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Photo Contest

Mega Scooter

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This contest is in the tradition of Black Dog Tracker’s annual contest and has mostly the same parameters.


I am encouraging you to post the most interesting benchmark pictures you can find, either your own, but preferably someone else's.


Pictures that have previously been posted in other threads may be entered if you believe they have merit. There is no time parameter for this thread.


Entries must have a disk at least vaguely visible in them.


Entries should be accompanied with a link to the associated PID.


No intersection stations (towers, buildings, etc.) To quote BDT “They all look pretty good, but they're not really all that 'benchmarky'.”


A close up picture of a mark is OK only if it includes something interesting in the surrounding environment.


My thoughts on interesting include: beauty, color, composition, unusual, environment, landscape, flora, fauna ... But my interest is what you think is interesting.


I’ll start off with GN0437 a recent post by arrowheadroger. Care to play?



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