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OkMap Free GPS Mapping Software


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Hi All,

I'm pleased to present OkMap software (www.okmap.it).


OkMap is an interactive software which allows you to work on your computer screen with digital maps that you have either bought or scanned. OkMap can also import vectorial data from the most common formats and DEM data relevant to height informations.


Through these maps, OkMap lets you organize paths by creating waypoints, routes and tracks on your computer monitor, and upload this data to your GPS. To make it easier, OkMap provides you also with autorouting and geocoding functions.


Data collected by your GPS can be downloaded on your computer, stored and displayed on the maps. They can also be used to create different types of statistics.


By connecting a GPS to your laptop, you can plot your position on maps in real-time. If you are connected to the network you can constantly send your position to a remote computer, or receive the position of your companions on your computer and display the related tracks on maps in real time.


OkMap can also interface Google Maps and Google Earth. With Google Maps you can get portions of maps immediately available in OkMap. With Google Earth you can view your paths and your maps also in 3D.


Potential use:

-Search and rescue


-Off road



-Mountain bike


-Hunting and fishing

-Finding mushrooms

-Soft air


Main features:

-Calibrate raster maps with different types of cartographic projections

-Create own digital maps drawing points, multipoints, polylines and polygons

-Display simultaneously raster and vectorial maps

-Import vectorial data with different types of cartographic projections

-Use raster and vectorial maps as background for navigation

-Create and manage waypoints, routes and tracks in GPX format

-Download, save and automatically georeference maps from Google Maps

-Automatic determination of road paths (autorouting)

-Determination of coordinates from street addresses (geocoding) and viceversa

-Use digital terrain models to display the elevation

-Upload and download data to and from a GPS device

-Navigate in real time with a GPS device through NMEA protocol

-Display Google Earth and Google Maps in current map location

-Exchange data with Google Earth and view your map in 3D

-Find nearby cache in geocaching.com web site

-Exchange data with GpsGate Home server

-Receive customized navigation data from remote GPS devices

-Send the current position to an OkMap remote server

-Make conversions between different types of coordinates, datums, formats, etc..

-Use a handy calculator for your calculations

-Many other things..


Supported languages:




Supported formats:

-Images: ecw, bmp, gif, jpg, png, tif and many others

-Maps: gfw, jgw, pgw, tfw, bpw (Drg maps); ecw (Earth Resource Mapping); map (OziExplorer); gmi (GpsTuner)

-Vectorial data: shp, dbf (Esri shape file); dcw (Digital Chart of World)

-GPS data: gpx (GPS Exchange Format); kml (Keyhole Markup Language); wpt, plt, rte (OziExplorer); loc (Geocaching) and many others formats thanks to the software GpsBabel

-DEM data (digital earth model): hgt (SRTM-1 e SRTM-3)


Supported Gps devices:

-Upload/download through GpsBabel: Garmin and Magellan

-NMEA navigation: all GPS devices that support Nmea 0183 protocol


Constantly updates the software and all your suggestions will be appreciated.

A greeting to all.

Gian Paolo

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