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Strange Encounters of the Umconfortable Kind


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So I went out today to grab a few to calm my unrelenting need of caching. I was looking for a cache that was under the boardwalk in a park by my house. It was a quick run and I was by myself. So I was crawling around under a wooden boardwalk by the edge of a pond looking for the cache. Then I herd the foot steps from above. The boards have small gaps but you can see through them. So I peak through the boards and see 3 women wearing dresses walking my way. So here was my delema. Walk out from underneeth and have them looking at me like a pervert . Or stay underneeth and be percevied to bee a peeping Tom.


Has anyone had any other isues as such.


So I went out today to grab a few to calm my unrelenting need of caching. I was looking for a cache that was under the boardwalk in a park by my house. It was a quick run and I was by myself. So I was crawling around under a wooden boardwalk by the edge of a pond looking for the cache. Then I herd the foot steps from above. The boards have small gaps but you can see through them. So I peak through the boards and see 3 women wearing dresses walking my way. So here was my delema. Walk out from underneeth and have them looking at me like a pervert . Or stay underneeth and be percevied to bee a peeping Tom.


Has anyone had any other isues as such.


Better to be thought a pervert, than to hide and remove all doubt.


Or, as long as they are going to think you are a pervert, you might as well be one.


So I went out today to grab a few to calm my unrelenting need of caching. I was looking for a cache that was under the boardwalk in a park by my house. It was a quick run and I was by myself. So I was crawling around under a wooden boardwalk by the edge of a pond looking for the cache. Then I herd the foot steps from above. The boards have small gaps but you can see through them. So I peak through the boards and see 3 women wearing dresses walking my way. So here was my delema. Walk out from underneeth and have them looking at me like a pervert . Or stay underneeth and be percevied to bee a peeping Tom.


Has anyone had any other isues as such.


so what did you do?


is this a real story or are you just posing a hypothetical question?


So I went out today to grab a few to calm my unrelenting need of caching. I was looking for a cache that was under the boardwalk in a park by my house. It was a quick run and I was by myself. So I was crawling around under a wooden boardwalk by the edge of a pond looking for the cache. Then I herd the foot steps from above. The boards have small gaps but you can see through them. So I peak through the boards and see 3 women wearing dresses walking my way. So here was my delema. Walk out from underneeth and have them looking at me like a pervert . Or stay underneeth and be percevied to bee a peeping Tom.


Has anyone had any other isues as such.


so what did you do?


is this a real story or are you just posing a hypothetical question?

I puilled the batery and cover off my cell phone and walked back up to the boardwalk muttering about droping my phone. <_<


So I went out today to grab a few to calm my unrelenting need of caching. I was looking for a cache that was under the boardwalk in a park by my house. It was a quick run and I was by myself. So I was crawling around under a wooden boardwalk by the edge of a pond looking for the cache. Then I herd the foot steps from above. The boards have small gaps but you can see through them. So I peak through the boards and see 3 women wearing dresses walking my way. So here was my delema. Walk out from underneeth and have them looking at me like a pervert . Or stay underneeth and be percevied to bee a peeping Tom.


Has anyone had any other isues as such.


so what did you do?


is this a real story or are you just posing a hypothetical question?

I puilled the batery and cover off my cell phone and walked back up to the boardwalk muttering about droping my phone. :lol:


I would have walked out and explained what I was doing.












or.... would I have snapped pics.... only I will know...


I was caching with a friend in a situation somewhat like that. Friend was underneath a small wooden footbridge. A young couple, she in a skirt, came down the trail and I stepped out to cover for my friend. They stopped, and I chatted with them a bit, then they went on their way. Once they were gone, my friend stepped out from under the bridge and said one word: "blue" :)


Funny, funny.


I've looked unde quite a few boardwalks, but always with my rat terrier, who can fit in the smallest of places. I've used her as an excuse a few times, stepping back, holding my end of the leash and saying, Whatcha' got, Kit? What is it? Find it, find it! It gets my dog all worked up and makes my being under a boardwalk not so suspicious.


Here's mine. I was driving up a fairly well-traveled road in the middle of the afternoon. As I came around a bend, there was a guy, naked from the waist down standing in the road looking down. As he saw me, he hurried and put his shorts on, then bent over to pick up his camera. The only thing I could figure was that he was taking pictures of his naked genitals. Why? Your guess is as good as mine. I had a hard time finding the cache I was after because I was laughing out loud.


Why couldn't it have been a female?


Went out for a cache named Area 52. I went across an unmarked 2 track road to within .25 mi of the cache.

On the way back from the cache, I saw 1 white sign and a few empty posts. I had driven across a small part of Lockheed land unittentionally. There was a white truck coming on the road I had gone on. I went out the right way. I didn't see anything I was not supposed to see.

Posted (edited)

A caching buddy and I were about twenty feet off the trail in the weeds. I kneeled down to open the ammocan, he was standing in front of me. Just then a couple walked down the trail, looked over at us looking at them, and walked on.


(ah carp)


Fortunately they had parked right next to us and we all met up later. We explained geocaching and they understood. (As we were approaching them my buddy said, Hey, Let's ask them if they know of any other pickle parks in the area)


edit: Found the old log.


March 6, 2004 by ....


Last cache for the outing with TeamX40. The cache was an easy find. The contents of the container was all wet--TeamX40 replaced the log book. While signing the log book, two peole walkiong down the trail saw us and TeamX40 smiled at them and waved back.




When we got back to the car park, the two people that had seen us were sitting in the car next to us. They asked us what we were doing, so we told them about geocaching.

Edited by BlueDeuce

So I went out today to grab a few to calm my unrelenting need of caching. I was looking for a cache that was under the boardwalk in a park by my house. It was a quick run and I was by myself. So I was crawling around under a wooden boardwalk by the edge of a pond looking for the cache. Then I herd the foot steps from above. The boards have small gaps but you can see through them. So I peak through the boards and see 3 women wearing dresses walking my way. So here was my delema. Walk out from underneeth and have them looking at me like a pervert . Or stay underneeth and be percevied to bee a peeping Tom.


Has anyone had any other isues as such.


Just tell them that you were looking for a Box in a Bush under the bridge, and walk away with your head held high, and them contemplating the deeper meaning. :anibad:


Sorry that was a quote from another cacher or another page, I just modified it and thought it would be good for this thread.


Here's mine. I was driving up a fairly well-traveled road in the middle of the afternoon. As I came around a bend, there was a guy, naked from the waist down standing in the road looking down. As he saw me, he hurried and put his shorts on, then bent over to pick up his camera. The only thing I could figure was that he was taking pictures of his naked genitals. Why? Your guess is as good as mine. I had a hard time finding the cache I was after because I was laughing out loud.


Why couldn't it have been a female?

I had a similar experience. While scouting an area for a possible cache hide, I saw a man without any pants in the field. I left right away. Since this was also near a playground, I immediately reported the incident at the park office.


I was caching with a friend in a situation somewhat like that. Friend was underneath a small wooden footbridge. A young couple, she in a skirt, came down the trail and I stepped out to cover for my friend. They stopped, and I chatted with them a bit, then they went on their way. Once they were gone, my friend stepped out from under the bridge and said one word: "blue" :)


The only other word better than that would have been "commando".


So I went out today to grab a few to calm my unrelenting need of caching. I was looking for a cache that was under the boardwalk in a park by my house. It was a quick run and I was by myself. So I was crawling around under a wooden boardwalk by the edge of a pond looking for the cache. Then I herd the foot steps from above. The boards have small gaps but you can see through them. So I peak through the boards and see 3 women wearing dresses walking my way. So here was my delema. Walk out from underneeth and have them looking at me like a pervert . Or stay underneeth and be percevied to bee a peeping Tom.


Has anyone had any other isues as such.


Pictures or it didn't happen!


Here's mine....Last weekend the wife and I went out early, we were doing 4 caches along a trail and had decided to take a bit of a shortcut down a slope....she slipped and fell on her bum...not bad didn't think much of it 'till she got up and took a couple paces...she then realized she had fallen in a cactus patch....she had needles allllll in her bum. So we get off the slope and back onto the trail...We thought we were totally alone on the trail...so she drops trou, bends over and I proceed to pick tiny needles out....she's bent over, I'm bent over "back there" and we hear what I can only describe as a high pitch WOOOP! An older lady and her little Schnauzer are standing in shock and horror at the site of me and my wife on the trail undoubtedly thinking we're doing something toooootaly different.... 'bout all we could muster was a "scuse us" as she turned tail and reversed trail. bum needle picking complete we dashed for the caches and high tailed it out of the area <_<


Strange Encounters of the Uncomfortable Kind...

I was seeking a guard rail cache in the watershed. A lady stopped her car in the southbound lane, and got out to give me a lecture on bears. How they should not be hunted, but rather should use birth control. Now, I have met many bear, and really did not need her lecture. And other cars were beeping at her to move her car.

Being in an unusual non-confrontational mood (I had just hiked in three miles, climbed two hundred feet, had a long chat with Cindy Bear, had not found the guard rail cache, and still had a mile to hike back to my car. She was illegallly parked, and blocking traffic, and, to me, was making no sense), but I really did want to tell her that if she wished to distribute birth control devices to bear during their mating season, she should feel free to do so!


I was searching for a cache in a park close to my house during summer 2008. I always back my truck in wherever I go. I got to the park and I backed my truck in like normal in the parking lot. I began walking down the trail towards the cache and noticed there was a guy following me in an athletic running suit of sorts. He was about 200 feet away and followed me down each trail I was going down. I picked up my pace and finally got out of sight of him by ducking down behind a tree. I rushed off to get the cache once he had disappeared. On my way back out of the park, I passed the guy again. Once I walked past him, he once again turned around and began following me again. I got back to my truck and thought it was very odd, but thought nothing more of it.


Fast forward to the end of the summer... I'm out at the bar with a friend of mine who was working as a seasonal Deputy for the local Sheriff's Office. He begins telling me a story about a sting they have been doing at a local park that is known for illegal sexual activity. I stop him from talking and ask him if it is the same park that I had been at. I tell him my story and he breaks out laughing. I start laughing too and realize what I had gotten myself involved with. The code for wanting to be involved with the people there is to back your vehicle in the parking lot and walk into the woods and wait for someone else to follow. I got thinking back to that day and I can remember several other vehicles in the lot backed in and I even looked over at one guy in the lot and gave him a nod as a friendly gesture.


Knowing what they would do back in the woods, I'm very glad the guy didn't catch up with me and think I was just playing hard to get. What I've learned is... Careful where you back your truck in at. :)


I was mountain biking to a cache and I turn a low visibility corner and happened upon a couple making out. It was very awkward because since I just turned a corner I was no more than a couple feet away from the couple. No-one said anything, they quickly stopped, straightened their clothing and kept walking, and I just kept biking.... it was quite awkward. I felt like saying "get a room"


Wasn't caching but was with a large group of family that I do sometimes take on caching, we were actually up at a local ghost town. Walking the 3 mile hike back out of the ghost town I saw some other hikers coming our way about half a mile down when something rather large and brown ambled across the road. Everyone with me thought it was just a dog that had been with the other hikers or something. Didn't have the heart to tell them it was a brown bear until we got back to the car.


After that my wife made me get a large caliber hand gun to carry with us whenever we go back to that area :D

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