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Ever seen a cache on tv/movie etc?

malo mystery

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Have you ever seen a cache in a movie/ on tv or in a photograph where the person taking the movie/ photograph is unaware of what is going on? This must have happened with the amount of caches out there.


Have you ever seen a cache in a movie/ on tv or in a photograph where the person taking the movie/ photograph is unaware of what is going on? This must have happened with the amount of caches out there.

Yes, but they were earthcaches! [B)]


I just had this picture in my head of a scene where there is a news report/interview where behind the people you spot a cache container that is well disguised and the only ones knowing about it are those cachers that have found the cache, or likewise in a movie scene or photo shoot.


Have you ever seen a cache in a movie/ on tv or in a photograph where the person taking the movie/ photograph is unaware of what is going on? This must have happened with the amount of caches out there.

I saw my cache when channel 15 was doing a news story on site. its one of those "in plain site but nobody sees it" one :laughing::anibad::laughing:

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