doesn't have a minimum age requirement in its TOU for registering an account on the site and planting/posting caches. Can we really expect a 10 year old to be a responsible cache owner?


Can we expect anyone who must rely on their parents/guardians to buy the supplies (GPS, container, logbook, swag), take them to the cache (kids can't drive) to plant the cache and to maintain the cache in a timely fashion, take care of the online clues - obtain their own email account and check it often for alerts.


Should there be a check box when posting a cache that says:


O I am 18 years of age or older

kids can mow lawns for the money and can ride their bicycles to the site.

however they should not be taking readings with their crappy iphones.


I would like to know the percentage of iPhone owners vs the percentage of people that don't have an iPhone who call them "crappy".




I don't own a iPhone because I think they are crappy. :P


I would discuss your uneducated opinion here but it would be off topic.



and narcissas...BTW, very appropriate name...


Huh? What does posting facetious comments have to do with daffodils?

I believe drfred was referring to narcissists, who are essentially huge egomaniacs... They think only of themselves.


So what I'm hearing from some of you is, it's OK for a kid (under the age of majority) to have a cache but a parent/guardian is actually the one supervising and in control. The parent sets up the email account and reads the emails/logs that come in, the parent uses the posting as a teaching experience for the child, and one of those responsibilities being cache maintenance. The parent is actually the one in charge and ultimately responsible.


Or do most feel it's OK for a minor to register on this site and post a cache autonomously?


So what I'm hearing from some of you is, it's OK for a kid (under the age of majority) to have a cache but a parent/guardian is actually the one supervising and in control. The parent sets up the email account and reads the emails/logs that come in, the parent uses the posting as a teaching experience for the child, and one of those responsibilities being cache maintenance. The parent is actually the one in charge and ultimately responsible.


Or do most feel it's OK for a minor to register on this site and post a cache autonomously?

for a kid (going by the description of kid:5-9 "tween": 10-12 and teen:13-19) yes, USUALLY the parent is the one doing all of the work and giving the kid a sense of ownership, but once you're older you generally would be the one responsible, and by the time you're a teen, sometimes your parents may not even know about the cache*. Once again might I say, you would need to lower the limit because you would be responsible enough to maintain a cache at more of around 10, and by setting the limit at 10then all you'd be doing by setting a limit would be robbing younger children from a fair share of their feeling of ownership.


*this is only with certain teens, they range from perfectly polite to vandals/criminals, don't lump them together as all vandals/criminals

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