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Need volunteers to hide 200 geocoins for awareness campaign


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I just picked mine up from the PO. I'll do my best to release it soon, a major snow storm is predicted for the next 2 days. May have to search out a snow friendly cache for it. Thanks for the coin, for such a great cause.


Dropped one off in what is probably the safest spot for a coin in San Francisco yesterday (a box placed with permission in a museum). I folded the name card and left it in the other pocket so that those interested can get more info. Had to make two trips - I forgot that the museum is not open every day. Hope it spreads the message.


I had a death in my family Wednesday and had to travel to Indiana. I wont be back to GA until Wednesday and that is where your coin is. It is safe though, I have my cat guarding it!!!


I will be dropping off mine at GC22RM8, GEOregon's February Meet and Greet tonight :) I will get as many pics as I can-I will personally hand them to another cacher and not just just put them in the basket of TB's and coins. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this :laughing:


I sent an email the day this post was active, received an email back from the OP saying she would mail the coin(s) out pronto, yet I haven't received them yet. Maybe I won't be able to participate???


Dropped the two coins sent to me today in GC22BDC( had to dig this one out of the snow) and GC21EPH. Thanks for letting me participate and help spread awareness for your campaign.


I’ve had bronchitis and kept thinking I would get better and drag myself out “tomorrow.” I’m new to geocahing, we started while we were visiting my family in FL and haven’t really done much around my home so I didn’t have a good place in mind to start mine. The caches I had found were one near my Dr’s office that I didn’t feel was safe and the other was not one I could leave a coin in. I decided that I’d try to put it in a new cache and was hoping one would come up close. I was thrilled when 2 popped up this morning. But when I got ready to go my GPS could not get a lock. Neither of them sounded like they were going to be easy to find. I remembered that I had a few saved that might be easy enough to find with just the description. The first one was a bust, but thankfully just as I was ready to give up on the second the cloud cover cleared just enough for me to get a short lock and to realize that I needed to move at least 100 feet down the road. I was so glad that I found that cache, because I really didn’t want to let you down. If you would like to read my log. TB3CHRK


I left it in Services around the Fairgrounds. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...09-01d1cfb36d36 If anyone in the Houston area is interested in discovering or finding it.


Just got mine in the mail today and, provided I get a translation set up, will be putting it out in a cache tomorrow (and I might get it out there even if I don't get the translation in time). Cheers!


Coins received today...


two already in new caches and two coming to event with me.


Good luck with the campaign fingers crossed they travel 1000's of miles and raise awareness of your campaign


I received the coin today! I will log it right away and drop it imediatelly in the cache near me! :)

Thank you my friend for letting me participate in this campain!!! I am deeply honored!!! :P

Posted (edited)

I picked mine back up from Services, because no one had visited it since I dropped it. I was going to San Antonio for my Birthday and wanted to swap it with a Geocoin trading cache listed as an easy cache on the riverwalk. Sadly I couldn't find that cache. It was supposed to be an easy one (I met another cacher and she couldn't find it either. Nor could the next the team that searched.) I feared it was muggled, but thankfully someone just buried it under the leaves. I'm assuming deeply, because that was my first thought. I left it near Austin in my favorite cache so far. It's called Smooches Hopefully both coins will go far and spread the word.


If you have any more you need hidden, I would be happy to do as many as you want in the Houston, Conroe, Huntsville area.

Edited by wolfslady

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