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Garmin Oregon freezes on this one cache


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I have a Garmin Oregon 400t and it is running Beta 3.42. I download the PQ's to the unit with GSAK.

I was out caching today and for the first time my unit froze each with a blank screen except for the back arrow and go button showing. I had to pull the batteries to get it stared again. It only occurs when I try to view the description of the cache. I can view any other part of the cache, hint, past logs etc.

This is the only cache that it has happened on and happened every time I tried it, at least 6 times to make sure it is not a fluke. The cache is "Fifty "?" Challenge" ( GC1WR40 )

Any ideas??


I don't know if this is your problem, but I was having a problem with a few local caches not showing up at all, even though I knew they existed in my pq. I tried stripping the # character from the title and description using the filter in the export function in gsak, and it fixed the problem. Might be worth a try.


I have a Garmin Oregon 400t and it is running Beta 3.42. I download the PQ's to the unit with GSAK.

I was out caching today and for the first time my unit froze each with a blank screen except for the back arrow and go button showing. I had to pull the batteries to get it stared again. It only occurs when I try to view the description of the cache. I can view any other part of the cache, hint, past logs etc.

This is the only cache that it has happened on and happened every time I tried it, at least 6 times to make sure it is not a fluke. The cache is "Fifty "?" Challenge" ( GC1WR40 )

Any ideas??


I also have the same problem. Everything was fine until 3.42b. At least 3.30 and 3.41 didn't have the problem.

I solved the problem by writing a small program that loads the original .gpx files and creates new ones, without troublesome HTML tags inside.


I have versions for mac and windows. You can grab the programs here: OregonGPXFilter


I hope it will fix your problems.


Thanks for the replies.

It's not really a big problem for me as this is the only cache that freezes or has frozen my unit and I have done hundreds of caches with no problem. I have found the cache so it is no longer a worry but I was just wondering what the problem could have been.

I don't know much about it but the explanation of the HTML screwing up the Oregon sounds the most logical.


Thanks for the replies.

It's not really a big problem for me as this is the only cache that freezes or has frozen my unit and I have done hundreds of caches with no problem. I have found the cache so it is no longer a worry but I was just wondering what the problem could have been.

I don't know much about it but the explanation of the HTML screwing up the Oregon sounds the most logical.


It may not be a big problem but in the field, with limited time, having to remove the batteries and not being able to do this cache is really annoying. If you try the program let me know if it solved that particular cache.


I ended up incorporating the program into my pipeline. I export the caches with GSAK and filter the .gpx files before loading them to my Oregon. Never had to remove the batteries after :o


Have fun

I have a Garmin Oregon 400t and it is running Beta 3.42. I download the PQ's to the unit with GSAK.

I was out caching today and for the first time my unit froze each with a blank screen except for the back arrow and go button showing. I had to pull the batteries to get it stared again. It only occurs when I try to view the description of the cache. I can view any other part of the cache, hint, past logs etc.

This is the only cache that it has happened on and happened every time I tried it, at least 6 times to make sure it is not a fluke. The cache is "Fifty "?" Challenge" ( GC1WR40 )

Any ideas??



It will be worth emailing the cache owner, I have not seen this for a while now but if it is blocking you, others will have the same issue and not bother with the cache.


So I downloaded GC1WR40 to a 400T and attempted to bring it up. It came up after about 10 seconds (which is rather weird), but it did come up. I didn't have to pull the batteries. I do notice a bunch of HTML.


There is another cache GCTPGY that will make me pull the batteries. It has a bunch of HTML as well.


I downloaded the gpx file from GC1WR40 (not SendToGPS) and it hung my 550t as well. I sent the problem off to Garmin.


Now I have faith that the problem will be solved...


I've only had my Oregon 550t since Christmas, but for the past couple of weeks, I've been having trouble with it freezing. The first time, it kept doing it on the same cache, just as you described, when I'd try to view the description or logs I'd get only the arrow and the go button, but it worked fine for navigating. I tried reloading the GPX file when I got home, and I didn't seem to have the problem anymore, but it did it again this weekend. The cache I was viewing was very simple though, no special characters in the title and no html on the page. It also gets hung up when I try to delete WPs manually, sometimes it just takes awhile, but other times I have to reboot. It's also hung up a few times on the camera. I was reading this thread to see if it was related, but it sounds like I'll have to keep a watch out to see if I'm the only one ;) Thanks for the info!


I am having the same problem as OP with the following caches: GC2PFNK , GC2QXN7 , and GC2R2A5 . All are hidden by the same owner. It doesn't matter whether I use "Send to GPS" or get them in a Pocket Query. I have updated to the latest software. Waypoints work fine. Other caches in the same PQ work fine. I can use the Go button if I do it first. But if I press the information button (ask to see cache description), I get a screen with only the "go back, " "mark waypoint," and "Go" buttons, none of which work. The backlight stays on. The unit does not record tracks. The power button does not beep, and you cannot unlock screen. The only way I have found to turn it off is to remove the batteries. Oregon 450t.


The unofficial Garmin Oregon Wiki says that this issue is resolved (search for "freeze"), but it is a new and current problem for me.


Are you intentionally running Oregon 450 series beta firmware on the 400? I'm presuming it's 450 series firmware, since the current 400 stable firmware release is 4.10 or thereabouts. If you are running an old 400 series beta, maybe try upgrading your firmware.


Of course, since it's only one cache, the issue is likely related to that.


Sorry, I should have been more clear.


I have an Oregon 450t, and am running the latest stable software.


I have an e-mail in to Garmin support.


I also asked the cache owner whether he is doing anything different with his descriptions lately.


Sorry to report that Garmin support's response was not what I had hoped. My GPS unit is not damaged, since I can view other geocaches' descriptions that were downloaded in GPX files. But it must be Groundspeak's fault, case closed, as far as the guy who is writing to me is concerned.


Escalate it, Mrsrubble. That's a cop-out answer from Garmin. As a producer of software myself, anything that validates, but that causes a device crash, is a defect.


"Here is a reproducible way to crash your device" is a slam-dunk bugreport.

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