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Benchmark Pocket Query


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I've read many places and been told that Jeremy has already said that this is in the works. It's in the forums in multiple places already.


The majority of the world is stupid, and the rest of us are in danger of contagion.


More like "on the agenda," but yes... plans are to introduce benchmarking to pocket queries. We're doing a lot of db work to make it easier to integrate the two.


Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location™


WooooHoooo can't wait...POcket Querys are great and would be even better if I could do one for BM's.



Kristoffer J Buquet



Plucker is a (free) application used to synch web pages to a pda. Avantgo is another similar product. Basically, I tell Plucker the url of the page I want, including how many links deep I want it to dig.


You don't need to be a Charter Member to take advantage of this feature as you don't actually use a .loc, .gpx, or Mobi file to complete the task. As I mentioned, it's not as "pretty" as a PQ, but it certainly does the job. You can find out more about Plucker here.



N 39 54.705'

W 77 33.137'

Posted (edited)

Posted in 2003

I've read many places and been told that Jeremy has already said that this is in the works


If it's been in the works for 11 years and still isn't done, it seems unlikely it ever will be.


However if you go to my discussion of benchmark hunting here the paragraph titled How I Hunt Benchmarks explains how you can download benchmarks from the NGS database and put them into GSAK. Then, if you want the GSAK entries to contain the GC.com logs plus links to the GC.com benchmark database you can run the GSAK gpx file through my Get GC Benchmark Logs utility. It adds the GC logs and links and some other information. After this the entries are much like Pocket Query data from GC except it's current instead of the 14 year old data on GC.


This link takes you to a list of my benchmarking utilities.

Edited by Thot

More like "on the agenda," but yes... plans are to introduce benchmarking to pocket queries. We're doing a lot of db work to make it easier to integrate the two.


Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


To download a query into the gps'r would be awesome! The app is nice, however, I'm finding myself in remote areas where there is no service for my phone.

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