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Not getting Premium Members only in PQ's

John SKP

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I went caching with friends the other day and I noticed that they had some caches listed that I did not. One was a Premium Member Only cache. We are both Premium members. My PQ has less than 500 caches and I had not checked off any particular type of caches on the PQ. When I got home I tried another PQ but this cache was not on the new PQ. What is wrong?


I went caching with friends the other day and I noticed that they had some caches listed that I did not. One was a Premium Member Only cache. We are both Premium members. My PQ has less than 500 caches and I had not checked off any particular type of caches on the PQ. When I got home I tried another PQ but this cache was not on the new PQ. What is wrong?

Are you sure said PMO cache can be in the search?


Is it close enough?

Is it maybe temporarily unavailable?

Have you set some difficulty / terrain filter which prevents the PMO caches from being part of the PQ.


Could you please name the PMO, which is missing?



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