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The geocachers 12 days of christmas


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The 12 Days of Christmas for cachers

1. FTF 30ft in a tree :D

2. Travel bugs :anicute:

3.Bug tags :yikes:

4. Evil micro’s :laughing::D:surprise:

5. Golden (Geo) Coins :D:D:)

6.Monkey puzzles ;)

7.Finders finding :)

8.Lock and Locks :D

9.Ammo cans :D

10. Mugglers muggling :o

11.Hiders Hiding :P

12. Cachers Caching :)


On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me:


Twelve pocket queries :yikes:

Eleven multi-caches :laughing:

Ten lamp post micros :o

Nine miles of hiking ;)

Eight spiders webbing :P

Seven skeeters biting :D

Six muddy sneakers :D


Four poison ivy's :anicute:

Three sudden rainstorms :surprise:

Two DNF's :D:D

and a WAAS-enabled Garmin eTrex :D


I wrote this last year when I was bored lol.


Twelve Days of Caching


On the first day of caching my garmin found for me

A micro in a rock pile


On the second day of caching my garmin found for me

Two muggles watching


On the third day of caching my garmin found for me

Three DNFs


On the fourth day of caching my garmin found for me

Four altoids tins


On the fifth day of caching my garmin found for me

Five ammo cans


On the sixth day of caching my garmin found for me

Six soggy log sheets


On the seventh day of caching my garmin found for me

Seven thorns drawing blood


On the eighth day of caching my garmin found for me

Eight sig items


On the ninth day of caching my garmin found for me

Nine needs maintenance


On the tenth day of caching my garmin found for me

Ten broken toys


On the eleventh day of caching my garmin found for me

Eleven missing travelbugs


On the twelfth day of caching my garmin found for me

Twelve nano caches


Merry Christmas folks.


to Silent night:


Satellites, Coords are right

Signal strong, batteries right

Round in circles, stepping light

Searching everywhere, not in plain sight

Searching thoroughly there

Searching thoroughly here.


... maybe more versus later.


to Silent night:


Satellites, Coords are right

Signal strong, batteries right

Round in circles, stepping light

Searching everywhere, not in plain sight

Searching thoroughly there

Searching thoroughly here.


... maybe more versus later.

:rolleyes: Thats Awesome, thanks for playing! :ph34r:


Here's what our local group of cachers came up with for the 12 days song


GC21XX7 Partridge in a Pear tree (A game cartridge in a bare tree)

GC21ZYN To Turtle Dove (A large plastic Turtle with wings)

GC220ZB Treed French Hen (A chicken shaped candy dish hidden in a tree)

GC21XY2 Poor Calling Bird (A rubber chicken with a matchstick in it's throat)

GC2213M Golden Rings (Container painted with 5 gold rings at a jewelry store)

GC21ZDX Geese A-Fighting (At a pond near a school with a goose for a logo)

GC2218K Send a Swan Swimming(A floating container that swims)

GC22283 Maids A Milking (Hidden at a Dairy Queen)

GC2253A Nine Ladies Dancing (Hidden at a Dance Studio)

GC226MB Lord I'm Leaping!! (An ammo can with a KING cobra that pops out at you)

GC226B9 Pipers Piping (A pipe container camo'd like a bunch of other pipes where it's hidden)

GC2284R The Cache-mas Drum (I think hidden in a drum but I haven't seen this one yet)


All have clues that lead to a mystery cache, a giant 3' tall Santa stuffed full of goodies.

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