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Photo Competition - South Africa

the pooks

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Posted (edited)

I've been inspired by a photo competition on the UK geocaching forums that started here and is now here. Can't we start something similar. As we are not as populous I would suggest something more low key such as


1. Keep it to one topic (not a new topic per month as in the UK forums)

2. All photo's must be geocaching related - ie taken on a geocaching trip, preferably related to a cache (mention the cache). The caches must be South African (but the cachers don't have to be)

3. The winner of the previous round is the judge for the next round.

4. The judge decides the length of the round: it can be after a certain number of photos submitted, or a certain time frame. The judge does not have to specify beforehand as it is meant to be a fun thing and we don't know where it is going.

5. I propose the judge for the first round to be Globalrat - I have heard he/(she?) is quite a whizz with photography (I hope I have not got the tail end here). If he (she?) is not a whizz, does it matter. Disclaimer: I haven't asked Globalrat if he (she?) is willing, so am in the dark here.


C'mon - let the ideas flow...


Edited to add: The photos should preferably be recent - and keep that as vague and open ended as it is meant to be.

Edited by the pooks

I was getting a little worried there for a second because I misread your comment that the photos should preferably be REcent as preferably be DEcent. Sounds like a great idea. There are various other blogs where people log their (non geocaching photos) and then all vote for their favourite one. Just another idea as requested - maybe the last few days of the month(or first days of the following month once all entries are in) people get to "vote" for their favourite photo, someone then counts the votes and we have a winner. It might seem complicated but there probably wont hundreds of entries or votes (yet).


I might even have a bottle of wine that I can sponsor as a prize for the first round to get the ball rolling.


This is a great idea!!! I love looking at the geocaching photos!! It would be great to vote on some and even give it a bash and post some of our own. GlobalRat is a guy - Stephen, and if you want to see brilliant photos, look at Pelican Brief's pics from Kruger Park - amazing! BruceTP also takes some awesome shots - he is really good at taking pics at caches. Of course there is also the brilliant Wazat.....don't know how he does it but he is also very good. Can't wait to start voting..can't we allow three per cacher per month?? One sounds too restrictive....three is a good number! :blink:




Battlefields of Colenso.... Clouston Garden of remembrance - Click on image to be taken to cache page.


Gee whiz Wayne...this is a STUNNING shot..you are brilliant!


What I found appealing of the UK competition format (where the previous winner is the current judge) is that you get some comment/ feedback on the photos. But I'm all for just voting. Perhaps as a first stab we use March for our 1st round of submissions and then at the end of the month we start voting (do we allocate a week for votes? the last week of the month or the 1st week of the next month?)


Max 3 photos per cacher sounds good - remember to keep photos for another round.


Now all we need are submissions or is everybody intimidated by Wazat's first submission!?

Posted (edited)

I know this is not a "full on" photography competition but Ithough some info per phot would be nice such as the following from from Wazats picture


Camera Brand: Canon

Camera Model: Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL

Date Taken: 2008:08:27 17:35:57

Exposure Time: 1/319 sec.

Aperture Value: 7.40 EV (f/13.0)

ISO Speed Rating: 400

Flash Fired: Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode.

Focal Length: 55.0 mm


This will be of interest to others and might help people take better photos!


Oh and for those who might no know how to read this info off their photos - what ever photo program you use should have a facility to allow you to view this information stored in the EXIF tags


You should most likely be able to right click the photo in the FIle Manager and see a summary. Thats how I got this info (I use Linux)


[added] And since this is geocaching why not try to geotag your photos - the easiest way is to record a track on your gps and then use your photo editing program or many of the free downloadable apps that can run through your photos and tag them automatically from your gpx file. Google for solutions - its actually quite easy!!!! Tip before you set out take a picture of your gps showing the time as no doubt the time on your camera will differ - then you just provide the geotagging software with the difference to make sure its accurate! SInce I use Linux I can't give detailed instructions for most of you guys using Windows but Google will get you there!



Edited by trevorh7000
Posted (edited)



Rail Road - GC235MT - Bloemfontein


Henzz - I like trees they can make such great pictures from below. Get right up to the trunk and shoot up.... And if you can get a bug (Not the TB type) in the picture it gives it some perspective....


LoL at the GPS's and to think it still didn't help, but that was a muggled cache anyway so you are excused.... Just goes to show you can have as many GPSr's as you want.... but a muggled cache will always beat them. Well at least that cache is replaced now. GC1MMTP

Edited by Wazat

I know this is not a "full on" photography competition but Ithough some info per phot would be nice such as the following from from Wazats picture


Camera Brand: Canon

Camera Model: Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL

Date Taken: 2008:08:27 17:35:57

Exposure Time: 1/319 sec.

Aperture Value: 7.40 EV (f/13.0)

ISO Speed Rating: 400

Flash Fired: Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode.

Focal Length: 55.0 mm


This will be of interest to others and might help people take better photos!


Oh and for those who might no know how to read this info off their photos - what ever photo program you use should have a facility to allow you to view this information stored in the EXIF tags


You should most likely be able to right click the photo in the FIle Manager and see a summary. Thats how I got this info (I use Linux)


[added] And since this is geocaching why not try to geotag your photos - the easiest way is to record a track on your gps and then use your photo editing program or many of the free downloadable apps that can run through your photos and tag them automatically from your gpx file. Google for solutions - its actually quite easy!!!! Tip before you set out take a picture of your gps showing the time as no doubt the time on your camera will differ - then you just provide the geotagging software with the difference to make sure its accurate! SInce I use Linux I can't give detailed instructions for most of you guys using Windows but Google will get you there!




Hi Trev


Gee....when we take our pics we don't do it with photographic achievements in mind, so our pics will just be the run of the mill snaps. Sorry, guess we don't have the pro photographic skills, nor do we enjoy lugging our heavy, large SLR camera to caches. We prefer our small, basic little snap shot camera which will never take excellent shots with all the pro photographic requirements such as aperture size, etc. :anitongue:


Is this thread supposed to be for pro photos or just whichever photos you take when you go caching?


As a matter of interest I will show you how even a basic camera can make an excellent picture. So do not be put off by fancy Digital SLR's and all the odd requirements... I will upload another when I find it.... You may just be surprised.


Right My 3rd Entry. Non Digital SLR camera. Told you I will have a surprise. Guess what I used here!!! :anitongue:




GC1F4H2 Mini Golden Gate (Now Archived) Centurion.

Posted (edited)

I feel this should be a fun and relaxed thread...

We all have varying degrees of photographic skills...

If it is too competitive some may not want to publish their pics...

Some positive advice or pointers as criticism would be welcome...

(Like the suggestion of getting a bug/insect into the shot on my Trees-pic...)

And we all will learn to take better pics from seeing how others do it...


I'm all for voting for the best pic at the end of the month, and then maybe at the end of the year the monthly winning pics could be thrown together and we could have a big vote off for the pic of the year...

But I still feel we should not take it too seriously...

Edited by Henzz

Just a thought here. :anitongue: It would be great if all the photos could be uploaded to the SA Geocaching page on Facebook as well. There one will be able to view the photos in an "album" and not have to trawl through the Forum every time.


I agree with all the suggestions i.e. keep it simple and non-competitive and have an annual winner from the monthly winners. Who would be the judge for the annual winner - all the previous judges/contributors?


Great idea from cincol about putting them onto the Facebook group! However, I would be in big trouble if I did that and my family found out, as I haven't been keeping my own pictures up to date on FB! :anitongue:

Posted (edited)

Just a thought here. :anitongue: It would be great if all the photos could be uploaded to the SA Geocaching page on Facebook as well. There one will be able to view the photos in an "album" and not have to trawl through the Forum every time.


Setting up a separate group in FB would work but then not everyone wants to be on FB... And many people may be blocked from it.... Can we not do something on sageostats?

Edited by Wazat

Just a thought here. :anitongue: It would be great if all the photos could be uploaded to the SA Geocaching page on Facebook as well. There one will be able to view the photos in an "album" and not have to trawl through the Forum every time.


Setting up a separate group in FB would work but then not everyone wants to be on FB... And many people may be blocked from it.... Can we not do something on sageostats?


That's true - you have to register onto Facebook in order to see the photos. Maybe having it on SAGeostats would be a good idea. Are you going to ask CF?


How about we open up an album on Photobucket or one of those free photo album websites? They don't require that you register or login. You just send the link (which we can post on the forum) and the person that wants to see the pics, clicks on the link and gets taken to all the photos? I won't mind setting it up. Let me know your thoughts? :anitongue:



lugging our heavy, large SLR camera to caches. We prefer our small, basic little snap shot camera which will never take excellent shots with all the pro photographic requirements such as aperture size, etc. :anitongue:


Is this thread supposed to be for pro photos or just whichever photos you take when you go caching?


No not at all - I merely suggested posting the basic exif information as a point of interest. Even the most basic point-&-shoots embed this info. This way you may see some shots that are particulaly awsome with a cheapie and then realise what can be done!!!! Nothing to do with professionalism or spoiling anyones fun!


There might even be more "really good" photos with non DSLRs as because you point out who wants to lug a big camera around - except of course if it is your only camera or you are truly a serious hobby/pro photographer.


For those more technically minded there is a lot more you CAN do with a point and shoot especially if it is one of the Canon models supported by CHDK an addtional bit of firmware you can load on the fly that gives your camera advanced features (many not even found on the most expensive DSLRs) But I digress of course the point is to ahre our best and most treasured photographs and memories of geocaching


Have fun


Putting my money where my mouth is.....




Camera Brand: Canon

Camera Model: Canon PowerShot A470

Date Taken: 2009:08:16 14:52:46

Exposure Time: 1/399 sec.

Aperture Value: 4.00 EV (f/4.0)

ISO Speed Rating: 80

Focal Length: 12.1 mm


Post Processing - enhanced the colours, unsharp mask on final resized image. I have read the digital photos almost alwasy need a bit of sharpening - more true for when you have resized them smaller.


This shot was taken at the group FTF of Cape Docs New Shoulder Cache


btw - uploading the image has enlarged it and it is lost quality - should look like this http://sativa.co.za/geocaching/table_mountain.jpg


So the call for putting photos on a proper photo site is seconded by me.




Great idea for a photo competition - how about the following monthly 'competitions'


Cache Landscapes

TB's / Coins at caches

Cachers at caches


Just to mention few ideas to start with....

A non facebook option maybe a good idea but will others see it if it is there? maybe the final selection monthly winners should go to photo bucket....?


We just checked we have 522 pictures to look thought (we are a little snap happy - we did not realize how much so ) either way so here's to a trip down memory lane coming up....


Will post our submission later...much much later


Oh by the way if anyone is interested that Centurion one is taken with none other than my Cellphone. I have not edited it in any way other than resizing it. In all honesty I see the composition as been wrong. A little cropping would make this a much better picture. But then again I do not like to edit my pics. The raw photo is what I am after. See I even criticize my own pics. Nothing wrong with constructive criticism.


So do not think that this is just gonna be a Professional caliber competition... So even a basic camera is good enough. Just find the right shot and picture it...


Nice shot there Trevor.


WOW Trev...awesome shot! Photos like these make me proud to be South African - I mean check out that crystal, blue sky!!


We have also taken many shots and I will need a bit of time to go through them and select three entries..watch this space!


5. I propose the judge for the first round to be Globalrat - I have heard he/(she?) is quite a whizz with photography (I hope I have not got the tail end here). If he (she?) is not a whizz, does it matter. Disclaimer: I haven't asked Globalrat if he (she?) is willing, so am in the dark here.



He will be happy to oblige :D

Posted (edited)

Like the idea!!

I think:


- Keep it SIMPLE!

- no categories, just photos

- submit as many as you like....the more to look at, the better for me. Only one good photo is going to be the monthly winner. Mik n druk, DSLR...all photos judged together.

- have a monthly judge. His/her decision is final and needs no justification. Winner becomes next judge.

- photos have to be related to a cache in some way. The relation must be given with the photo. Judge decides if too...tenious.

- show/don't show EXIF. Your choice.

- album a good idea, but post on the forums too.

- no griping!!! JUST FOR FUN!!!!


Photo taken in the river at NABM cache with mik n druk:


Edited by CapeDoc

Another idea- Comment on the photos you like, it MAY help the judge, kinda of like giving it a vote:


Wazat: Like the crosses. Sometime breaking the rule of thirds can work.

WWorld: Amazing shot, very surreal feel. Would have liked to see a little less exposed, but you only get one shot at it!

Posted (edited)

After reading all the comments I propose the following basic rules:


1. Photos should be related to caches in Southern Africa. The relationship should be given with the photo.

2. Competition open to anyone (also outside South Africa)

3. The winner of the previous round is the judge of the next round. End of round stated by judge - typically the end of the/a month.


Extra comments:

a) Keeping the competition/game as simple as possible

<_< Re Photoshopping: Not sure what to say. I quite liked the comment to this question in the UK competition "I don't have a problem with that. If it's more than the usual cropping, rotating, slight changes in exposure etc, I think you should say what you've done to alter the picture - just out of fairness."

c) Globalrat has kindly volunteered to be the judge for the first round. First round ends March 31.

d) Comments are encouraged. It might even help influence the judge (which is allowed)!

e) Re: number of photos. 3 is a suggested number, but any number is fine. Remember to keep photos for future rounds.

f) Someone can start an album, but post here as well

g) I would suggest keeping it to one topic. I think our community is too small to warrant a new topic per round.

Edited by the pooks

This is at an as yet unpublished cache for the Microfest 2010.

The contrasts in the mist appealed to me - Hence the name of the cache is called Misty Trees.



Another idea- Comment on the photos you like, it MAY help the judge, kinda of like giving it a vote:


Wazat: Like the crosses. Sometime breaking the rule of thirds can work.

WWorld: Amazing shot, very surreal feel. Would have liked to see a little less exposed, but you only get one shot at it!


Thanks CapeDoc... I hate breaking the rules but yep sometimes it does work. Impressive shot on the Dragonfly. They can be such difficult creatures to take pictures of. Try them while they are flying.... talk about muk-n-druk.... no time for zoom focus etc etc....




Awesome idea for a bit of fun photography


This is a pic I took in Tembe Elephant Park recently. Used photoshop to change it to black and white (HDR)...


Not photography in it's purest but I thought it was cool...


Canon EOS 20D

1/320 second


ISO 400

Focal length: 100mm

Shutter priority




Awesome idea for a bit of fun photography


This is a pic I took in Tembe Elephant Park recently. Used photoshop to change it to black and white (HDR)...


Not photography in it's purest but I thought it was cool...


Canon EOS 20D

1/320 second


ISO 400

Focal length: 100mm

Shutter priority


Nice shot - not many of those in the desert. But plenty of really good photo opportuntities. :surprise:

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