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Estimate for benchmark finds


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After a slow winter that found the weekly average number of benchmarks found per day fall as low as the low 30s in mid December, it has slowly climbed and has now broken thru the 100+ per day level. This level was only attained for a brief period in mid August and again in early September. This time it certainly appears that it will be sustained (hopefully!) throughout the spring, summer and fall. Unknown heights of benchmarks finds await us!


At the current pace, we should hit 20,000 finds on March 23rd.


The most incredible stat is that we have the chance to double our current finds and hit 40,000 by the end of the summer! That would be amazing!


Keep on hunting!!! icon_cool.gif

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Originally posted by WaldenRun:

...if the count if for UNIQUE finds, or does the total include multiple finds for one mark?




"Besides physical caches, we have VIRTUal and VIRTUeless."


I am taking the number from the benchmarking front page which states:


18853 benchmarks recovered so far. Only 717572 to go!


The number always adds up to 736,425. Based on the wording and the constant total, I'm pretty sure that it is unique finds (multiple finds for the same benchmark don't connt).


That implies that at some point, our rate of finds will go down as the easier ones are found and all that's left are difficult to find or not founds. But we're only at about 2.5 percent of the total, so I think it will take a while.


Which brings to mind another question: How many not founds have been logged? Specifically stated, how many benchmarks in geocaching have a not found log but not a found log?

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Well, there's loads of possible statistics for PIDs, like:


Number of:


Found - total (all Founds for each PID)

Found - unique (PIDs Found)

Not-Found - total

Not-Found - unique

Destroyed - unique

Post-a-note - total

Post-a-note - unique


Or even these:


Not-Found and a Found - unique icon_biggrin.gif

Destroyed and a Found - unique icon_eek.gif

PIDs with no Found, Not-Found, Destroyed, or Post-a-Note (not yet visited by a benchmarker)

Founds with a picture - unique

State with the most Founds - unique (and 2 runner-ups)

'Skull's Found icon_cool.gif


There are many others possible but some are much less interesting than the above, or would cause a silly runaway contest like PID with the most Founds, or State with the most Founds - total.

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A benchmark seen only through a fence doesn't count as a find. The reason for this is that sometimes there are markers set where a benchmark used to be, but it isn't the same one. The only way to tell is to read the disk itself. If you can't see it close enough to read it, you can't count it as a find.


Instead, select Post a Note, and maybe take a picture too.

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Originally posted by White Squirrel:

If a BM is atop a 100 ft water tank and you find the tank, but cannot climb to the top, do you claim a find? Similarly if the actual benchmark is behind a closed fence, but you can see it, is that a find?


Excuse if I seem like a newbie, I am!




Usually, the tower IS the benchmark. There isn't a station disk at the top. There are exceptions to this rule, of course. I know of some high precision benchmarks on the roof of a research lab near where I work. Permission for access is not going to happen!



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Posted by: Black Dog Trackers

A benchmark seen only through a fence doesn't count as a find. The reason for this is that sometimes there are markers set where a benchmark used to be, but it isn't the same one. The only way to tell is to read the disk itself. If you can't see it close enough to read it, you can't count it as a find.


Look at this one GC0446 http://www.geocaching.com/mark/details.asp?PID=gc0446 the NGS did called it a find and so will I when I go


I not making fun of Black Dog Trackers if it how the NGS does it



Caching for Life or Divorce which ever comes first

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From the Benchmark Page:


What do I do when I find one?

If you have a digital camera, we ask that you take a picture of the mark, and several pictures of the area around the mark. You can even use a compass to mark your photo so people who see the benchmark can view the area from your point of view. Or just log your find for others to read. You do not take them. These markers are public property and are actively used in surveying.



I Looked at the pictures for JC0110 and it looks like a find to me, but its your call …………………… JOE



Caching for Life or Divorce which ever comes first

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Yes JoGPS -- I MAY have found JC0110 but what I photographed is on the East side of the pillar not on the West as the description says. So I would need to read the designation

in order to be sure & my 8X monocular was not enough to do that. It is only a game with us so we decide what to claim as found icon_smile.gif


Black Dog -- I don't think that my wife would agree to my donating her birding tools. heh heh


Thank you -- I am enjoying your responses.

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