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Would geocaching still be as popular if it weren't for the greedy among us?

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Coppied that question from someone elses post. What are your thoughts?


Sure, why not? It's not like most of us actually WANT what's in these caches, is it? Haha. If you are rich enough to own a GPS, you probably don't want/need much swag other than to move to the next geocache. lol.


yeah, I think I've only traded for 1 swag item before, rest of the time i just pull the log and my step-daughter will rummage through to see if there is anything she wants to trade for.


We're in for the different places we get to see and hike to more then anything that's in the cache.


I am not greedy just because I won't let my wife's cache count catch up to me, or because I won't tell a friend about a new cache in town, or because I really don't care how tired my kids are of geocaching. Nope. I think public spankings of those ahead of me in the geocaching would suffice.

Would geocaching still be as popular if it weren't for the greedy among us?


Yes, caching would still be as popular without the greedy among us.


To the extent I even understand the question - I have to agree with the above.

Would geocaching still be as popular if it weren't for the greedy among us?


Yes, caching would still be as popular without the greedy among us.



Caching is popular, the parasites have simply followed along, as they do in just about everything.


Who's greedy?


Most cachers I know are anything but greedy. Most are very giving people and will go out of their way to help, perhaps by replacing someone else's cache container that's broken, by cleaning up trash along the trail or loading up a container with trade items when its empty but taking nothing in return.


Perhaps the question should be asked, "Would geocaching still be as popular if it weren't for the helpful among us?"

Posted (edited)

Who's greedy?


Most cachers I know are anything but greedy. Most are very giving people and will go out of their way to help, perhaps by replacing someone else's cache container that's broken, by cleaning up trash along the trail or loading up a container with trade items when its empty but taking nothing in return.


Perhaps the question should be asked, "Would geocaching still be as popular if it weren't for the helpful among us?"


Given the context I believe the person meant to say something like- people taking and not logging bugs and coins is discouraging to the owners and creates an environment that causes people to lose interest, and therefore geocaching is not as popular as it could be without these 'greedy' people.



Edit: clarification

Edited by BlueDeuce


Given the context I believe the person meant to say something like- people taking and not logging bugs and coins is discouraging to the owners and creates an environment that causes people to lose interest, and therefore geocaching is not as popular as it could be without these 'greedy' people.



Edit: clarification

Yes, I did take the question out of context, which makes it a little more vague.

Posted (edited)

If what you mean by greedy is trying to get the most finds to have impressive numbers, then maybe.


On the other hand, it seems that the folks with the most finds tend to be the same folks with the most hides. That's not greedy at all. It's sharing a hobby with others, and hoping they enjoy it as much as you do.

Edited by swfirefly

There are greedy among us?


Okay so there are people out there who don't trade up, and there are a few rotten apples that steal travel bugs and geocoins, but I'd say those are the less popular members of our community, and we'd do just fine without them. Geocachers are some of the best people I've come across.


Just march over to the Geocoin Section. There are two charity auction threads on the first page of the GC section, one supporting an ill member of our community and one for Haiti. Then theres the Todies Wild Ride Thread encouraging geocoin release to promote bike safety, theres the Pay it Forward Geocoin adoption thread adopting new coins out to new cachers who want to watch a coin travel and don't forget the countless cointests.


Then go check out the CITO section, picking up other peoples trash is hardly a greedy action!


Those that place caches for others to find, spending money to make a creative container or stocking it with quality swag aren't greedy either! So there are some that take and don't leave, but I doubt thats most. Personally I usually don't even take anything, even when I leave something. Though, I suppose when I leave my personal coins, I am motivated by greed. But if greed is how you'd describe wanting to be responsible for someone elses joy at finding some nice swag, then so be it :unsure:


Wait, was that the question, the greedy people who leave quality swag hoping to make someones day? I missed where the question was asked in the other thread.


Who's greedy?


Most cachers I know are anything but greedy. Most are very giving people and will go out of their way to help, perhaps by replacing someone else's cache container that's broken, by cleaning up trash along the trail or loading up a container with trade items when its empty but taking nothing in return.


Perhaps the question should be asked, "Would geocaching still be as popular if it weren't for the helpful among us?"


Given the context I believe the person meant to say something like- people taking and not logging bugs and coins is discouraging to the owners and creates an environment that causes people to lose interest, and therefore geocaching is not as popular as it could be without these 'greedy' people.

Wow. I really misunderstood that one. :unsure:


Around here, most cachers understand that some people will take stuff from a cache and not leave something in return, that coins will be sent out, grabbed and never moved again. Most people I know chalk it up to being part of the "game."


So, I think caching will do just fine with or without greedy cachers.



Given the context I believe the person meant to say something like- people taking and not logging bugs and coins is discouraging to the owners and creates an environment that causes people to lose interest, and therefore geocaching is not as popular as it could be without these 'greedy' people.



Edit: clarification

Yes, I did take the question out of context, which makes it a little more vague.


Ahhh, I thought it meant that most finders are motivated by the swag, and if they weren't tempted to take and not leave, that they wouldn't cache :unsure:


Lol, I agree with you now! The thieves are discouraging.


Geez, I go to sleep for a couple hours and something I said in another thread becomes its own topic!!!



Who's greedy?


Most cachers I know are anything but greedy. Most are very giving people and will go out of their way to help, perhaps by replacing someone else's cache container that's broken, by cleaning up trash along the trail or loading up a container with trade items when its empty but taking nothing in return.


Perhaps the question should be asked, "Would geocaching still be as popular if it weren't for the helpful among us?"


Given the context I believe the person meant to say something like- people taking and not logging bugs and coins is discouraging to the owners and creates an environment that causes people to lose interest, and therefore geocaching is not as popular as it could be without these 'greedy' people.



Edit: clarification


I think your explanation, BlueDeuce, is closest to what I intended, just perhaps not worded very well. Geocaching is a kids game, for the kid in all of us. I hate it when the real "kids" have to see the crap we see every day and we have learned to deal with as a normal part of life. Kids learn too early in life that most things have good and bad implications. Why does geocaching have to be one of them? Why can't it just be fun?


Geez, I go to sleep for a couple hours and something I said in another thread becomes its own topic!!!



Who's greedy?


Most cachers I know are anything but greedy. Most are very giving people and will go out of their way to help, perhaps by replacing someone else's cache container that's broken, by cleaning up trash along the trail or loading up a container with trade items when its empty but taking nothing in return.


Perhaps the question should be asked, "Would geocaching still be as popular if it weren't for the helpful among us?"


Given the context I believe the person meant to say something like- people taking and not logging bugs and coins is discouraging to the owners and creates an environment that causes people to lose interest, and therefore geocaching is not as popular as it could be without these 'greedy' people.



Edit: clarification


I think your explanation, BlueDeuce, is closest to what I intended, just perhaps not worded very well. Geocaching is a kids game, for the kid in all of us. I hate it when the real "kids" have to see the crap we see every day and we have learned to deal with as a normal part of life. Kids learn too early in life that most things have good and bad implications. Why does geocaching have to be one of them? Why can't it just be fun?


It can just be fun if you don't obsess about the little annoyances. As for the kiddies, show them that they can find the good, if they don't fixate on the bad.


From Merriam Webster Dictionary:

"a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed."


According to this definition, how can a cacher be greedy? Desire is the central attribute. Selfishly desiring to have astronomical find numbers more than needed can be greedy. Desiring to excessively flood an area with your caches (in other words, hogging a prime caching area) can be greedy. Selfishly taking all the best trades and not leaving trades in equal value is greedy.


Each of these greedy acts dampen the fun of geocaching. Less fun means less popular. Greed soils (like "soiled his pants") geocaching.


The generous (i.e. "non-greedy") cachers who share outdoor adventure through caching keep me going in this hobby. Greedy cachers are the dog piles in the field of our fun. Guess you've just got to take the bad with the good.


Would geocaching still be as popular if it weren't for the OCD'd among us?






That was what I assumed the OP meant. Anyone who's in geocaching for the swag must be pretty routinely disappointed.


"Coppied that question from someone elses post."



because the question was part of another discussion, and I thought it was interesting on it's own.


Greedy for what?


Certainly not swag?


However, there are some that are greedy for smileys, FTFs, attention... and to answer the question seriously, it would probably not be as popular if there many were not as greedy for smileys. Because there is a greed for a high number of finds it has increased the popularity of a certain type of hide.


I've never equated "popular" with "good". I listen to a lot of what I consider really good music that many people have never heard of and there are a lot of popular music "artists" that sing/play music that I don't like.

I've never equated "popular" with "good".

Exactly. A soggy log film can under a lamp post in 500 acres of sweltering, exhaust laden blacktop, bristling with soccer mom driven SUVs would likely be popular, (assuming the P&G crowd wouldn't be forced into walking more than 10' from their vehicle to retrieve it, or burning up more than a couple brain cells in trying to discern its location), but in accordance with my own highly biased aesthetic, it would unlikely be called good.


If you remove the number ho's from the game, (which is one form of greed), there would be less of us. If you remove the cache saturation hiders, (another form of greed), there would be less of us. If you removed the thieves from the game, (more greed), there would be less of us. Greed is just one facet of the human condition. You could change the question to target any other facet, and the answer would be the same.


There would be less of us.


Less overall cachers could be equated as the game being less popular.

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