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Milestone Congratulations


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I don't know if this is a milestone worthy of this page, but on July, 10 I will be turning 40. ARGH! I was thinking about hosting an event at Camp Long in West Seattle that the morning. Basic idea is that I will lay down 10 or 12 temporary caches and each person to find one of the containers will be elidgible to win the cache container in a drawing at the close of the event. Yes appropriate razzing and heckling will be gleefully accepted. I may get older, but I refuse to grow up! Peace, Nolenator

I was thinking about hosting an event at Camp Long in West Seattle that the morning. Basic idea is that I will lay down 10 or 12 temporary caches and each person to find one of the containers will be elidgible to win the cache container in a drawing at the close of the event.

Sounds like a great idea. Once again poor timing for me. My wife, dog, and I will be leaving that morning on the 4:50 ferry for a two week road trip. I'd wait to stop by in the AM, but in order to do everything we need to do we need to make Bozeman before sundown.

Anyway, happy birthday a few weeks in advance. My odometer is flipping over early next year, and I plan on drawing no attention to it. :lol:


And I shall be fighting the heat of central California at that time.


Forty used to be old for me, but now old is like seventy. In a few years that will have to go up as well.

I don't know if this is a milestone worthy of this page, but on July, 10 I will be turning 40.  ARGH!  I was thinking about hosting an event at Camp Long in West Seattle that the morning.  Basic idea is that I will lay down 10 or 12 temporary caches and each person to find one of the containers will be elidgible to win the cache container in a drawing at the close of the event.  Yes appropriate razzing and heckling will be gleefully accepted.  I may get older, but I refuse to grow up!  Peace, Nolenator

That's the same time as the WSGA - Summer Campout and Picnic. Maybe combine functions?


BTW, Happy Birthday, youngster! :lol:

I don't know if this is a milestone worthy of this page, but on July, 10 I will be turning 40.  ARGH!  I was thinking about hosting an event at Camp Long in West Seattle that the morning.  Basic idea is that I will lay down 10 or 12 temporary caches and each person to find one of the containers will be elidgible to win the cache container in a drawing at the close of the event.  Yes appropriate razzing and heckling will be gleefully accepted.  I may get older, but I refuse to grow up!  Peace, Nolenator

That's the same time as the WSGA - Summer Campout and Picnic. Maybe combine functions?


BTW, Happy Birthday, youngster! :blink:

Great Idea!


(From one that is looking at 40 from the OTHER side of the hill).


Congratulations to W7WT for reaching 600 caches! At age 79, he piloted his boat out to Liberty Bay Resort cache, GCHPJ9, and found an underwater cache. Check out his picture on the cache page.

That sucks, two people I really wanted to be there. Oh well, anybody want to go caching with me on my birthday? Peace, Nolenator

:blink: Awe! Wish I could go with you, but I can't!


For some reason I thought you were younger than 40???

Congratulations to W7WT for reaching 600 caches! At age 79, he piloted his boat out to Liberty Bay Resort cache, GCHPJ9, and found an underwater cache. Check out his picture on the cache page.

:blink: That's amazing Dick! Good for you!

Congratulations to Webfoot5 who found A Murder of Crows on 6/25 for #100!


W5 is one of GO's mom's partners - nice going!

:blink: YES! Number 100. The bestest. :)


Where is a A Murder of Crows? It sounds like one I did in Victoria.

Congratulations to Webfoot5 who found A Murder of Crows on 6/25 for #100!


W5 is one of GO's mom's partners - nice going!

:blink: YES! Number 100. The bestest. :)


Where is a A Murder of Crows? It sounds like one I did in Victoria.

Great cache for 100! congrats to you!

Congratulations to Webfoot5 who found A Murder of Crows on 6/25 for #100!


W5 is one of GO's mom's partners - nice going!

:blink: YES! Number 100. The bestest. :)


Where is a A Murder of Crows? It sounds like one I did in Victoria.

Donna...it's one by EraSeek...don't think you've done that one yet...up by Snohomish. Must do! I did that one right at dusk, but no birds.

That sucks, two people I really wanted to be there. Oh well, anybody want to go caching with me on my birthday? Peace, Nolenator

I would love to go with ya dude, but I'm heading for the Camping event for the weekend.

Wienerdog, LanR hit their 1800th last weekend. Congrats!! Special congrats to TIAG for reaching 1000 finds!!!! Yet another 4 digit member joins our club!

B) Hummm..... gee, someone else hit 1800 last weekend.....I wonder..


Congrats Evergreenhiker! on 1800!


Oh, yeah.. Team TIAG, congrats. on 1000! The last time we saw you your number was 999! :)


:) Wisdom from my greatest aunt in Mobile, Alabama...


Turning 40 is the best year ever (kids are grown and out of the house)


After that, old age is always 15 yrs. ahead of you. Every year, just keep saying '15 more years to go'. Hehe.


Congrats to everyoone on their recent milestones! I was down in OR,and stopped in Eugene and found 8 of 11, so now I'm up to 78. Quickly approaching #100!


Congrats to Evergreenhiker! on his 100th FTF, yesterday July 4th! I’m quite honored that it was at my first cache hide.


Well, I managed to get 19 finds in one day. :D That got me to 105 caches. It also got me 2 FTF's :P , 3 caches guarded by stinging nettles :blink: , 4 guarded by blackberry briars :) , 4 with poison oak :lol: , and a big old fish hook that was hidden in a cache and ended up skewering my finger! :)


All in all it was a positive day! I love gettin' out! :D

Well, I managed to get 19 finds in one day. :D That got me to 105 caches. It also got me 2 FTF's :P , 3 caches guarded by stinging nettles :blink: , 4 guarded by blackberry briars :) , 4 with poison oak :lol: , and a big old fish hook that was hidden in a cache and ended up skewering my finger! :)


All in all it was a positive day! I love gettin' out! :D

Wow! Good job! Especially on hte PO ones. I've always had to turn around on those. Congrats on your 100th Find!

Posted (edited)

Congrats to All4Ofus, GoWest, N1ghtHawk, Webfoot5 and others on the milestones. It has been a busy time for everyone lately. :blink:

Edited by Wienerdog

I appears that my old age is catching up with me because I haven't checked this forum lately. Big congrats to EGH!, you will be up with M10B soon. Good job GoWest and all the rest. Did somebody say party, keg of beer? Peace, Nolenator

Posted (edited)

Wow! Congrats everbody on your significant milestones! This really has become an everyday happening now! Fwiw, Sunday was my first whitewater rafting experience with geocaching to boot!

Edited by TotemLake

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