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Is this a benchmark?


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We were recently traveling to the Dominican Republic. We are new to geocaching and I had read *some* about Benchmarks but not much. We were out walking and came across this. Of course, I had no idea if it was a benchmark or not. Can you tell?

Thank you.




I think I can safely say that yes, that is absolutely a survey monument.

Judging from the triangle in the center of the disk, it's probably a triangulation station, but I don't know what the protocols are in the D.R.


A cool thing to find for sure, but since it's outside the good ol' U.S.A., you can't log it as a benchmark per se.

You do have the opportunity to make a pretty cool waymark if you have the co-ordinates.


It is unlikely to be a geodetic mark, however. My guess is that it is a property corner or construction control point set by a surveyor named Ramon Javier with a license number as cast on the mark.

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