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Pre-2008 geocoins: Chose your favourite coin and win a prize.

geocoin academy

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It took a while, but now here we go:


Out of the long list (with about 100 top geocoins that appeared up to the year 2007), the 29 most outstanding geocoins were chosen for the short list.


You can find this list here:



There you will also find a link where you can cast your vote for your favourite.

Please note: You can chose one coin only and vote only once.


Submit your vote by April 15, 2010


Five people participating this vote will win a geocoin prize (however not of those coins depicted on that nominee list).


The winning coins (and prize winners) will be anounced in this forum at the end of April 2010.

(Election of the best coins of the years 2008 and 2009 will be held later this year.)


:wub: Sometimes... simplicity makes a coin more beautiful.... :grin:


Not voted yet since there are 6 that I love and I have only 2 of them! One is my favorite, but it is the favorite coin I have.... there is an other coin that it is really my favorite..... :D We will see...


Are the coins who are playing... the one we see in the photos or it is just the name? I mean... if we like an other color combination or an other metal version of the coin... it is still that coin.. right? :grin:


It is a nice vote the one you do! I saw that you are making the same with micros!


I was wondering if there are votings like this one for non trackable coins and for Mystery coins!!! I would love to see a vote for the favorite mystery coin!!! Of course.. this will not mean that other mystery coins will not be prety.... ok? All are so beautiful and unique... just like their makers! :D


Tough choice.... many were easy to discard but it was still a tough vote to cast. Thanks for putting the survey together and am curious to see the results, though it's not hard to imagine.


Voted! My fave wasn't in there – Jumpin' Jack Cache ... wasn't trackable, but is one of the very FIRST coins I ever got (and big). Think it was way back even prior to those on the list. I'm thinking 2003? 2004?


I have only seen one of the coins listed in hand. Sad stat. Chose my favorite geocoin by marking the one I would be the most interested in studying the real coin design; fairly easy. Glad that one was there though, because choosing from the remaining favorites would have been very difficult to narrow down! On the other hand, it is a good thing I already voted and can't change my mind--the tomorrows could have ended up with a different answer/day.

Posted (edited)

Man that was tough! A lot of them are my favourite coins, so it was really hard to pick. But I managed it (then second guessed myself lol)


I own 17 of them, and have seen another 8 in person. Great bunch of coins!

Edited by Cheesy pigs

Looked at this a couple of days ago and chose one but held off voting, wanted to see if I pick it again after a few days.

Yup picked a different one this time I voted before I changed it again, to many good coins to chose :)

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