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So I like the idea of doing this.. However, so far I had a bad streak. I looked for 3 today along the main road in my town. One is not there for sure, road has been repaved. One looks like its going to be in the middle of a house. And the last one looks to be in the middle of the front lawn of a company. I couldnt walk around for long before people started looking at me funny.


Are most of these gone and are we just looking for the survivors? Are metal detectors useful? Thanks!


Metal detectors can be useful, yes.


Your biggest area of issues like this would be suburban areas. For marks along roads like this, the better ones to find would be in country areas - development and sprawl is hell on stations like that.


I couldnt walk around for long before people started looking at me funny.



In cases like this it's best to announce your intentions to the property owner BEFORE looking for the mark.

In many cases they will already know where it is and take you right to it.

If they don't want you looking on their property, you need to know before setting foot there.

Sometimes they will help you look for something they knew nothing about.



One looks like its going to be in the middle of a house.


Are most of these gone and are we just looking for the survivors? Are metal detectors useful? Thanks!


When you say in the middle of a house, it sounds like you are going by the coordinates on the benchmark page. If these are SCALED coordinates then they will not take you to the benchmark, just the general area (plus or minus several hundred feet or more.). You need to follow the description as best you can to find the mark.


Check the benchmark pages for some that have already been recovered so you stand a better chance of finding the benchmarks. You can get a good feel for how things are done, that way.


Good hunting,



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