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Wherigo Specification Request


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I've recently got my hands on a Garmin Oregon 400t which supports Wherigo. As a enthusiastic (or nerdy ;-) Hardware/Software Systems Developer I was fascinated by the idea of mixing the real (and boring) world with a fascinating (but virtual) world.


Of course I downloaded Wherigo Builder (recognizing that it was released in 2008 - TWO years ago). I tried to build a simple "Hello, Wherigo world" cartridge. It was a pain. The WB builder seems to be a crappy development environment built for the purpose of providing an internal tool for creating cartridges.


So I started looking around for some better tools, documents etc. . Nothing. No Spec. No API. Nothing. I was (and still am) disappointed.


Whats that all about with Wherigo? A idea someone forgot about a long time ago? An innovative dream of someone who loved the combination of different realities, the wonder of text adventures, the fascinating mix of technics and imagination?


If there is anyone out there who, like me, would love to join forces and push this idea forward, PLEASE respond to this post! Let the world (and Groundspeak) know that there are people out there still interested in Wherigo. Gather all information, tools and manpower to push Wherigo forward!



Please let us know if Wherigo has a future - and if so - PLEASE provide some documentation or API specification! As soon as at least some documentation is available, sooner or later there will be some usable tools.


With the desperate need for information


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You clearly have forgotten both to look around and your manners. As for the former, an official tutorial is on the Wherigo site. This is how to find it: Go to the Wherigo site and click on "Build" in the main menu at the top of the page. There's even a link to the official tutorial. Also, look in the various pinned topics in the various areas of this forum; they contain really good information.


As for the latter, do be very careful. Your post was taken as someone throwing a fit. It would have been more beneficial, as someone new to the forum, had you asked questions tactfully. It's a very helpful and open community we have here, so you'd definitely receive answers.

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Specs and APIs are for "Warmduscher". Wherigo is for rugged, outdoor types - that's why it's from Groundspeak and not Apple. Wherigoers decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer. We are like soldiers who can strip down our gun and reassemble it in the dark. The spec is in our heads. You're welcome to join us if you can handle the pace. :laughing:


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