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Release Notes 2/24/10


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The site went down today, Wednesday, at approximately 11am 12 noon pacific (-8 GMT) for the regular monthly release. The following issues were resolved. Please open a new thread for unrelated bugs or feature requests. Thanks!


Cases marked HOTFIX were updated between releases.


Geocaching.com Release Notes 2/24/10


14101: No Map Visible in IE 6



14743: Geocaching maps failing to render in IE6

HOTFIX: Moved styles conflicting with Google's code to a separate stylesheet


15008: New icons are not appearing when loaded.

HOTFIX: Some new geocoin icons had not been properly updated


14744: IE6: Missing nav on seek/log.aspx

Fixed missing navigation for IE6 on log detail page


14745: IE6: Nav floats at bottom on seek/default.aspx

Fixed navigation in IE6 on search results page


13560: Automatic Twitter notification of site maintenance

Tweets will be tweeted to Twitter when taking the sites down for maintenance, and again when they go back up


14514: Add border to cache log quotes

Added border to cache log quotes to more easily set off the text from the rest of the log


14677: Geocoin Manufacturer List

Added geocoindesign.com to list of manufacturers


14708: "NEW" logo appearing next to no-longer-new features on geocaching.com

Removed "new" icon from certain features. No word yet on "old" icon


15191: Caches In Space

Clarified cosmic geocaching guidelines


14728: Credit card expiring email sends broken link

Period at the end of a sentence was being included as part of the URL


14874: Disable ability to log locationless caches via iPhone



13471: Invalidated accounts logging through iPhone

Blocked ability for invalidated and banned users to log geocaches through iPhone


14123: Banned members logging caches through iPhone app

Blocked unvalidated and banned users from posting logs through iPhone


15143: "Your Geocaching Logs (All)" page includes an errant br tag

Fixed page title to remove unnecessary HTML


14683: When editing existing additional waypoint, coordinates revert to main cache coordinates



14567: Refund Policy easier to find

Added links to refund and cancellation policy to membership creation flow


15317: Add icons to search page column headers

Added north-up and found it icons


14680: Space needed at ../seek/cache_details.aspx

Added spacing between log date/username and log content


14682: Space needed at ../mark/details.aspx

Added spacing between benchmark logs


14739: cache type page icons stop lining up with their respective descriptions

Removed extra padding from the D/T element


14663: Move hints up above the decryption guide

Relocated cache description hints


14593: Colored box that indicates you have pending field notes has lost its formatting

Pending FN notice on Your Profile now more visible


14701: Log contents overlap Travel Bug images in IE

Fixed the overlapping issue and made a few stylesheet changes to make image placement consistent among browsers


14996: Email form alignment off in IE

Fixed alignment issues for IE on "send message" page


15013: Google map display issues in print stylesheet

Corrected some map display issues in Firefox and Chrome on print friendly cache page


14809: Addition of link to helpful links page

Added German language geocaching podcast www.cachetalk.de to links page


14702: Formatting issues on pages for Travel Bug activation

Fixed formatting on all three pages of trackable activation


14741: add a link to the KB at footer

Added link to the Groundspeak Knowledge Book to page footers


14997: Footer width off on seek/log.aspx

The footer width no longer expands past the width of the content on log posting page


15390: Remove link to forums from site offline notice

Removed to give the forums a break during down time


14699: Timestamps on field notes getting converted multiple times, leads to incorrect log dates

Fixed and now displaying timestamps to user for casual verification

Edited by OpinioNate
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lol, it's 2010 and there are bugs in IE6 fixed?

OMG! drop IE6 support, it's 10 years old, that's half the existence of the internet!

But still no support to embed youtube movies with your cache or trackable :laughing:


IE6 was 8% of our user base last month. That's still a couple hundred thousand geocachers.


If you know of a way to allow javascript in cache and trackable descriptions without sacrificing the security of our site and users I'm all ears. We are actually investigating this.


BUT, let's not derail this thread any more please.

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14683: When editing existing additional waypoint, coordinates revert to main cache coordinates



I kind of unintentionally buried this one but I think it deserves some explanation.


Last release we introduced a feature that would auto-fill cache coordinates as a starting point when adding additional waypoints to a cache. Unfortunately, this "fix" also replaced the coordinates of add'l waypoints when you tried to edit them. If you weren't paying attention you would overwrite your add'l waypoint coords. This is what you call "failing quietly".


Since a full release was necessary to fix the problem, we opted for a hotfix back then that would cause it to fail more loudly and annoyingly. Hence, empty coordinate fields on waypoint edit. Sorry, it was for your own good!


But that is all behind us now.

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Trivial question, but where is this?


5191: Caches In Space

Clarified cosmic geocaching guidelines

I've checked the guidelines twice today. Am I just missing it?

The update has not happened yet.



The site will be going down today, Wednesday,
Here, I thought it said "today, Tuesday"!! I guess that's why people are asking for the day to be displayed on the banner, and why the banner is still up today!
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14683: When editing existing additional waypoint, coordinates revert to main cache coordinates



I would still like see you add the "Additional Waypoint" box to Waymarking.

These could be used for parking, entrances or places where the actual listed co-ordinates are not the the place being waymarked or some distance from the a Waymark.


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lol, it's 2010 and there are bugs in IE6 fixed?

OMG! drop IE6 support, it's 10 years old, that's half the existence of the internet!


IE6 was 8% of our user base last month. That's still a couple hundred thousand geocachers.

Google is ceasing support for IE6 in a couple weeks. I'd wager more than 8% of their users are still using IE6.


Note: they aren't closing the door to IE6, they're just not going to go out of their way anymore to make sure IE6 works. It's not worth the time, money & effort to do it.


I guess the counter-argument is that those IE6 users are probably bringing in a disproportionately large amount of ad revenue, given that they won't be running the ad blockers that users of most other browsers use.

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How long till the annoying red banner goes away? :laughing:

Probably after the update that's going to happen at 11am.


You did notice that it's currently referring to a different update than it was yesterday, right?

I find it hard to complain about a notice regarding updates when we have been surprised by unannounced updates so often. This banner is something that everyone should notice and we should all appreciate it.

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Miffed about: 14874 :laughing:


I logged two completely meeting the original cache setters' requirements and the reviewers deleted them after a a few weeks




Especially as Groundspeak claim to be 'only a cache listing site' and not get involved with removing or reinstating logs :laughing:;)







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Miffed about: 14874 :laughing:


I logged two completely meeting the original cache setters' requirements and the reviewers deleted them after a a few weeks




Especially as Groundspeak claim to be 'only a cache listing site' and not get involved with removing or reinstating logs :laughing:;)




Trying to think of a reason you should get special treatment for exploiting a backdoor... Failing.

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Trying to think of a reason you should get special treatment for exploiting a backdoor... Failing.


Only about a dozen cachers worldwide had logged them... wouldn't have done any harm to let the logs remain :laughing:


It would have been nice for us 'later comers' to have the chance of getting a full set of icons...

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Google is ceasing support for IE6 in a couple weeks...they're just not going to go out of their way anymore to make sure IE6 works. It's not worth the time, money & effort to do it.


Wow, you must have missed some of the uproar when IE6 maps weren't displaying correctly. The January update caused the problem - look at that thread. Then look at this typical thread for some of the other posts.


I've moved to Firefox...

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OK let's get back on topic.


Site is up! Please let us know of any bugs you find with this release. Thanks!




Shall I try and log Locationless caches again - in the interests of testing for bugs of course! :laughing:


Yes please!


I haven't, but someone just did!


Trying to think of a reason for saying who it was... Failing. ;)


Now the whole world knows about it as well! :laughing:

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14683: When editing existing additional waypoint, coordinates revert to main cache coordinates



I would still like see you add the "Additional Waypoint" box to Waymarking.

These could be used for parking, entrances or places where the actual listed co-ordinates are not the the place being waymarked or some distance from the a Waymark.



Jake... Waymarking does not need this feature as every category leader can add a variable for additional waypoints if they want them. Waymarking is also not restricted to only 6 different types, we can make additional waypoints for whatever we can dream up. "Best Viewing Position" for example, compared to marking the actual location of the item which would be required.


:laughing: BQ


Sorry... for some reason I am logged in as my reviewer account, which I never use in this browser.

Edited by CacheDrone
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OK let's get back on topic.


Site is up! Please let us know of any bugs you find with this release. Thanks!




Shall I try and log Locationless caches again - in the interests of testing for bugs of course! ;)


Yes please!


I haven't, but someone just did!


Trying to think of a reason for saying who it was... Failing. :P


Now the whole world knows about it as well! :laughing:


ok ok you got me. :laughing:


Sit tight.


Edit: The deploy for this fix lagged a little behind the main site. That hole is plugged now. Thanks guys <3

Edited by OpinioNate
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14699: Timestamps on field notes getting converted multiple times, leads to incorrect log dates

Fixed and now displaying timestamps to user for casual verification

Looks like this one is fixed to "as described".


For testing, I used a file I created, with found time = 2010-02-24T00:01Z through 2010-02-24T23:01Z in 1 hour intervals. My time zone is PST.


After uploading, on Field Notes, I see the 1st 8 geocaches listed as Found on 2010-02-23, and the remaining 16 as found on 2010-02-24. This is correct for my time zone setting.


Next, I tried changing my time zone, AFTER uploading the field notes. The dates displayed on Field Notes changed accordingly. For example, if I change it to Beijing, the first 16 shows as 2010-02-24, and the remaining 8 shows as 2010-02-25.


It is important to note, however, that this is only the displayed date. When you click on "Compose Log", the date filled in is the original GMT date. So in my example, all of the logs (if unchanged) will have the dates 2010-02-24.


This is consistent with how moun10bike described it should work after the January update. Hopefully the next step would be to change the date in the log screen to local date.

Edited by Chrysalides
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lol, it's 2010 and there are bugs in IE6 fixed?



my thoughts exactly, seems such a waste to spend time on that instead of using it to implement new things


some good fixes in that list though


how selfish. Some of us can only use the web browser provided by company IT. I know I'm not the only one in that position.


Thank you for keeping this hobby open to all.

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Google is ceasing support for IE6 in a couple weeks...they're just not going to go out of their way anymore to make sure IE6 works. It's not worth the time, money & effort to do it.


Wow, you must have missed some of the uproar when IE6 maps weren't displaying correctly. The January update caused the problem - look at that thread.

No, I saw it, I just have a hard time caring. IE6 is dead. Take it off life-support.

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