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No matter what the interlopers may say, Hidden in the"Florida Style" means in the bootjack of a Palm...


to you - large segments of the Florida community use it differently. It's okay, language use shifts, I like the regional character of it. Florida uses MEFF and LASF, most other areas don't.

No matter what the interlopers may say, Hidden in the"Florida Style" means in the bootjack of a Palm...


to you - large segments of the Florida community use it differently. It's okay, language use shifts, I like the regional character of it. Florida uses MEFF and LASF, most other areas don't.



And large segments of a community can be wrong, whether it's language use, politics, or any other human activity. Not everyone subscribes to the"ignorant citation" theory of language. That's how "ain't' got in the dctionary .


Don't make me no nevermind. Like a frog on a lily in the middle of the pond. Doesn't make a partical of difference one way or t'other.Maybe it does, maybe it don't, but I don't cotton to that. Go Gatuh!! :lol:


I'm leaving for Sanibel Island on Sunday morning. Next week I'll be caching on Island Time.


Let us know how it turns out--lots of caches on the island!!! :grin:


I had a great time. I didn't get to go after every cache I wanted to(like the Big John virtual in Cape Coral), but I found lots of neat spots I didn't see the last time I visited. I even saw alligators in the wild near Everglades City. I was bummed because the last day of my vacation came too fast, and I hadn't made it to the lighthouse or got to check out the area around/under the Causeway... so I got up early that last day and hit up both.


I'm leaving for Sanibel Island on Sunday morning. Next week I'll be caching on Island Time.


Let us know how it turns out--lots of caches on the island!!! :grin:


I had a great time. I didn't get to go after every cache I wanted to(like the Big John virtual in Cape Coral), but I found lots of neat spots I didn't see the last time I visited. I even saw alligators in the wild near Everglades City. I was bummed because the last day of my vacation came too fast, and I hadn't made it to the lighthouse or got to check out the area around/under the Causeway... so I got up early that last day and hit up both.


geocaching in PARADISE!!! :lol:

Posted (edited)

hEY i HAVE A THOUGHT--wHY DON'T WE PETITION Groundspeak FOR A NEW TYPE OF eVENT CACHE-- Maybe even with it's own icon--A hurricane Party--It wouldn't require the two week advance notice--and could only beheld within a certain distance in miles from the epicenter of an ongoing tropical Storm... The cache names could take on the convention: "Eye of the Storm: Carmalita 2010: Palm Harbor or some such. And if the power went out during the event (I suggest it be held indoors) it would receive a special attribute...What do you Think?? Oh, and maybe the events could be open ended--Held at a specific location ( Sports Bar) and anyone who attends during the storm gets a smiley...


So in other words, if a Hurricane hits, we all know where to meet to drink a few beers and tune in to the weather channel, trade geocoins etc..


I suggest for Pinellas County, the Original Hooters in Clearwater--bring your flashlights!! If Hooters is closed, the nearest Public Shelter.1682b6d1-2e43-4d1c-b85a-d073e6585acb.jpg:mad:

Edited by Trader Rick & Rosie

Happy Independence Day, #USA!


Too bad it's not been very good geocaching weather here in the "sunshine state."




Now that we've decided that a "Typical Florida Hide" is one that is in the bootjack of a Palm and not simply on the ground under debris, Let's turn our attention to the matter of CACHE SIZES:


According to the "Guidelines"


MICROS: 00.00 TO 00.10 LITER (Up to a Double Shot)

SMALL: 00.11 TO 01.00 LITER ( Double Shot to a Quart)

REGULAR 01.01 TO 19.99 LITER (Quart to 5 Gallons)

LARGE 20.00 AND ABOVE LITERS ( 5 Gallons and up)


Therefore the hated and disgustingly bizzarre "nanos" should be listed as micros in the size bar... :):(


We do have our benefits here, from dry lands to the wet lands


From the wild to the "wilder"



Indeed we do-- Did you see on Fox News Chanel the piece about the three legged Gator in the pond behind the Butcher Shop in St. Pete? Somebody needs to put a cache there :laughing: --As well as at another site in Pinellas County that has been on the National news lately--Clearwater Life Guard HQ Tower, that the state of Florida's petty crazycrats have insisted have a WHEELCHAIR lift... :shocked:


We get far too many log notifications on our caches that include the phrase "took some pictures", then when we eagerly go to the cache page, there are none. Why mention photos if you're not going to share????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"


Trader Rick and Rosie, congrats on reaching 1000!!


I regret that I missed the last Pinellas Geocaching Meetup, but I now live off of Racetrack road and Largo/Seminole is a bit far for me now. We should start a North Pinellas meetup. <_<


What IS the ultimate FL event? I'd like to go!


Florida has some recurring events of note.


Cacheapalooza GC2C575 (this year) for south Florida, and


Finders Fest GC290XH (this year) generally in north or north central, are the two most established big annual events - both are weekend long camping events, lots of new caches. Finders features a contest (strictly optional) The Gauntlet, and a big feed. Cacheapalooza features a boat load of caches in a beautiful state park, Jonathan Dickerson.


SCGA (Space Coast Geocaching Association) - Brevard county, hosts some well attended annual get-togethers.


FGA, last year, hosted their first big weekend event - GC23ABE - I suspect this will become annual. (FGA generally helps others host big events with cash)


TAG area (Tallahassee) is active with a couple of annual events, I haven't gotten to any of them.


and down on the southeast coast there's a very active group that has a number of recurring events - LagPins bowling events, assorted hosts "The Difficulty Increases" and Blue Diamond's BBQ events GC2CNQJ

Posted (edited)

Trader Rick and Rosie, congrats on reaching 1000!!


I regret that I missed the last Pinellas Geocaching Meetup, but I now live off of Racetrack road and Largo/Seminole is a bit far for me now. We should start a North Pinellas meetup. <_<


What IS the ultimate FL event? I'd like to go!


Probably don't need to pay for a new meet-up group. Work thru the existing one, and plan your own meet-up!--As long as it's on the weekend TR and Rosie would probably be good to go! ((Except Saturdays during football season) or you can plan one here thru the forums... Frankly, I don't see why your meet-ups can't be EVENTS - as long as they have a two-week posting--and the caching is not the main object of the event --like the met and greet Taco eating at the last Beach- Run meetup...

Edited by SixDogTeam

I will be at Cacheapalooza 5 http://coord.info/GC2C575 for sure! My dad (Eat Mor Chikin) is helping set it up, and I might be involved in placing about 10 caches for the event.


We've cached at JDSP twice, but only managed to get about 50 of them. (They archive and relaunch about 200 caches a year at the annual Cacheapalooza event in the park.)


Will be a first Event cache for me, totally looking forward to it!! I live in Tampa, anybody who wants to carpool over there is totally welcome!


Hello fellow Florida Geocachers! I am VERY new to this wonderful adventure...have one find to my name....and it was a park and grab..but hey it counts..right!. My husband and I are looking for someone in Southwest Florida...Port Charlotte area who may be interested in spending some time with us newbies...showing us the ropes so to speak. We are going to make plans to attend some events in October but I don't want to wait that long to figure this out!


Thanks for any help..


Michelle :(


Hello fellow Florida Geocachers! I am VERY new to this wonderful adventure...have one find to my name....and it was a park and grab..but hey it counts..right!. My husband and I are looking for someone in Southwest Florida...Port Charlotte area who may be interested in spending some time with us newbies...showing us the ropes so to speak. We are going to make plans to attend some events in October but I don't want to wait that long to figure this out!


Thanks for any help..


Michelle :)


You're not REALLY Michelle Tanner are you????

Don't wait! If you have your GPSr, go outside right now and start looking for caches!! Start with the nearest to your home--they may even be within walking distance, who knows? Dive right in, you'll learn as you go.


The best way to meet rope-showers is at the events, where there may be group hunts, but you don't have to wait for them, go outside right now. Do it. Go. :P


Welcome to the obsession!!


Go Gatuh :(


One thing CO's hate to hear:


"Log Date: 8/21/2010

second time here found it but not in the right spot. we put it back in the right spot"


"Just when I've thought I've adequately foolproofed one of my cache placements, along comes a new and improved fool." -CoolCache



Posted (edited)





Log Date: 8/26/2010

Great day to be out caching. Some one moved it from where I think it was suppose [sic] to be, so I put it back. TFTC! [:laughing:] #2150





Edited by Trader Rick & Rosie

I know every cache can't be an ammo can under a waterfall guarded by Indian Maidens on top of the mountain with a view of Rainbow Valley filled with gold coins, but why would a power trail take you to the fence behind a building that surrounds the dumpsters??????? Especially when there are trees with hidey holes nearby? First person with a sane explanation wins a Shadow Geocoin,


I know every cache can't be an ammo can under a waterfall guarded by Indian Maidens on top of the mountain with a view of Rainbow Valley filled with gold coins, but why would a power trail take you to the fence behind a building that surrounds the dumpsters??????? Especially when there are trees with hidey holes nearby? First person with a sane explanation wins a Shadow Geocoin,

They can't all be in cool trees with hidey holes. LOL

I overslept yesterday!! I really wanted to join that meetup in Brandon!!! I'm more of a late afternoon-early evening geocacher. :)

Posted (edited)

Lamp post nano seekers won't like this log, for a find on a cache right in the middle of the city:


September 21 by Zogstarlene (1523 found)


I'm not a wussie cacher - hell, I've done 17 Runs overland. But this was one tough to get cache...I bled for 20 minutes after getting this one. I found a place to cross the creek with minimal (shoetop) wading only to see it dumped me into abve-the-waist-high thick THICK brambles. I recrossed and tried the deeper creek crossings a couple other places and found the same, or worse bramble thickets. Went back to the first crossing cause it looked like heading north might make it less heavy bushwacking -- BAD idea...the direct route was the only "reasonable" route because going the other way ended up in chest high brambles.


I finally just gut it out and many, many bramble cuts later I'm in the general area of the cache (still a lot of brambles, but significantly less.) Then begins the search - since the actual cache is at least 35' south of the GZ this made it tougher than I thought it would be.


Then back out which was no better than in. I was plenty cut up (still am) after this one. Well worth the difficulty rating if not more.


I won't say "thanks for the cache" but will say "thanks for the challenge". SL



Edited by Trader Rick & Rosie

Hello fellow Florida cachers! i'm looking forward to cooler weather for caching and to the snowbird cachers to come back! i'd love to meet and maybe cache with some!


Today on the trail i saw a bobcat 10 feet from GC. This raised the D of 1.5 to 4 for me. i got nervous. Found the cache!


i've found 2 fake palmetto bug caches and now i poke every palmetto bug i find near GZ. Ugh! Same with ant hills. Note to self, it's probably a real fire ant hill, don't poke it.


Here's my tip for hiders: any size hidden in saw paletto=T4! :P


i hid 7 new caches recently. i'm still learning all the tricks and trades and building up my geobag.


Bug Spray

Calamine Lotion



i recently added gloves to my bag after walking through a filed of those small spikey balls. Ouch.


If anyone is close and wants to cache let me know by email.

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