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Release Notes 1/12/10


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The auto-generated emails that Groundspeak puts out in the case of expiration and credit card denial completely contradict each other and screwed around with my membership). :lol:


Please email me offline with the details of this so I can see if I can correct the issue.

On the pocket query page can you make the Name column self adjusting?


I agree on that and personally complained about it. It's been entered into our bug database, but I can't say when it might be corrected.

I did also update the locate me button, and while it did give me the search results, the go button still redirects me to the home page.


And all of this was working correctly for you prior to the site upgrade?


I am having lots of problems with the new version. I was filling out a cache submission page yesterday and tried to review it before working on it some more. Only half the page showed up. So, now I can't even work on the submission page. I've tried to change the resolution but that's not the answer either. I've written to Groundspeak and they referred me to this forum. Obviously, there is a big bug somewhere that nobody has addressed yet since it's been over 24 hours since this occured. Please follow up on this. I am using windows XP. In addition, everything runs much slower now. It's a pain in the neck to have to wait for all the pages to change and to come up. It sure would be nice if there was help on the way.


The decision on My vs. Your thing came down from the top, though, so there's little that I can do about that right now. I think the community just needs to continue to make it clear that they don't like it! :lol:


Dont like it.


But if I had to choose, I would rather the color issue be fixed first than the your/my thing. The colors are not conducive to perusing the cache pages when Im bored at home.


When using the email form to contact someone, when the message is previewed after being sent, the display shows everything all run together without any returns, but the email itself (at least the copy you can send to yourself) shows correctly.


I'll investigate that one on the test server when I'm back in the office tomorrow. Thanks!


Nurse 1, I've seen no other reports of pages only partially displaying. Please try logging out of the site, emptying your browser cache, exiting your browser, then restarting and returning to the site. Many times issues like what you are describing are due to your browser holding on to the "old" site data (CSS files, images, etc.) and not fully loading the new stuff. Incidentally, what browser is it that you are using?


The issues with map display also seem to be largely due to the browser not fully refreshing on the site update. Those of you having problems with this might want to try the same steps I gave above. Meanwhile, we'll continue investigating the issue for those cases where there is something else going on.

Posted (edited)

I will go along with Nurse 1 it is Slow take 15 to 25 sec for a page to come up if it does or I get this.

Internet Explorer Cannot open the Internet site:


Operation Aborted


Also Google maps on map (load the icon but NO map), Satellite view works, Terrain does not work and My Topo works.


You have said that the update could not slow it down. Maybe you have other problems it happen at the same time.


XP sp3 IE 6

Edited by Camper Guy
Posted (edited)

Nurse 1, I've seen no other reports of pages only partially displaying. Please try logging out of the site, emptying your browser cache, exiting your browser, then restarting and returning to the site. Many times issues like what you are describing are due to your browser holding on to the "old" site data (CSS files, images, etc.) and not fully loading the new stuff. Incidentally, what browser is it that you are using?


The issues with map display also seem to be largely due to the browser not fully refreshing on the site update. Those of you having problems with this might want to try the same steps I gave above. Meanwhile, we'll continue investigating the issue for those cases where there is something else going on.


I had similar issues and when I did as recommended here, everything started working great for me. I am using FF and Windows XP.


Edited to add text.

Edited by ao318

I think most of what I was going to say has already been said, and most of it is quite obvious... anyhow, a few brief notes (trying to be as little redundant as possible)


Display problems: CSS definition priorities. I don't think enough attention was paid to how certain css adjustments would filter down to child elements - either global definitions were added (like line-height, or cell padding?), or generic declarations were used for specific objects (such as ".classname div { properties }" which applies to ALL descendant divs, not just the immediate child, which can easily throw off custom HTML that may have previously appeared correct)

First things I can think of to check for scope of effect on page elements: line-height, cell-padding, border-collapse, any background property... to name a few major ones (all described in some way in the past 9 pages I read through)


I won't bother complaining about other things that really isn't productive (like update process and testing and whatnot) as that's also already been discussed...


If I catch any other errors, I'll report in.

Firstly, it's been mentioned earlier, but on logs with photos, the image doesn't appear.


ight, sleep time.


What is with the pan buttons on the Google map I an used to draging the map to veiw what I want to? You can't drag it any more.


I am able to still drag my map around. I get the little hand when I scroll over the map and when I left click it makes a fist and then moves the map in the direction I want. It is also refreshing really quickly for me.


The decision on My vs. Your thing came down from the top, though, so there's little that I can do about that right now. I think the community just needs to continue to make it clear that they don't like it! :P

Perhaps only 200 people regularly referred to it as My Profile? :lol:


On page what is now called Trackable items (YOURS)(Btw. I don't like that change).. When trying to SORT trackables that I own by LAST LOG, it won't work in any browser I have ( Opera, IE, FF, Chrome)..Other options (name and distance) work however.


"500 - Internal server error.

There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed."


In MY public profile when looking all found geocaches. Distances from my home coordinates to found geocaches don't exist. Or is the option "Distances Measured in Kilometers Switch" there by mistake?


The decision on My vs. Your thing came down from the top, though, so there's little that I can do about that right now. I think the community just needs to continue to make it clear that they don't like it! :P

Perhaps only 200 people regularly referred to it as My Profile? :lol:


"My" vs "Your" boils down to this.


When people see "my" profile, they think it's theirs. It gives a sense of ownership.

When people see "your" profile, it's a very significant reminder that a person is only a guest and they have no actual ownership.


I say it doesn't matter. When it comes time to renew your membership and send money, you are free to decide if you are renting the spot or if you are just a guest and act accordingly.


Vote with your wallet, as they say.


I noticed also that the photos from the last cache we did were backwards in their order.


Heck, I'd have loved to have the problems most are referring to...

I wasn't able (until a few minutes ago) to even LOG ON after the changes went in.

I even tried "upgrading" from IE6 to 7 (on XP), but now I see that others with 6 were able to log on.

Probably one of the few dinosaurs still on dial up. Not sure if that's a factor.


So not really sure HOW I got in, but it's workin'. You guys still in past midnight ? :lol:


Thank you for your time.


The decision on My vs. Your thing came down from the top, though, so there's little that I can do about that right now. I think the community just needs to continue to make it clear that they don't like it! :P

Perhaps only 200 people regularly referred to it as My Profile? :lol:


"My" vs "Your" boils down to this.


When people see "my" profile, they think it's theirs. It gives a sense of ownership.

When people see "your" profile, it's a very significant reminder that a person is only a guest and they have no actual ownership.


I say it doesn't matter. When it comes time to renew your membership and send money, you are free to decide if you are renting the spot or if you are just a guest and act accordingly.


Vote with your wallet, as they say.


I think it is a matter of perspective.


When you look at a web page and see My Profile you think it is yours, you did it. When you see Your Profile you still see it as yours, but you had no input on its creation, the machine is telling you what your profile is.


On page what is now called Trackable items (YOURS)(Btw. I don't like that change).. When trying to SORT trackables that I own by LAST LOG, it won't work in any browser I have ( Opera, IE, FF, Chrome)..Other options (name and distance) work however.


"500 - Internal server error.

There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed."


In MY public profile when looking all found geocaches. Distances from my home coordinates to found geocaches don't exist. Or is the option "Distances Measured in Kilometers Switch" there by mistake?


Now that is want i have seen has well i try and make it easy to understand


on the SEARCH TRACKABLE ITEMS i trying to sort them


the Last Log, option dose not work you get the


"500 - Internal server error.

There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed."


it must be easy to fix or not? that it is for me


just have to wait a few days and see want happens.





Posted (edited)

I haven't seen this bug mentioned yet: When I do a search for geocaches, there's sometimes a geocoin icon shown next to a cache icon, indicating that a coin is in the cache. If there's more than one coin, a generic icon (a stack of coins) appears. I used to be able to get more information by moving the mouse pointer onto that icon; a small box would appear which showed what kinds of coin were in the cache. Now that doesn't happen; I have to go to the cache page to find that out.

Edited by Nylimb



I have noticed that using a MacBook Pro with Safari is now a problem: When you print the page is completely re-designed ☹.


When using Firefox I have not the same problem.




The second map (= the detailed map) does not print out – neither with Safari nor Firefox. However, when I press "+" on the map several times and then "i" in the upper right hand corner, I can print out the map. If I just press the "i" – then I get a map av Palo Alto (!??!) .


Strange …


Best wishes from southern France!


Hi All


Well, I have just logged in at home using Win XP I.E ver 8 and all seems to be ok. At work IE ver 6 I had the same problem as many others.


1 No maps like Castle Mischief and overlaping boxes.

2 The log box overlaps the photo on my travel bug's page.

3 No icons on the map pages. No Satellite view.

4 Could not do a search, all I got was page could not be loaded.


So, maybe you could quote which OS and version of IE to see if that is the problem.


Changed my :lol::P to :D:(


Just an update


I'm back at work and I still have all the same issues.


Screen res here is 1440 X 900 IE 6 Win XP Internet speed OVER 30 Megs both ways.


Even though the speed is over 30 megs it still takes 15 seconds to load the "Search for Geocaches" pages.


The strange thing is, it all works fine from the HOME pc which is the main thing.


Home PC with XP / IE8 seems OK, although I haven't used it much.


Work PC using XP / IE6 gets stuck trying to display http://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest.aspx . No errors, but just shows some flickering drop-down list and has to be aborted (it appears like a script is running and never completes). Trying to display user profiles seems to be problematic as well (including mine).


It also has difficulty displaying other pages, although I don't have time to analyse which work and which don't (but http://www.geocaching.com is OK)


Trying it again this morning. Two different computers on two different networks. If the search pages open at all. they are incredibly slow. Both are XP one IE7 the other IE8.


Maps will not load on either. I have dumped the pc cache on both and restarted.

Hey Moun10Bike, I just noticed that the random pictures on www.geocaching.com (the main page, the one that would show up when you first point to the address) aren't showing up at all.


Hmm, I'm not seeing that in any browser, but I don't have XP or FF 3.0 at my disposal. This is the first I've heard of this issue; is anyone else seeing it?

I'm using XP and FF 3.5.7 and I see the pictures just fine.


As for dwoodford's IE issues, I don't have IE7, I use IE6 when I absolutely must, but I tested it the way I think he is using and the search locked up the IE browser. As I said, I don't use it much, so I'm not sure if I have Java in that browser, but when I get a chance I'll add it and test again.

Posted (edited)





Even though the speed is over 30 megs it still takes 15 seconds to load the "Search for Geocaches" pages.



Mine will not load anywhere near 15 seconds, 60 plus seconds is the norm now. I would be happy with 30 seconds at this point.

The web site opens fine, search pages, cache pages and my profile page all open like I am on bad dial up.

And I still cannot get maps.


edit: Just went back and timed it, it took 68 seconds then 72 seconds (2 tries) to load my profile page from the home page. This used to be a 10 second operation at most.


Once again, I am not complaining about the new look, just the speed, it is very bad.

Edited by Fncnca

I haven't seen this bug mentioned yet: When I do a search for geocaches, there's sometimes a geocoin icon shown next to a cache icon, indicating that a coin is in the cache. If there's more than one coin, a generic icon (a stack of coins) appears. I used to be able to get more information by moving the mouse pointer onto that icon; a small box would appear which showed what kinds of coin were in the cache. Now that doesn't happen; I have to go to the cache page to find that out.


As described by Nylimb, the mouse-over doesn't identify the geocoin type as it used to.. however, there is alternate text assigned to the graphic (single coin & multiple coins).


Some cache types, such as events tend to line up the Travel-Bug icon, as well as multiple Jeep Travel-Bug icons & geocoin icons to indicate what's in the inventory. The number of items dictated the width of the column in which the icons were displayed; now it appears that the icons are given a fixed width and they now wrap to a second or third line. I liked the old way.. in general, anything that results in the need for more scrolling is - to me - as move in the wrong direction.




Thanks for all your hard work.. the polishing that's occured over the past couple days now is great. Keep it up!




I have just done a search for caches near my work and home post codes: CW9 6JT is about 8 miles out still and CH8 9HE about 3 miles out, so I don't think this release has sorted out the UK post code problem.

Posted (edited)

I see some slow site reports, so I thought I'd say that the site seems faster to me. I ran a disabled sweep yesterday, opening and logging to a large number of pages. Quick quick. Thank you.


Firefox Windows 2000 professional


Some of the changes have created additional white space and the need for more scrolling.

Bad, scrolling bad.


Scrollin’ scrollin’ scrollin’

Style sheets overflowin’

Scrollin’ scrollin’ scrollin’

Too Wide!


Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’

Though the page is swollen

Keep them Mousies rollin’

Too Wide!

Click and shift and enter

Not gettin’ any better

Wishing “submit” was by my side.

All the things I’m missin’

(A carpal tunnel mission)

They’re hiding, below the scroll line


Move ‘em up, move ‘em out

Roll ‘em up, roll ‘em down

Shift ‘em in ,shift ‘em up

Too Wide!



Edited by palmetto

There are some empty columns in the tables (this is from All Geocaches):




All in all, the whole update is not a design update, there are no margins, paddings, borders. To print a complete page is a mess, nevertheless that the print produces now 7 pages instead of 3 before, i.e.

I am glad to use my own styles on FF so that the pages doesn't look so abecedarian :P .

"My" vs "Your" boils down to this.


When people see "my" profile, they think it's theirs. It gives a sense of ownership.

When people see "your" profile, it's a very significant reminder that a person is only a guest and they have no actual ownership.

So, if "my/mine" is now "your/yours", then will http://www.geocaching.com/my also switch to http://www.geocaching.com/your ? :P I don't think so!


IMHO (or should that now be IYHO?), as long as it's ".../my", then it should be "mine", methinks.




Nurse 1, I've seen no other reports of pages only partially displaying. Please try logging out of the site, emptying your browser cache, exiting your browser, then restarting and returning to the site. Many times issues like what you are describing are due to your browser holding on to the "old" site data (CSS files, images, etc.) and not fully loading the new stuff. Incidentally, what browser is it that you are using?


The issues with map display also seem to be largely due to the browser not fully refreshing on the site update. Those of you having problems with this might want to try the same steps I gave above. Meanwhile, we'll continue investigating the issue for those cases where there is something else going on.


Thanks for your reply. I am using Internet Explorer, I don't know what version, and Windows XP. I am not very computer literate and don't know how to empty a browser cache. So far, I am very disappointed by all these changes. If people have to do all this extra stuff to their computer that they don't know how to, how do you expect the ordinary cacher to continue having fun caching?

Hey Moun10Bike, I just noticed that the random pictures on www.geocaching.com (the main page, the one that would show up when you first point to the address) aren't showing up at all.


Hmm, I'm not seeing that in any browser, but I don't have XP or FF 3.0 at my disposal. This is the first I've heard of this issue; is anyone else seeing it?

I'm using XP and FF 3.5.7 and I see the pictures just fine.


As for dwoodford's IE issues, I don't have IE7, I use IE6 when I absolutely must, but I tested it the way I think he is using and the search locked up the IE browser. As I said, I don't use it much, so I'm not sure if I have Java in that browser, but when I get a chance I'll add it and test again.

IE6 with Java at work (still XP) and the search works fine and no app lock up.


One other thing, absolutely no speed problems with any operating system/browser combination, however I haven't checked my Mac yet though.


When I click on the Last Log checkbox to change the sorting here, I get a server error message. Firefox 3.6RC/Win7


Just wanted to mention that I get same server "500 - Internal server error." when trying to sort the trackables from my profile by "Last Log". Sorting by Name or by Distance works flawlessly.


This is on Firefox 3.0.17 on Ubuntu 8.10



There are still some issues we have yet to resolve. Foremost of which are the mapping issues being reported. Although there is a chance the IE6 mapping issue was fixed as a result of 14607 listed above. The perpetual *loading geocaches* error some of you are experiencing still eludes us, but we are doing all we can to track down the source of the problem and I very sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. I know the maps are relied upon by everyone for planning geocaching trips.


I retested the mapping issues in IE6/WinXP and they were not resolved by 14607.


Some additional info that may be helpful.


When the system loads the (blank) map page, the icons for the caches are just white squares with no indication of type of cache.


The cursor remains as a pointer, and does not change to a hand. Cannot click and drag to pan across the nonexistant map.


Switching to the topo tab activates the pointer as a hand and click and drag panning works.

After the map re-paints from being dragged, the existing icons change from white squares to their appropriate types, but any new icons exposed by dragging the map start out as white squares.


Hope this additional info helps!


The decision on My vs. Your thing came down from the top, though, so there's little that I can do about that right now. I think the community just needs to continue to make it clear that they don't like it! :P


I don't like it. Please change the YOUR back to MY.


Thank you.

If people have to do all this extra stuff to their computer that they don't know how to, how do you expect the ordinary cacher to continue having fun caching?

And this is the crux of the issue.

"Adjust your monitor brightness" isn't a fix.

"Upgrade your browser" isn't a fix.

"Try a different browser" isn't a fix.

"Clear your cache" isn't a fix (at least beyond extreme instances).

If, without these 'user fixes' the site is supposed to still work, but doesn't (read: rather than outright stating user end software requirements), then the site is not optimal, and complaints about design, especially after a major update like this, are all perfectly legitimate.


Quite often a website will make changes, and other user-generated scripts based on the previous design beak, because the programmers didn't notify people ahead of time. While that in itself is not a 'fault', it definitely serves to stir up a hornet's nest, and how the team deals with the response is key.


Especially for a website with paying members. It's like share holders. They have to know what's going on and when, at the very least, if they don't have a say in the decision, or more than likely they'll bow out and take their ball with them.


Notification, of any kind, before the update would have been awesome.

A 'public beta' of the new design would have been awesome.

Heck, a little notification header on the website template as a whole describing the current status would be awesome.


My thanks to the developers perusing the forum who are updating us with the status of changes, and which bugs and whatnot have been looked at... perhaps someone could update us as to which are "in progress" or "being reviewed"? There's an enormous amount of repetition of concerns and bugs general fury - if we knew these concerns were heard and being address in some way (whether the answer will be no, yes, or maybe), even if they haven't been touched programmatically yet, then it may allay many the paying members' frustrations.


But definitely - keep us updated on the fixes to the site as they're rolled out. And please, please, please keep in mind that geocaching.com is a paid service with loyal paying members. Tripping people up the way this update was done was, honestly, bad form.


And yeah, I would say the vast majority of members don't[/] read the forum, let alone subscribe to any release notes threads or discussions. I peruse the iPhone forum occasionally, and I had to dig a bit to find this particular thread about the changes. There was no email notification, no link to an explanation, nothing shared publicly - information was entirely "pull" on the part of the user, not pushed to us from the developers.



Now, on a positive note :P, I have noticed a speed increase on the site, which is great. it 'feels' lighter, even if I detest the changes to the visual design :).


As a webapp developer myself, I completely understand the need sometimes to have to go back and adjust some of the basic programming in order to improve some of the surface programming which may have a butterfly effect on other components of the application as a whole, but when that happens, there's just got to be some fallback procedure or public testing process before rolling it out officially.


Now, if the GC iphone app were a complete interface to current cache data, I'd be using that right now in the interim exclusively... Geosphere is great, but it doesn't show photos (which still don't work on the log view page, btw), and otherwise uses the web page version to show up-to-date details.



It's great to see improvements consistently being rolled out. Much appreciated. This is a great pastime and it looks like it's got bright days ahead as it seems to really have been booming in the past few months, even. Keep up the good work. Just keep in mind the majority of users are not tech-savvy, and want a website that works, and love a website that is intuitive and easy to look to at, without requiring extra work on their part :)


I'm still not seeing what the problems are. I'm only bringing it up, because people's comments seem to be so far away from my experience, that I wonder if I'm either out of it, or....something (yeah, ok!). :)


I really dislike change. I'm usually one of the ones sitting there being upset, even though I don't usually say much because I know from experience that I'll get used to the change eventually. I disliked when the site changed from the bright kelly green to the more mellow sage-ish green we have now (many years ago, I'm dating myself). But now, of course, I love this green better than the almost neon one before that. :P


Anyways, this cosmetic change seems to be very slight, to me. I would have barely noticed it if it hadn't been announced. Mainly the same, but with a slightly more structured feel to the pages that is nice. I don't see why everyone is saying "ugly", since the change seems to be miniscule. I guess I'll never really know, as I can't see ya'll's computer screens. Some of the screen shots and specific complaints don't seem to be happening on my computer (except for Crow's screenshot). The cache logs look fine, no big white spaces, everything is displaying fine on my screen, spread out just fine, colors are fine, profile's the same as before, font's fine.


Hm. :P:)

I'm glad that I'm not the only one.


You're not the only one, trust me. :D


I'm not sure this has been addressed yet.


When you look up another cacher's profile to see what caches they've found recently, the list displays in the order their logs were written rather than being grouped by date as they were previously. I normally read all of my caching partner's logs and he doesn't necessarily log in order by date, so now his list of recent finds shows from top to bottom


5 caches found on 10 January

1 cache found on 13 January

2 more caches found on 10 January

1 cache found on 12 January

2 more caches found on 10 January


It's very confusing having finds on any one given date split up by more recent finds.


The decision on My vs. Your thing came down from the top, though, so there's little that I can do about that right now. I think the community just needs to continue to make it clear that they don't like it! :)

Perhaps only 200 people regularly referred to it as My Profile? :P
Its going to be fun discussing profile pages with other cachers (or with the suppor team). "My Your Profile looks funny" "Why... my Your Profile look like?" "No... I meant MY Your profile" "Who's on first?"

When I click on the Last Log checkbox to change the sorting here, I get a server error message. Firefox 3.6RC/Win7


Just wanted to mention that I get same server "500 - Internal server error." when trying to sort the trackables from my profile by "Last Log". Sorting by Name or by Distance works flawlessly.


This is on Firefox 3.0.17 on Ubuntu 8.10


I am having the same problem, sorting by distance or name works well, sorting by last log does not work at all......I like to use that feature, will that problem be addressed soon????


Thanks for your reply. I am using Internet Explorer, I don't know what version, and Windows XP.


To get your Internet Explorer version, go to the Help menu at the top of your browser, and select About Internet Explorer. A window will pop up with the version number on it.

Posted (edited)

Sorry if it's been reported before, but I'm not reading through all 9 pages :P


When editing a Puzzle/Mystery cache listing why am I asked to confirm I've read the guidelines for an Earth Cache?

Edited by MTH

I hope this is an IE6 issue and things look better when I get back home to FireFox and Chrome, but from here my cache page for GC1K291 looks really borked up.

Click for screenshot.

Simple fix. Reduce the size of the image.

I know.. You shouldn't have to but that's what is causing this specific issue.

I see it now that I'm at home. Not sure if it was not happening at work, or if I just didn't scroll down enough, but yeah... the graphic is causing me to have to scroll right to see it all.


Just clarifying that it wasn't an issue of scrolling to the right to see the whole image, but that everything on the left was pushed off the page and you can't see it no matter what. If you look at that screenshot, the scroll bar is all the way to the left as it is.


I'm sure this is an IE6 issue. At home on FireFox there were no problems.


For the record, I prefer MY to YOUR in reference to the profile pages and links.


However, the biggest problem now is that it's BOTH. When I go to my Your Profile I still see 3 references to MY.


Perhaps they're just not finished with the conversion?

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