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Cachers in 4x4's

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I bet those with a disco and a dog must really get a lot of flack!! lol


You took the words right outta my mouth............I said virtually the same on FaceBook a couple of days back..........


We must be the lowest of the low having a dog and Disco :blink::o:(:blink:


Mandy :o


Back in the day I used to go to Discos and end up with a dog, does that count ??

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I bet those with a disco and a dog must really get a lot of flack!! lol


You took the words right outta my mouth............I said virtually the same on FaceBook a couple of days back..........


We must be the lowest of the low having a dog and Disco :o:(:(B)


Mandy :o

Unless you have a horse box too, thus meaning you may ride, and that is a sin as well don't forget

What :o you've not seen the proper use of a Horse Box? Simple park it at the side of the road, with the back down, locate a Speed Camera in it [Non Safety Camera Partnership, so perfectly legal] and clock speeders :blink: . And yes that is genuine :blink: , North Wales Police specialised Speed Camera Team :(



ps:yes I'm one of those who support them. Do the crime & pay the price! Speeding is a crime.

Edited by Deceangi
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What ;) you've not seen the proper use of a Horse Box? Simple park it at the side of the road, with the back down, locate a Speed Camera in it [Non Safety Camera Partnership, so perfectly legal] and clock speeders :unsure: . And yes that is genuine :) , North Wales Police specialised Speed Camera Team :D



ps:yes I'm one of those who support them. Do the crime & pay the price! Speeding is a crime.

As long as they have a nice big warning sign so you can slow down in good time. I'm not in favour of sneaky hidden speed traps, as they are designed to raise funds rather than improve road safety.

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What ;) you've not seen the proper use of a Horse Box? Simple park it at the side of the road, with the back down, locate a Speed Camera in it [Non Safety Camera Partnership, so perfectly legal] and clock speeders :unsure: . And yes that is genuine :) , North Wales Police specialised Speed Camera Team :D



ps:yes I'm one of those who support them. Do the crime & pay the price! Speeding is a crime.

As long as they have a nice big warning sign so you can slow down in good time. I'm not in favour of sneaky hidden speed traps, as they are designed to raise funds rather than improve road safety.


Whats the use of putting up warning signs. All you have to do then is drive like a moron and slow down when you see the signs. Speed cameras should be a better deterrant if we all have to remember that they could be anywhere without warning.

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If there is a police speed check, obviously it's a stretch of road that has a problem with speeding motorists. So it's logical to first improve signage to remind people to slow down. Then, it's fair enough to also arrest those that ignore such prominent signs. If there's a sign warning of police checks, so much the better.


That's only from a road safety point of view, of course.


But you could choose to site your speed check at a spot where the road layout and lack of signs tend to tempt people into going faster than they should. Avoid warning them, too. The purpose being to fine as many drivers as possible and raise money. But that would be immoral, wouldn't it?


In case you think I'm just being sarcastic and bitter, I've driven over 500,000 miles in Britain and I've never had any type of conviction or even a small accident (except when the car has been run into when stationary!).


Have you ever wondered why a GPS "speed camera database" isn't illegal? In fact, it's seen as a safety aid because people get warnings to slow down in dangerous spots. It might lead to less revenue for the local authority, but that wasn't meant to be the point anyway. Surely the ideal is that no-one ever gets fined because everyone was driving safely and the road system is perfectly clear and speed restrictions sensible?

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What ;) you've not seen the proper use of a Horse Box? Simple park it at the side of the road, with the back down, locate a Speed Camera in it [Non Safety Camera Partnership, so perfectly legal] and clock speeders :unsure: . And yes that is genuine :) , North Wales Police specialised Speed Camera Team :D



ps:yes I'm one of those who support them. Do the crime & pay the price! Speeding is a crime.


:anibad: The North Wales police are the worst ever I have come across! :mad:

I got done for doing 32 mph in a 30 mph zone!

What happened to the 5 mph allowed in England?


>>>spit on their shiny boots!>>> :huh:

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What ;) you've not seen the proper use of a Horse Box? Simple park it at the side of the road, with the back down, locate a Speed Camera in it [Non Safety Camera Partnership, so perfectly legal] and clock speeders :unsure: . And yes that is genuine :) , North Wales Police specialised Speed Camera Team :D



ps:yes I'm one of those who support them. Do the crime & pay the price! Speeding is a crime.


:anibad: The North Wales police are the worst ever I have come across! :mad:

I got done for doing 32 mph in a 30 mph zone!

What happened to the 5 mph allowed in England?

>>>spit on their shiny boots!>>> :huh:


10% +2MPH. Any thing over is a ticket...

Anything under depends a lot on your attitude when they stop you.


Why do I have the words "Disco, disco dog..." from the song going through my head?

Or was it a duck?

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What ;) you've not seen the proper use of a Horse Box? Simple park it at the side of the road, with the back down, locate a Speed Camera in it [Non Safety Camera Partnership, so perfectly legal] and clock speeders :unsure: . And yes that is genuine :) , North Wales Police specialised Speed Camera Team :D



ps:yes I'm one of those who support them. Do the crime & pay the price! Speeding is a crime.


:anibad: The North Wales police are the worst ever I have come across! :mad:

I got done for doing 32 mph in a 30 mph zone!

What happened to the 5 mph allowed in England?


>>>spit on their shiny boots!>>> ;)


Zero tolerance i suspect, i hate sneaky speed cameras but do try to keep within limits, having said that about speed cameras, i hate the thought of anyone being on a speeders bonnet let alone someone close to me.


I own a 4x4 and a dog too :lol: Pajero and Staffy so i will get flamed often too :huh:

I do use my Paj sensibly though and would only take it where its allowed like the school run etc :huh: but never a bridleway.

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What :yikes: you've not seen the proper use of a Horse Box? Simple park it at the side of the road, with the back down, locate a Speed Camera in it [Non Safety Camera Partnership, so perfectly legal] and clock speeders :yikes: . And yes that is genuine :laughing: , North Wales Police specialised Speed Camera Team :laughing:



ps:yes I'm one of those who support them. Do the crime & pay the price! Speeding is a crime.


:mad: The North Wales police are the worst ever I have come across! :mad:

I got done for doing 32 mph in a 30 mph zone!

What happened to the 5 mph allowed in England?


>>>spit on their shiny boots!>>> :D


Zero tolerance i suspect, i hate sneaky speed cameras but do try to keep within limits, having said that about speed cameras, i hate the thought of anyone being on a speeders bonnet let alone someone close to me.


I own a 4x4 and a dog too :) Pajero and Staffy so i will get flamed often too :)

I do use my Paj sensibly though and would only take it where its allowed like the school run etc ;) but never a bridleway.


Getting a ticket for going just 2mph over is very very unlucky :yikes: , All my neighbours and even the builder who built our extension, have been caught over the limit. But bellow the ticket threshold, they all got a nice advisory letter of the N Wales Police. Informing them that they were not being prosecuted on this occasion. But had been found to be going over the speed limit. in one case it was 34.72 mph.


The N Wales Police must have given you Royal treatment :anitongue::laughing:


gold735uk You made a cracking post until you had to spoil it by mentioning that worst of all things :angry:


No not the 4x4 or even what I'll bet is a big soft Staffy [my neighbour has one, and he's a pushover :laughing: ] but the School run :yikes: . Parking on either side of the road creating tail backs, making major hazards. Even in the village where I live, parents insist on driving their children to school. All of 3 minutes walk away :yikes: .




I keep thinking of placing a cache, where the Arrive Alive Camera Vehicle parks :yikes: . I think it would fit between the 2 nearby caches (just about). There is a nice little spot for a Nano about 1m away from the vehicle :laughing: Ideal cache name, "Cache Alive, but don't get caught" :laughing:

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"Cache Alive, but don't get caught"


We would have to start a series! Would that be legal?


Its certainly one series of Micros I would think worth whilst...


I got caught in the summer 36 in 30. Although I was towing a caravan at the time, caused some confusion on the speed awareness course. They Kept complaining about caravans going slow and getting in the way!

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if a byway is sign posted or/and on my map then i would use it. i pay my road tax so am allowed to use it as many times as i like. though i would not drive a bridle way or foot path. if the farmers start planting trees/post in the way they will be removed as its my righ of way. nothing like a day mud plugging.


though i havent had a 4x4 for a few years so for now the byways near me are a bit safer lol.




Please please use cation when following a map, and driving down what is indicated on it as a byway. We've already had one member, who using a older OS map drove down a byway indicated on his map. Which had been re-classified, the signage indicating that it was closed to Motor Vehicles being removed by persons unknown [suspected by the Council to be renegade 4x4 Drivers]. This person got stuck and cause some visible damage where his vehicle had been stuck. This was brought to the attention of the local council, who at one point were talking about pressing charges against this person. Only after discussions between myself, the person involved and the council official. Was the intention to press charges dropped, as it was a genuine mistake.


Please do not presume that just because a map shows a BOAT, that it is still so designated. And be aware that the legally required signage, could have been illegally removed by unknown persons.


It's not a situation I wish toe see anyone else, in nor do I ever wish to be involved again in such a situation.


Responsible 4xx4 Drivers are not the issue, it is the small number of Renegade 4x4 Drivers who ruin it for the rest.




anyone who goes off roading should know to always walk the lane first to spot any dangers ect and always go in twos as if something happens you can be pulled out or rescued ect. and a days route takes a few hours to plan comparing diffrent maps i used to use memory map and an os map plus the gps and if the by way has a restriction on it not to use it as every so often they are closed to let the land recover if they are a well used track. i agree the people who do not follow the main rules should not be allowed to ruin the experiance for others an should stick to the man made corces.



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if a byway is sign posted or/and on my map then i would use it. i pay my road tax so am allowed to use it as many times as i like. though i would not drive a bridle way or foot path. if the farmers start planting trees/post in the way they will be removed as its my righ of way. nothing like a day mud plugging.


though i havent had a 4x4 for a few years so for now the byways near me are a bit safer lol.




Please please use cation when following a map, and driving down what is indicated on it as a byway. We've already had one member, who using a older OS map drove down a byway indicated on his map. Which had been re-classified, the signage indicating that it was closed to Motor Vehicles being removed by persons unknown [suspected by the Council to be renegade 4x4 Drivers]. This person got stuck and cause some visible damage where his vehicle had been stuck. This was brought to the attention of the local council, who at one point were talking about pressing charges against this person. Only after discussions between myself, the person involved and the council official. Was the intention to press charges dropped, as it was a genuine mistake.


Please do not presume that just because a map shows a BOAT, that it is still so designated. And be aware that the legally required signage, could have been illegally removed by unknown persons.


It's not a situation I wish toe see anyone else, in nor do I ever wish to be involved again in such a situation.


Responsible 4xx4 Drivers are not the issue, it is the small number of Renegade 4x4 Drivers who ruin it for the rest.




anyone who goes off roading should know to always walk the lane first to spot any dangers ect and always go in twos as if something happens you can be pulled out or rescued ect. and a days route takes a few hours to plan comparing diffrent maps i used to use memory map and an os map plus the gps and if the by way has a restriction on it not to use it as every so often they are closed to let the land recover if they are a well used track. i agree the people who do not follow the main rules should not be allowed to ruin the experiance for others an should stick to the man made corces.



We are not questioning how you plan a trip on foot, we are saying that the map does not give you the legal right to access, the right to access is held by a Local, County, Regional, or Government Authority, the map is only as good as the day the surveyor left. If you use the map and the access right has been removed you risk heavy monetary penalty and 6 points on your licence.

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Getting a ticket for going just 2mph over is very very unlucky :lol: , All my neighbours and even the builder who built our extension, have been caught over the limit. But bellow the ticket threshold, they all got a nice advisory letter of the N Wales Police. Informing them that they were not being prosecuted on this occasion. But had been found to be going over the speed limit. in one case it was 34.72 mph.


well .... I must admit they gave me the option of doing a 4 hour speed awareness course ..... So I saved my 3 points but it still cost me 60 quid! :D


On the up-side of it ............. I did get to grab a few caches in the area that I attended the course?: Flint.

Also, I really enjoyed the experience ... I just kind of took over the role of spoke-person! :lol:


The N Wales Police must have given you Royal treatment :D;)


Oh yes they did .... once i told them who I was! :lol: .

They pretended they didn't know who i was, but they didn't fool me! :D

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Well said


nothing wrong with using a 4x4 where appropriate. Can recommend a couple of good caches for such.




I am new to Geocaching (hid my first one on Sunday !!) but I have been an avid 4x4 enthusiast for a while.


There are two types of off roading:

1) pay and play - this is where one goes to a private bit of land and plays a fee on the gate and then one goes and drives wround a wood navigating hazards and the like.

2) Green laning - This is where one drives Byways and white roads (unclassified unpaved roads).


It's the second one that concerns walkers and country dwellers. The problem is, just as in anything, there are always elements that like to ruin it for the majority. No 4x4 should be driving on a bridleway, they are for hooves and feet only !


We do get annoyed with ramblers and others moaning about us using the Byways. It is part of our hobby and there are very few left for us to use as they have been down classified to appease the NIMBYs. There are many, many more footpaths than byways, so there is plenty of opportunity to go for a quiet walk in the country without coming across a convoy of scratched and battered trucks !


I plan to combine off-roading with geocaching, they seem to be made for each other !






I am going to get some abuse for this, I expect the vast majority on here are walkers.....it's like wearing a West ham shirt in Millwall........ <_<


Anyway, here's my truck !



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I am a 4x4 owner, and yes I have been out in my 4x4 and done some Geocaching. I do try very hard however to stick to the rules, and only go places that are designated for vehicular use.


Like many things, there are 4x4ers who stick to the rules and do the right thing, and there are a minority of idiots who will end up ruining it for everyone. If you look around any of the 4x4 forums you'll always find people complaining about the idiots who seem to think that they are entitled to drive just about anywhere.


If you do see someone driving where they shouldn't, try and have a polite word. Often people are just making an honest mistake and didn't realise they shouldn't be there. On the other hand if they just ignore, or become aggressive towards you then by all means make a note of their registration, maybe grab a pic or two, and report them to the police.

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