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Oh what a night


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And oh what an adventure!

I was walking my friend home tonight from a night of, how you say, debauchery (Friday night in a university town, you know) and we set off at about 4am. At this point I figure “Whats the point in sleeping now” so I walked her home (all gentlemanly like) and I was walking back to my place. At this point its like 5am. So I am walking home and I pass one cache in the park, and while I am oh so tempted I am not willing to risk it sans flashlight and with a dying Iphone (just in case I get super lost). So I continue my journey back and I remember that there is another cache at a local mega-bookstore that I wanted to get. But usually the area is packed with muggles so I think to myself “Well now would be a great time to grab it” but ALAS! I am without Winston my trusty caching pen (as I usually don’t go out at night with caching in mind). I continue on my way home and I pass a gas station so I stop in. Lo and behold they aren’t open yet but luckily for me there is a fellow there delivering newspapers so I barter a pen off of him.


As I continue on my way I arrive at the cash at about 530am and after a quick mix up, which was easily resolved I finally found the hidden magnetic nano, and as I figured the area was completely muggle free so I felt in necessary to dance along the major street back home. Spectacular. So I continue on my way home and finally make it in at about 545am.


Woo hoo!


Just wanted to share before I crash after not sleeping all night. :rolleyes:

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