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Merry Christmas

Tricky Vicky & Mickey

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Well from the UAE - we are having a wonderfully warm Christmas too. temperatures in the 20's which is marvellous - cricket on the telly and hopefully a few caching goodies under the tree?


We wish you all a blessed Christmas and a wonderful 2010. I hope to see more of you guys this coming year - either in SA - or this side of the world (Skyjuggler in particular!).


be blessed and we trust that your 2010 is absolutely amazing - may it be a 5-star year in ALL aspects - may it surpass all previous years, but be the start of many more.


God bless


All the best for 2010 and a happy Christmas day. May you all enjoy it. Gerhard, Petra, Abi & Rex.


It's Christmas Time

by Bob Lazzar-Atwood.


Put your problems on probation

Run your troubles off the track,

Throw your worries out the window

Get the monkeys off your back.

Silence all your inner critics

With your conscience make amends,

And allow yourself some happiness

It's Christmas time again!

Call a truce with those who bother you

Let all the fighting cease,

Give your differences a breather

And declare a time of peace,

Don't let angry feelings taint

The precious time you have to spend,

And allow yourself some happiness

It's Christmas time again!

Like some cool refreshing water

Or a gentle summer breeze,

Like a fresh bouquet of flowers

Or the smell of autumn leaves,

It's a banquet for the spirit

Filled with family, food and friends,

So allow yourself some happiness

It's Christmas time again!


Have a wonderful Festive Season everyone - and remember:


"My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?"

Bob Hope


We wish all our Geocaching friends (those we've met, corresponded with and yet to meet!) and your loved ones a very merry Christmas and a wonderful and prosperous new year.


Please take time out to remember the true meaning of why we celebrate this special occasion. Enjoy it and take care and not least of all "happy caching"!


Wishing all my friends and fellow geocachers a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous new year. May it be filled with joy, hope and peace. And a few hundred more caches for me to find.... In my neck of the woods I hope. LOL.


Have fun, drive safe and we will see you all next year again.




Time flies when you are having fun...

The year is done and dusted...

But good memories will always stay with us...

What amazing places did we get to see?...

What hidden away spots did we go to?...

What interesting people did we get to meet?...

What great adventures did we have?...

And all of that because of hidden treasure...


Now is a time to be thankful, and to enjoy the company of your loved ones...

Even if you are far away from your family and friends, a phone call will bring joy as well...


I wish all my Geocaching friends a happy festive season...

To those I know, and to those I am yet to meet,

Merry Christmas to you all...

And may your New Year be filled with lots of joy, happiness, and wonderful caching adventures...


May your finds be plentiful, your hides cunning and your bugs travel far and wide without getting lost along the way.


Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2010.


Yay! Christmas has come and is almost gone - how many of you enjoyed a cache hunt this fine day? I snuck in two!




I only snuck in one :)


A happy Christmas to all in SA hoping you all had a Blessed day. Over here in N/Ireland it's a cold -4 and its been a White Christmas. It's been fun finding caches in the snow. So here is hoping youhave a Blessed New Year and a safe one. A reminder ofthe open invitation to come and visit as we have 9 rooms in our B&B plenty of coins to discover and great caches to be found, not to mention the Ulster fry. So here's hoping to see some of you sometime in the future. TVM hope to see you in Scotland at the Mega it's gonna be huge.



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