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The Carpe Diem Mystery Coin


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i got one of these awesome coins.i havent been feeling great recently and this morning looked set to be another dreadful day with me feeling lousy and run down but my husband said theres a gold bubble mailer in the mail for me and i got all exited. when i saw what was inside i did a little jumpy shuffle dance. ive liked this coin for ages.

i got coin number 66

thanks mystery coin giver. this coin will be cherished for a long time


i got one of these awesome coins.i havent been feeling great recently and this morning looked set to be another dreadful day with me feeling lousy and run down but my husband said theres a gold bubble mailer in the mail for me and i got all exited. when i saw what was inside i did a little jumpy shuffle dance. ive liked this coin for ages.

i got coin number 66

thanks mystery coin giver. this coin will be cherished for a long time


I arrived from the Midwest Geobash this afternoon and what I see from the car??? A golden bubbles envelop! I run and I go open it! Wow! Surprise!!! A mystery coin :( I got the number 25!!


Thanks for thinking of me :lol:




shucks....toojin beat me to it!! lol At the local event tonight I brought a handful of envelopes to open up so we could see who had donated what to River Cachers upcoming event....and voila!!! This BEAUTIFUL coin popped out!!! Its going to be a great event!!! Anyone who hasn't gotten one yet...just make it to the Black Canyon Beach Luau in Emmett, Idaho this weekend for your chance to win one!!




Yesterday i found a golden mailer in my mailbox, too :)


All the photos i saw here are great, but in person this coin is even more beautiful. Definetly one of my favorite coins. I love the design and most of all the message the coin tells :)

This coin got a special place next to my computer, so that i can look at it when i'm sitting in my chair :)


I can't thank you enough mystery sender for this great gift :):wub:


thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, :)


shucks....toojin beat me to it!! lol At the local event tonight I brought a handful of envelopes to open up so we could see who had donated what to River Cachers upcoming event....and voila!!! This BEAUTIFUL coin popped out!!! Its going to be a great event!!! Anyone who hasn't gotten one yet...just make it to the Black Canyon Beach Luau in Emmett, Idaho this weekend for your chance to win one!!




Sounds like fun (even the name) but a bit to far to go from Illinois. Maybe I'll just go and hide a cache nearby or take my son's scout group out caching.


CONGRATULATIONS to all who received this coin.


Yeah, millieballoon! Congratulations on your "Carpe Diem" mystery coin! I was hoping you might have a balloon rendition of the coin to share with everyone. <_<


And congratulations to ALL of the latest recipients. Nothing like receiving a coin unexpectedly!

Posted (edited)

a carpe diem mystery coin made its way through the great american mojave desert to land in barstow california today. barstow is half way between las vegas and los angeles and on route 66. the coin must have wanted to see the mother road! i was so excited i didn't take a photo - and it was dark when i went to the mailbox. but now this gorgeous coin, which is so much prettier in person than in photos, sits next to my imagine peace coin where i can see them every day.


thank you!


forgot to say it is #90. :)

Edited by RedShoesGirl

I was wondering about the gold foil bubble mailer in my mailbox thought it was a disk I ordered until I opened it and looked to see it was addressed by me and apparently sent by me Very cool coin Thank you so very much for Coin #070! I received it a couple days ago and had to figure out which thread it belonged to.


Bag (or mailer) of bones #086 has deemed me worthy, and I am still glowing from receipt of it!




I have admired these since IBcrashen first posted that these existed. I love the saying, and try to live by it. To the creator of this coin, o captain, my captain, thank you for having the vision to create these and then gift them. I must believe that if they were ever sold, they would have out-sold rapidly.


Congratulations again to all past recipients - I'm so thrilled to be in your company! - and to future recipients, may it bring you even half the joy that I feel on this day.


Happy caching, everyone!


Bag (or mailer) of bones #086 has deemed me worthy, and I am still glowing from receipt of it!




I have admired these since IBcrashen first posted that these existed. I love the saying, and try to live by it. To the creator of this coin, o captain, my captain, thank you for having the vision to create these and then gift them. I must believe that if they were ever sold, they would have out-sold rapidly.


Congratulations again to all past recipients - I'm so thrilled to be in your company! - and to future recipients, may it bring you even half the joy that I feel on this day.


Happy caching, everyone!


Congratulations :P and to all congrat's

Posted (edited)

This one reached me the day I got my wisdom teeth pulled :)




It hurt to smile, but I could not help it :rolleyes:


Thx so much


Edited by Tschakko

This one reached me the day I got my wisdom teeth pulled :rolleyes:




It hurt to smile, but I could not help it :(


Thx so much



Ouch :) hope your surprise coin helped dull the pain.

Posted (edited)

We were off on a 2 week adventure to Maine and got back yesterday. I was retrieving the big box of waiting mail whem something caught my eye.....!! A corner of a gold shiney square envelope was peeking out of the stack of bills and flyers. Could it be..? :D WHOOOOO HOOOOO! #74 slipped out of it's envelope into Sue's hands. We did a "mystery coin dance" around the kitchen!!


Thank you to the generous giver of this special coin. It is now on the shelf with our

SPECIAL geo-treasures where it will remain.

Edited by JoenSue
Posted (edited)

Wow! I've never gotten a mystery coin before, so I was sure surprised to get this in today's mail. At first I thought maybe my sister sent me something, since she'll sometimes mail me stuff and put my addy as both the "from" and the "to" address, but when I opened it up, it was one of these mystery coins! It's beautiful and so appreciated! And coincidentally, just this morning I was finishing up putting my new coin stand that a friend made me into my curio cabinet. There were still a few spots left, so this coin got a place of honor right in front.


I've never managed to upload photos before to these forums but I'm going to see if this works, so people can see a close-up of the coin in the display stand and then a shot of the entire display stand.


Thanks again to the mystery giver!


(Editing in: OK, I tried and tried to upload photos after putting them on flikr but can't seem to do it, I seem to be technologically challenged. Anyone know where any sort of guide to uploading photos on these forums is? I googled it and came up with nothing...)

Edited by Doctor A
(Editing in: OK, I tried and tried to upload photos after putting them on flikr but can't seem to do it, I seem to be technologically challenged. Anyone know where any sort of guide to uploading photos on these forums is? I googled it and came up with nothing...)

1. I upload the photo to an archive cache or my personal travel bug.

2. Then I copy the link to the uploaded picture.

3. Then I click the little tree icon at the top of the message creation box.

4. And I use the link from step 2.


WOW!! :huh: Congrats to you, that is one lovely coin!


We got wine yesterday too :laughing: but alas.....no coin :)


No wine here today, but.....out popped skeledude!! :)


How very cool is that? I recently turned that big 50 so I think alot about "Time is Fleeting" and I have indeed been "Siezing the Day" I have learned to kayak, gone on my first backpacking camping trip....what should I try next?


Thank You much Mystery Gifter, this coin will sit front and center on my desk to always remind me to enjoy life to the fullest!! :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)





very nice picture..congratulations!

Edited by drneal

No 075 arrived at our house last week.


I was going to post a photo, but you all know what it looks like and my efforts would pale next the really cool picture Cache Reaper posted.


So I'll just say thanks so very much to the Giver for a really great addition to our collection.


Thanks :)


What a week it was. Wednesday night our dog got sick and we had to put him down. This weekend we wanted to get away and we went up north on a caching trip. We got home tonight and to our suprise a golden envelope was in the mailbox. Number 80 in now in out collection.


Thank you for the great coin and this really lifted our spirits.


What a great day 10 10 10 was for me :) I attented an event bought a few event coins :lol: traded about a half dozen coins B) went on a cache run with 5 car loads of cachers :D And when I arrived home back home 8 hours later I found this sweet looking coin # 89 in my cache bag :D WOOHOO ! !


Wow a new mystery coin. I've heard of these coins but never ran across one yet but then again I've been doing this for 3 months.


Congratz to all those that recieved those coins and great work on the coin looks AWEsome!


Alright..... before I go into a rant, I would really like to thank the mystery coiner for #092! It is SO much better looking in person.... I never noticed the hourglasses in the background until receiving the coin today :D It is a great addition to my growing collection!




I had a long, laborious, and all around bruiser of a day between class, work, and a co-worker trying to get me fired for to save her own job. So after a 45 minute drive home from work, I walked in the house to find my beautiful wife cooking dinner. I grabbed a brew from the fridge, then sat down to talk for a bit when I noticed the golden mailer on the table. To me, from me. I had some figures as to what could be contained.... but didn't know for sure. I slowly opened the envelope.... like dismantling a bomb. And there it sat.... my precious :P What a great closer for the day!


I guess when I really think about it. Even on the worst day, the world ain't that bad. Thank you so much!


Oh ya..... Seize the Carp!


What a surprise to day! I found a gold bubble mailer in my mailbox today, hmmm Mr.Gray? No!!! A #18 Carpe Diem mystery coin :laughing::D:unsure: I didn't think I would be lucky enough to get this great coin since it has been awhile since anyone got this one. This well definitely be a treasured coin! Thank you SO much mystery coin giver for this great coin! B)


I know someone has asked this before, but does anyone know what the marks are to the left of the #? I love this coin and everyone I have showed it to has very impressed with it as well. Thanks again Mystery coin giver!!!!!!!


I know someone has asked this before, but does anyone know what the marks are to the left of the #? I love this coin and everyone I have showed it to has very impressed with it as well. Thanks again Mystery coin giver!!!!!!!


I could be wrong.... but it looks like it could be something written in a Sanscrit derivative.... or it could just be a pretty design. I would also like to know :antenna:

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