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Who urinates in caches?

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Has this happened to anyone else?

Be there villains in this game of ours?


Probably a muggle thinking it to be funny - or - maybe water got into the cache and it only looks like the real stuff. It has never happened to me but I found some caches in the woods that got water in it and with a little bit of earth or soil it might get a color thats pretty similar to pee.


Best regards




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Has this happened to anyone else?

Be there villains in this game of ours?


Well, not necessarily our own villians, but often muggles. There was actually a serial cache defecator in my town. Two caches, a few hundred feet apart along the same abandoned rail line next a park. One in 2002, and the other in 2007. He's due to come out of hiding and strike again any time now. Doo-doo happens, I suppose.

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It was a 30 cal ammo box, well hidden. This cache has had radios stolen that were part of the cache's theme... clearly marked NOT to take... this cache was not muggled. It wasn't the color... it was the SMELL. Terrible thing to do. I've archived it. Very disgusting.

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unfortunately there are a lot of sick/stupid, whatever you wanna call them, people out there


we went to a cache just after it has been cleaned off by the CO, and from the logs sounds like someone decided to use the container as a condom


its times like this that this quote comes to mind;


"I love humanity, but I hate people." - Edna St. Vincent Millay

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Funny thing is, the container is a film can.

Did they at least leave a note explaining why? Something to the effect of, "I am leaving my liquid waste on this cache to express my discontent at you using the poster child of crappy containers!"? ;)

What about those that found poo in a ammo can ;)

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Three kinds of people would do this. Miscreants, knuckleheads and morons. To their credit, idiots, dunderheads and jerks wouldn't stoop so low. Blockheads I'm not so sure about.

What about psychos? lunatics? escaped convicts? Signal the frog? ;)


note: signal was just added in as a joke, not to say that he's an idiot/dunderhead/jerk/psycho/lunatic

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There was someone in England a while ago that was trashing caches and leaving adult related items in some containers. His identity was found and the police paid him a visit for stealing and defacing other peoples property.

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Funny thing is, the container is a film can.

Did they at least leave a note explaining why? Something to the effect of, "I am leaving my liquid waste on this cache to express my discontent at you using the poster child of crappy containers!"? ;)

Did you read my entire post or just the line you referenced? The film can was just a stage with coords. The coords are on a label stuck to the inside meaning the cacher who found it in the bad state could still read the coords after dumping out the offending liquid. The final is a large lock-n-lock but they chose to relieve themselves in the tiny film can. Perhaps they didn't measure up for the final ;) .


For anything other than stages of a multi, you're right, film cans are crappy containers.

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Three kinds of people would do this. Miscreants, knuckleheads and morons. To their credit, idiots, dunderheads and jerks wouldn't stoop so low. Blockheads I'm not so sure about.


You left out losers. Sad sad losers. Bored sad losers who have no life and a twisted sense of humor that involves causing pain and angst among others. They probably are not the class bully, they probably got repeatedly beat by the bully, and just like spit, piss also rolls downhill. ;)

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There are people who think they are funny, who never got past the mentality of 6 years old.


While out caching this weekend in a beautiful state park I discovered two young men tearing down small trees and throwing them over the cliff for laughs.


I asked them if they had some spraypaint so they could leave their names, too. They didn't understand. I said, you're not 4 years old anymore grow up. 'For what?' You're tearing apart the forest to throw bits of it off a cliff. Whatever for? They mumbled something about being sorry and I told them not to waste their apologies on me, but go apologise to the people who work for the park.




There's something fundamentally wrong with the self-centeredness of Americans. The spirit of the individual is to achieve great things, not to see how much stupidity one can get away with. It's like Family Guy is a documentary some times.


I wonder if being caught and dressed-down for what they did will have any lasting impact or they laughed it off once safely clear of an adult.

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It was a 30 cal ammo box, well hidden. This cache has had radios stolen that were part of the cache's theme... clearly marked NOT to take... this cache was not muggled. It wasn't the color... it was the SMELL. Terrible thing to do. I've archived it. Very disgusting.
Why do you say that it "was not muggled"? Just because nothing was stolen doesn't mean that this was done by a geocacher, if that is what you are implying.
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There's something fundamentally wrong with the self-centeredness of Americans.

Yup. That must be it. No other nation on Earth has self centered fidiots as citizens. :rolleyes:


You read it wrong, the emphasis is on 'self-centeredness' Not that Americans have the corner on the market.


The more I go out caching the more evidence I see of people who do not care a lick about anyone but themselves.


Without them the CITO would be the stuff of science fiction/fantasy. If graffiti were non-existent then spray paint sales would be half what they are. If people wouldn't unload their trash, broken furniture or defunct appliances on backroads, more roads would be open to the general public.


The word 'social' is bandied about like an epithet, where were people to accept more social responsibility it would be a cleaner, less ugly world.


I still have memories of city streets piled with so much discarded items and trash in Flint, Michigan, a car couldn't make it down them. Not exactly the sort of place I'd want to hide a geocache, let alone live. What compels someone to do that?


Not too much different from the kids I caught tearing down small trees in the Forest of Nisene Marks on Sunday. It didn't even seem to occur to these kids what they were doing was wrong. Who is supposed to teach them values if their parents do not?


I've certainly found caches with the stink of urine, though usually I expect as the result of a dog marking its territory - opening an ammo can and doing that, well, that takes a special brand of antisocial behavior. Too easily can I imagine whoever did it thought they were being funny and their sole enjoyment derived from such behavior is the greater good.

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Someone once urinated in the first stage container of one of my multis. Funny thing is, the container is a film can. It hurts my brain just trying to understand the thought process of that individual.


I can't even pee in a UA cup well... I can't imagine trying to pee in a film container.


In this world there will always be people that just want to spoil fun and other people's property. I lost a set of rose bushes one year to the neighbor's kid snowmobile when he decided it was ok to use my driveway to access his yard. Same kid also cut a large hole in my brand new chain link fence right after I put it up. Other kids from that family caused various other damage to property problems. Do I think they were inherently bad or selfish people? No. I think they were dumb and misguided people who couldn't know any better because they had absolutely no one in their lives to teach them any better. I couldn't hold them to a standard I knew they couldn't reach because they had no understanding of social things like that. That being said after a few run ins with me they did learn some boundaries before moving.

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Someone once urinated in the first stage container of one of my multis. Funny thing is, the container is a film can. It hurts my brain just trying to understand the thought process of that individual.


Maybe the other types of containers were too big for him. :rolleyes:

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I must admit, for the film canister they must have been trying to annoy. It takes some skill to do that, and what's the point of peeing in a film canister instead of the ground if not to annoy? I bet if these are geocachers, they're the same ones who falsely log TBs.

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I have frequently felt the desire to do so, but have (so far) managed to resist the urge.


If it's a lame cache, doing so only punishes those who look for it, not the hider.


Which is another thread topic altogether, how do you go about telling a hider you don't like their hide (and thus may lose a smiley you claimed.)

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There's something fundamentally wrong with the self-centeredness of Americans people.


people.. there are people outside the US too, and they're as ignorant and self-centered. They don't hold the patent for that (either).

I'm wading in trash in certain places here in my tiny little country when I cache, and there are stories of caches being stolen, emptied out, filled with fish (yes, that happened) too..

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I wonder if being caught and dressed-down for what they did will have any lasting impact or they laughed it off once safely clear of an adult.


With the right kids it definitely will. It's easy to look at a kid doing something stupid and know now that it's stupid. I'm sure if we all had a documentary of our first 20 years and we were forced to watch it you would be yelling at the screen multiple times. Even the most mature and respectable kids can end up doing something that is seemingly devoid of all logic. It just happens, kids do stupid stuff and they don't even know why, then they look back and think "wow that was dumb, I really shouldn't do that ever again". I know for a fact that being called out for something I was doing (whether intentionlly or out of ignorance) by somebody I didn't now was quite embarrassing and made a lasting impression.

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I once found a cache that was constructed from a urine sample container. It was full of yellow pee-like liquid. Unscrewing the lid revealed the log in a separate isolated part of the container. I thought it was pretty funny. As I recall it was hidden near a hospital.


More on topic with the thread, I found a cache that had been muggled by someone who claimed to be part of a nude hiking club. He claimed he had opened the Playdoh that had been left as a trade item, and rubbed his privates in it. Perhaps that's the real reason Playdoh shouldn't be left in caches - nothing to do with animals thinking it is food.

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He claimed he had opened the Playdoh that had been left as a trade item, and rubbed his privates in it. Perhaps that's the real reason Playdoh shouldn't be left in caches - nothing to do with animals thinking it is food.


My daughter is NEVER taking play-doh from a cache again :laughing: Gross!

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I had a cache out once that was a metal wall socket blank with magnets. I placed it in a parking lot on a lamp post. It was one of my first hides.


One day I got an email from another cacher. He said that the cache was missing and some one had left a note. I went to look for it and on the lamp post in sharpie marker it said, "Sorry, I took your geocache thingy."


Now I pondered this for a while.


If some one wanted it, what could they possibly do with it. And if they were just taking it, why leave a note on a lamp post?


Some muggles are just tool's I guessed it was teenagers, as there was stupid tagging on the lamp post in sharpie and on some of the other posts.


I can see teenagers doing stuff like urinating or defecating in caches etc because its a juvenile thing to do. I would hope it wouldn't be a grown person.


Then again there are some sicko's out there.

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I had to do a 24-hour urinalysis once. You know, where you save all your pee for analysis. They gave me a special bottle and everything. When I brought the sample in to the nurse, I remarked how difficult it was, because the opening on the jug was so small.


She stood there holding it with this look on her face and says, "you weren't supposed to go directly into the jug."


All I'm saying is, you can be pretty sure all these pee vandals are male.

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I had to do a 24-hour urinalysis once. You know, where you save all your pee for analysis. They gave me a special bottle and everything. When I brought the sample in to the nurse, I remarked how difficult it was, because the opening on the jug was so small.


She stood there holding it with this look on her face and says, "you weren't supposed to go directly into the jug."


All I'm saying is, you can be pretty sure all these pee vandals are male.


Especially if the cache is up in a tree. Some might even consider it a challenge.

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I had to do a 24-hour urinalysis once. You know, where you save all your pee for analysis. They gave me a special bottle and everything. When I brought the sample in to the nurse, I remarked how difficult it was, because the opening on the jug was so small.


She stood there holding it with this look on her face and says, "you weren't supposed to go directly into the jug."


All I'm saying is, you can be pretty sure all these pee vandals are male.


Especially if the cache is up in a tree. Some might even consider it a challenge.

You want a real cache-pee challenge? how about a nano cache??

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