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Need volunteers to hide 200 geocoins for awareness campaign


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My non-profit, Big Love Little Hearts', mission is to make sure that all children with heart defects get the lifesaving surgery they need regardless of their economic status or country of origin. 1 in 100 children are born with a heart defect - that means roughly one million children are born every year with a heart defect and half of them will need surgery to survive.


February 7 -14 is Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) Awareness Week. As part of our Awareness Campaign we have minted 200 geocoins that look like our logo and we need your help!! We are looking for volunteers to hide our coins in caches all across the US and Canada...our goal is for them to be found again and again, so our only wish is that you don't hide them anywhere too difficult to find :D


If you would like to participate, please email me at: erosenberg@biglovelittlehearts.org ASAP. The coins need to be hidden during CHD Awareness Week so we are mailing them out in the next few days.


We hope you'll help us spread the word - CHD's are the most common birth defect and the #1 reason infants die in their first year of life!



Estrella Rosenberg

Founder, Big Love Little Hearts

Edited by survivetothrive

Oh!!! That's a great mission!!!

I would love to help you with the coins but I am not in USA or Canada! I am in Rhodes island, in Greece!


I hope Europeans will be in too!

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