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Spouse loves geocaching.


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Just wishing.


I didn't respond to that other spouse thread because my wife doesn't exactly hate geocaching. :(


:D Milujem t'a Narcissa!


This is why you find a spouse within the sport :P


Funny. I found my spouse because of geocaching and she thinks geocaching (the actual activity) is dumb, :( but she likes geocachers as a group and loves attending events with me. :(


What she hates most is me dragging stuff home to turn into caches or travel bugs. :lol:


I keep hoping she'll become a geocacher by osmosis or sumthin'. Maybe if I get my son (2yo) hooked, she'll have to take him out to cache to keep him occupied before he starts school and will get hooked thata way. :( :(


Yep ... see our username.


We always cashe together, and Sharron is more than not the one that suggests it!

I'd be toast if I went caching without her, so I reserve my "free" time for making caches.


Works out well


My wife and i both share the same passion for the sport. It definitely makes life so much easier when we both look forward and enjoy caching together .


Tell me about it brother! Ain't it grand? :P:):)


My wife enjoys it. She is very tenacious and sometimes I have to drag her away from a cache we couldn't find.


Sounds like Saxman's wife. We got a group find in Santa Fe because she just wouldn't give up the hunt. I was very impressed since I had pushed the eject button 15 minutes before she found the cache. ;)


Yes! Team Succotash = Corn + Bean. We were already married when we discovered this new passion. It adds another great dimension to things we already love to do. Who wouldn't think it's a great date to head into the swamp after an ammo can?!?


Nice thread, thanks.


Yes, nice thread. We've heard a lot from those who are less fortunate recently, and I do feel sad for them that their dearest one doesn't share their interest in caching. For my husband and me, it feels like a return to our early dating days when we would go for long, aimless drives together. Geocaching gives us a bit more direction than we had in our younger years but, still, the same sense of adventure and discovery. Geocaching has provided a reassuring spiral back as we approached and entered our empty nest years.


He doesn't log or put together our itinerary; but he suggests where to go, discusses hides with me, and makes at least 50% of the finds. As in life, we make a pretty good team! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to brag about my favorite caching partner.


I definitely enjoy caching more than my wife does. I tend to cache to see new and interesting places, which does interest her. Our caching trips tend to be us going someplace new. When we hitt ground zero - she checks out the area, I hunt for the cache. It works out well. She has even found some caches before I have, but its rare :unsure:


I am the one that brought GeoCaching to the family. Hubby likes to go and usually picks the place we are going. I do the research and load the GPSrs with the caches (he's not good with technology). We used to take Sunday drives around the state and to PA. Now Geocaching has us doing the same thing but with more purpose. It's a great activity for the both of us. We really enjoy our days together. For me it's better than dinner and a movie!


Hubby wanted to go tomorrow, but it is supposed to rain hard all day :rolleyes:


My wife is as involved as I am. We head out with the dogs and have a grand ole time. I have in a user name change request, at her request, to reflect the fact that we are both involved. No sneaking off for the weekend here... she has her coat on before I finish tying my shoes :rolleyes:


My fiance' loves caching as much as I do. It is usually a race between her and my 15 y/o son for the find. One will find it and not tell the other and act like they are double checking the palm for info while really signing the log, they are a riot. Recently she got to go on a hide run with me, her first, and shr loves the hide now as much as the hunt.


I'm so glad my wife is as addicted as I am.


We hardly watch TV anymore. Even in the cold weather we're out adventuring.


Plus, I would never be able to find caches in the summer and fall without Mrs. SooMukwas rescuing me from all the spiders!


I am the one that brought GeoCaching to the family. Hubby likes to go and usually picks the place we are going. I do the research and load the GPSrs with the caches (he's not good with technology). We used to take Sunday drives around the state and to PA. Now Geocaching has us doing the same thing but with more purpose. It's a great activity for the both of us. We really enjoy our days together. For me it's better than dinner and a movie!


Hubby wanted to go tomorrow, but it is supposed to rain hard all day <_<


buy a jacket...


Sometimes I forget that us PNW guys are semi-immune to rain.


My husband and I got involved in geocaching almost a year ago. We plan our trips now together (we have an overnight trip this weekend) with geocaching in mind. It's pretty much an obsession with both of us. We walked 8 miles last weekend in the rain to find some caches. It's opened up a whole new world of discovery, adventure and fun for us.


My hubby & I were already married when we kind of fell into geocaching. We had a trip coming up down a road we've travelled much too much, and were looking for some way to make it more enjoyable. The ended up taking almost twice as long as it should have, partially because we were such newbies that we had a hard time knowing what we were looking for, and partially because once we found a couple we had to hit every single one on our list! :)

Posted (edited)

For the first 9-10 months that I was caching, my wife hated it! I think she got motivated when I got one of her friends interested in it. Her friend bought an Oregon 550 and went to town with it. I think that knowing that one of her friends was hooked was a big impetus for her to really go out and find geocaches.



By the way, I currently have 630+ geocache finds and my wife has 290.

Edited by jeepdelfuego
Posted (edited)

I have 2 exgirlfriends that signed up, but haven't really cached since.(one I was dating at the time and the other I have been friends with for a long time) I also have 2 other exgirlfriends that are very active cachers. (they were new cachers when I met them) My exwife could probably be caching since I gave her a GPS as a gift a few years ago, and told her about it, but I really dont know or want to know if she is. :) (We divorced before the site started)

Edited by 4wheelin_fool

My husband loves it. He loves the thrill of the hunt, he likes virtuals and earthcaches, he enjoys getting out and about. We hike and go on long walks on a regular basis, anyway, so it's nice to add something else, especially if it puts us on a path we might've not otherwise taken. And he likes that we finally have a use for all the knickknacks and trinkets I've hoarded over the years.


But the real reason he loves geocaching has to do with library/information science. He's fascinated with how folks are using GIS to interact with each other and their local environment. If I have to move so that he can pursue a PhD, at least I still have my GPS and can go out wherever we end up, eh?


I guess I'm one of the lucky one. My wife loves it. It is turning into an every weekend thing for us. Heading into the woods, or just plane old desert seems to turn into a great time. She leaves all the research to me but when it comes time to get out there and hunt, she is right there at my side. It's almost like being a kid again. The good thing is now we have cool gadgets to play with. GPS rules..


My hubby, Gothicstorm, and I both love it! We love finding new parks and interesting places we've never been. We've just moved from FL to MN and can't wait to explore some more. Winter caching has been a brand new experience. It is kinda nerdy, but it sure gets you out and adventuring!!


My wife and I are equally addicted! We got interested at the same time and will spend 6, 8, sometimes 12 hours at a time on the weekends geocaching. Yesterday she fell in a huge muddy, icy puddle and hurt her knee while we were looking for a cache. I assumed she'd be done until next weekend, but she was raring to go again today! I'm a very lucky man!!


Yep - caching is our thing that we do together. We are both addicts and add our own particular skills to the process. It's a team thing for us. (But I'm the only one who hangs around in forums!! Hehehe)




It is bad luck to cache without the wifey. Seriously...she may not always find them but I find them when she is with me. Caching alone, I have a way harder time. She is like a good luck charm. Cute too. I think I will keep her. Ha ha.


We discovered caching together...we bought our gps with our wedding gift money...and have cache all over for our honeymoon and other vacations. LOVE IT!


Yep ... see our username.


We always cashe together, and Sharron is more than not the one that suggests it!

I'd be toast if I went caching without her, so I reserve my "free" time for making caches.


Works out well


We started caching together, and I am definitely more hooked/addicted/ridiculous than she is. She enjoys getting out there, but scolds me for wanting to do every EVERY one, even the LPC's. It is good to have her along to talk reason sometimes when I go overboard. She used to ask "what do you want to do this weekend" Now she knows, and the common question has been changed to "where are we going caching this weekend?" And any trips to visit friends and family is accompanied with "how many do you have planned along the way?"


Since our screen name refers to both of us, (and I would be jealous if she went without me) I don't go it alone. We all know it ISN'T about the numbers, but we need something to brag about, and since our numbers aren't all that impressive, we brag about the fact that ALL of our finds are done together (*two CITO events I did solo, but philanthropy trumped our 'together' clause, and sure a few LPC's I did while she was sleeping in the car, but she was within 20ft, and couldn't anyone figure out an LPC in their sleep?)


Caching is really a great activity to get closer with your spouse. There are some times that a cache trip has provided a lot of insight into each others lives than the typical dinner and a movie date night would ever have offered.


This post deserves to be bumped. :(


Ditto thanks for bumping this and bringing it to my attention.

Posted (edited)

My wife and I enjoy caching together. It is just one of the things we use to spend time together and stay conected. Husbands and wives get pulled in so many directions some times we loose track of one another. I'd hate to wake up one day when the kids are gone and not know my wife.

Edited by hoosier guy

We love caching together, and now we're apart during the week, we cache alone in separate areas too (though still under the same team name.) We both have a life long love of maps and gadgets, we both think it's nerdy - and that's probably why we love it! :laughing: Our other interests are so different and varied, we don't have that much in common when it comes to sports and hobbies so its great to be out doing something we both enjoy doing together.


Been caching since 2001 and the wife showed no interest. I think what got her started was jumping out of the van type RV and walking right to the cache when I couldn't find it. Now she is an avid geocacher. We went to Kauai to geocache and celebrate our 60th wedding anv. The next year we went to Alaska and now have found caches in all 50 states. The only problem she wants to find every cache we look for. Have a hard time getting her to give up. Dick and Arlene Yes, we are in our mid 80's.


Gitchee & Gummee can argue about caches, just as well as we can argue about anything else!

Quite some time ago, we realized we are perfect for one another, because we never see anything the same way. It was then that we realized there was always "another" side of every coin!


She just left for a hair appointment. Walking out the door she said, "Remember, we are going caching first thing in the morning"! :rolleyes::laughing:


My wife and I enjoy caching together. It is just one of the things we use to spend time together and stay conected. Husbands and wives get pulled in so many directions some times we loose track of one another. I'd have to wake up one day when the kids are gone and not know my wife.



Great way to rebond and get out and see things together that you normally wouldn't see.


Been caching since 2001 and the wife showed no interest. I think what got her started was jumping out of the van type RV and walking right to the cache when I couldn't find it. Now she is an avid geocacher. We went to Kauai to geocache and celebrate our 60th wedding anv. The next year we went to Alaska and now have found caches in all 50 states. The only problem she wants to find every cache we look for. Have a hard time getting her to give up. Dick and Arlene Yes, we are in our mid 80's.


60 years! My geocaching hat is off to you and your lovely bride. Thanks for the inspriation my friend.


My husband got into geocaching with friends at work during lunches. I'd already heard all about it from a coworker of my own at a previous job, so I just sort of rolled my eyes.


He finally talked me into giving it a shot with him, after he bought a Garmin so he could go out more than just at lunch - and I was hooked.


We're working our way up to the harder stuff, both mentally and physically (sadly, I'm too out of shape to do much serious hiking ... YET!) but for now we really enjoy the opportunity to get out and do something interesting and outdoors. We're both major geeks and most of our hobbies revolve around the computer or other indoor activities (gaming, reading, writing), so it's such a welcome change to have something that takes us out.


He goes at work with his coworkers still from time to time, but I've never been out without him. Maybe I should give that a shot sometime!

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