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Milestone Congratulations


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Carkeek Park is such a glorious place to be, and it has one of the oldest active caches in Washington State. Congrats, Glitche Ente, on finding cache number 500 at that historic location. Too bad I didn't get a chance to meet everyone at the Terrace Park CITO event. Maybe next time.

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Congrats to Patudles and we're glad that we got to play a small part with a coin to drop off at her 1000th cache. Congrats to Ambrosia on 500th in our neck of the woods (you will have to come back and finish the rest of the Skagit series some day) and congrats to all the rest that we missed while we were on vaction in Nevada. While we were in Nevada we hit number 400 at a cache that had a lot of special meaning to me. 360 degree view

This cache is at an old ghost town site that my Grandparents lived at when my father was born. There is nothing left of the old mine or the cabins but I had only been up there once before when I was so young that I don't remember much about it.

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While we were in Nevada we hit number 400 at a cache that had a lot of special meaning to me. 360 degree view

This cache is at an old ghost town site that my Grandparents lived at when my father was born. There is nothing left of the old mine or the cabins but I had only been up there once before when I was so young that I don't remember much about it.

Congratulations Ray & Rose, sounds like a great place for a milestone. One worth doing twice huh, :unsure: Glad you got you GPSr back. Thanks for the coin do drop in my 1000th cache. ~ Tudles

Edited by Patudles
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Well, my problem is that I was 12 caches away from 500. I had a cache picked out in Wenatchee to do for my 500th. Then, we decided to go to the Seattle area for business, and a wedding. But we had a bit of time on Saturday and Sunday, so I thought that I might have a chance to do my 500th there.


Since it was at the last minute, and since I didn't know if we would have time to do all of the 12 caches, I wasn't prepared for which one would be my 500th.


I was hoping for getting one near the tulips, but on sunday we were rushing around trying to complete all the caches, and we realized we needed to get back to Seattle for the wedding. Our 499 before leaving was half-canadian's ;) So we got to the wedding just in time. And then, afterwards, the sun was beginning to go down.


So on the way to the reception, we were frantically looking in the computer for a cache to do. :unsure: We're not from Seattle, so we didn't have a clue which cache would be the best. So while I was looking, I saw olmstead interlaken. (probably not spelled right. I have always been fascinated with these gardens, especially since I am a Master Gardener. Interlaken looked like a quiet park, so we headed there.


It was very nice for a 500th, and we immensely enjoyed caching this weekend. Seattle and the Skagit area was beautiful and perfect. :D


Thanks for sharing your caches, wetsiders! Thank you for your congratulations, everybody!


Whoo, hoo!!! :D

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Now that Wienerdog spilled the beans, I'll add my congrats for jcar.

I sure wish I had such adorable models to photograph at my milestones, jcar! :rolleyes:


Speaking of milestones, and Wienerdog, a person's first time caching would be considered a milestone, right? Through an amazing series of coincidences and then perhaps fading memory followed by recovered brain cells, Wienerdog and I both remembered that the first time I went geocaching in January 2004 was at a social studies workshop. Guess who let me use his GPSr the first time I tried caching? That's right, it was Wienerdog (and WonderLost and DiscoCry) who introduced me to the wide world of geocaching. Thank you!

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