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Adopted cache - muggled, replace container or archive & hide new cache?

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I'm finding myself in a situation where a cache that I adopted has been muggled and I need to do something. The original cache was placed 3.5 years ago (just under 180 total logged visits) and it was a unique container. I think that my options are to either try to come up with a replacement container --or-- archive the cache. If I come up with a replacement container it won't be the same cache...the best that I can do is create something that is sort of (possibly) in keeping with the original CO's theme/intent. Or I guess that I could simply put out a different container altogether and revise the description. But that has me thinking that perhaps it might be better to just archive the cache, then create a new one with a totally different container and put it there or nearby.


I do hate to loose the cache "history" of a cache that has been out there for 3.5 years and all that...and for those who've found it, not sure if the location/placement had more meaning or if it was the unique container (or does anyone even care about that stuff?) so I guess that I'm asking for advice from those who have found themselves in a similar situation. Did you take your best shot at creating a similar replacement container or replace it with a totally different container or archive it and hide a new cache? Or is there another alternative that I haven't thought of?




You have already said that the cache would not be the same. I would archive it and start over. Any time you change the experience of a cache you should archive it and submit a new listing. After 3.5 years most of the locals have found it and a new cache would give them an excuse to return.


You have already said that the cache would not be the same. I would archive it and start over. Any time you change the experience of a cache you should archive it and submit a new listing. After 3.5 years most of the locals have found it and a new cache would give them an excuse to return.


Yes, and that was very much my own thought on this (that it was more important that it would be a different cache if I replaced the container) and am hoping that I was headed the right direction with that thought.


That's true if the container is an important part of the experience of that cache. If it was a plain Tupperware container and you replaced it with a LnL it wouldn't really change the experience. If it was a custom designed container, like a fake brick in a brick wall, and you replaced it with a film can it would change the experience so much that it would no longer be the same cache. Obviously those are extremes and how much of a change is acceptable is a subjective decision.


Also keep in mind that not every cache needs to live forever. I often archive a cache when I feel it 's "time". Sometimes I hide a new cache near by and sometimes I leave the space empty for others who are looking to hide a cache.


3.5 years is not particularly old for a cache. I have a number of caches older than that! Nothing particularly historic about them. I just archived a cache five and a half years old. I grew tired of it.

Go with your gut feeling. Archive and replace.


Something else to consider is if there are other caches with that date in your area. Some people like to fill in the little boxes for date placed in their charts. Be sad to loose a local chance for a hidden date if there were not other local options.


***I admit I am one of those people so my opinion on this may be biased.


Something else to consider is if there are other caches with that date in your area. Some people like to fill in the little boxes for date placed in their charts. Be sad to loose a local chance for a hidden date if there were not other local options.


***I admit I am one of those people so my opinion on this may be biased.


Thanks for mentioning that -- I checked and there are definitely other local caches with the same month/year placement date!


Something else to consider is if there are other caches with that date in your area. Some people like to fill in the little boxes for date placed in their charts. Be sad to loose a local chance for a hidden date if there were not other local options.


***I admit I am one of those people so my opinion on this may be biased.


No offense, but that is a non issue.


Archive and replace.

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