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Announcing - Lotus Compass


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GCS gets their orders in on Fridays, so with any luck, we should get word from Pete very late tonight/tomorrow morning* that they're in and ready to go. I'll shoot out a newsletter and post here, of course.


*Your time may vary. I'm in Japan, so "Friday" for me is actually "Thursday Night" for most people in the States


I've confirmed that Osiris (and Anubis :) ) made the boat. So it will be F5 time again tomorrow or Saturday. Personally, I like the Osiris version best, so we'll have to see how the photos turn out of it. I mean, who hates Satin Gold and green? :)




GCS gets their orders in on Fridays, so with any luck, we should get word from Pete very late tonight/tomorrow morning* that they're in and ready to go. I'll shoot out a newsletter and post here, of course.


*Your time may vary. I'm in Japan, so "Friday" for me is actually "Thursday Night" for most people in the States


I've confirmed that Osiris (and Anubis :) ) made the boat. So it will be F5 time again tomorrow or Saturday. Personally, I like the Osiris version best, so we'll have to see how the photos turn out of it. I mean, who hates Satin Gold and green? :)




I'm anticipating the moment Pete. These geocoins are absolutely wonderful. Both Jackalgirl and you did a very good job. Congratulations.




I got my coins in the mail today. They're even more stunning in person than I was anticipating! Well done Jackalgirl!


I got two of the same so I could release one but I just don't see how it can possibly last long with such a great look. :) I guess I'll find out.


OMG !!! Got mine in the mail today as well! Talk about making my day, absolutely fabulous! Outstanding job indeed! Bravo Zulu! Thanks and Happy Caching!


Huzzah! I'm so happy to hear that they're arriving (and that the satin golds are in). I have to admit, too, that originally Osiris wasn't my favorite, but I really love the pictures I've seen of it so far. Like Pete said, gold & green are great!


Thanks for the compliments, folks; I really am ecstatic with how they turned out and am delighted that they're delighting you all. : )


I got the rest of my set today (and some extras for trades) and they are divine!!


Also Jackal, at some point I was looking through your website at your past designs. It turns out I have every coin but one or two, and most of them I didn't realize you had designed at all! I guess I like your designs subconsciously as well. :rolleyes:


Got a heavy package, thicker than I was expecting, very nice and hefty! I should read them there descriptions every now and then shoudn't I heh!


Hi zelanzy, got your coins :rolleyes:


Mine arrived today--they are stunning! I love the bold colors! The center reflects light like a raised cabochon, but it's actually flat--amazing! I got an extra set for trading, too, & I ordered 2 Osiris today. Kat, you should be so proud of these!


Is this the point where I can whine about how poor I am after GW8/vacation? I really really want a set of these lovelies...*sob*. Anyone fancy a trade? :rolleyes:


my trade list


I have some coming in (hopefully today) that I would be willing to do some trading. I will send you an email when I have them in hand.


*snip* The center reflects light like a raised cabochon, but it's actually flat--amazing! *snip*


That was our favorite part. The center appears to be a 3D orb, with color fill detail. But it's flat :rolleyes:




Woo just ordered Osiris! I'm so excited to see that one in my hand! This is the beginning of my geocoin collection, which I fear is going to become a (financially) unhealthy obsession. :rolleyes:


Is the AE up on ebay yet? I did a search and only turned up the other three.


Osiris is lookin good too! TY for ninja, or if the ninja wasn't the heads up then thank you anyways because my mind made it into the heads up. Clearly I need the weekend to be here!


Woo just ordered Osiris! I'm so excited to see that one in my hand! This is the beginning of my geocoin collection, which I fear is going to become a (financially) unhealthy obsession. :rolleyes:


Is the AE up on ebay yet? I did a search and only turned up the other three.


The AE is still in Michigan. It will be flying to Japan shortly. All in due time :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Are you considering any antique metals for a future release? Sure would love an anti-silver or anti-nickel version!

Edited by Zelanzy
Posted (edited)
Is this the point where I can whine about how poor I am after GW8/vacation? I really really want a set of these lovelies...*sob*. Anyone fancy a trade? :o


my trade list

Got any GW8 coins to trade?? Ya know, the ones Tsun helped to design...?




Sorry wrong coin -_-:unsure:

Edited by kini_ont

First off, I'm really glad you're all enjoying these; I just got one of them in the mail and I'm really happy with how they've turned out (and I can't wait to see the rest).


Secondly, I just want to reiterate my plans for the Anubis AEs, as I'm getting lots and lots of questions about them: I'll be putting them up on eBay as a fundraiser for my church and will post more information here when I'm ready to go with that.


I'm afraid that I will not have any for trade, and won't be able to honor requests to sell the AEs directly to anyone. Several people have mentioned that they just don't like eBay auctions and I totally sympathize; however, it wouldn't be fair to everyone else who's waiting for the sales for me to do behind-the-scenes deals with specific people. So I'm terribly sorry, but please bear with me and wait for me to post about the eBay sales if you're looking to score an Anubis AE.


Thanks! And thanks once again for all the compliments -- I really am very pleased that everyone's enjoying them so much! : )


Got my coins and I love them !!

By looking at the packing slip, a mystery is now unveiled...




Don't want to say too much but I've seen the address on the packing slip somewhere else...

PM me if you want more info.


Got my coins and I love them !!

By looking at the packing slip, a mystery is now unveiled...




Don't want to say too much but I've seen the address on the packing slip somewhere else...

PM me if you want more info.


WOW....good eye, I would have never noticed that :( Now that I have looked at the packing slip again and another "something" I have received, I see the connection you are referring to. :)


My coin arrived while I was away on vacation.


Awesome coin.

Except for the hair/thread in the central red area that apparently fell on the coin when it was cooling down....but now I wish I had gotten more than one for trades later on down the road.


Great coin as usual jackal!

Posted (edited)

My coin arrived while I was away on vacation.


Awesome coin.

Except for the hair/thread in the central red area that apparently fell on the coin when it was cooling down....but now I wish I had gotten more than one for trades later on down the road.


Great coin as usual jackal!


I have something like that too on my Aten coin. There's a little imperfection in the red center that extends out into the blue part, as well as a tiny piece of debris in the red enamel in the middle. I'll try and post a picture here if I can get it to show up. It's kind of hard to see because of all the reflections, but I circled the dent (long white oval) and the debris (tiny circle).




The dent is actually pretty noticeable, you can feel it easily with your finger and see it plainly without being up close. The debris is like a tiny brown fleck of dirt, kind of hard to see unless you move the coin around in the light.

Edited by twitchhugstrees

I got my Osiris yesterday! I love the metal, it looks so gorgeous with the green.


I contacted the manufacturer, as TMA suggested, and I will be shipping my Aten back today for a replacement. Happy day indeed. :laughing: A perfect set for an aspiring Egyptologist.


I got home from vacation yesterday and found three weighty mailers sitting on my end table (I only ordered two coins at first, then placed a second order when I decided I had to have the third coin, and then another order when Osiris was released). These coins totally made my day! I can't believe how awesome they are in person; so beautifully done!


I just got a biiiiiiiiig box today. Haven't had the chance to open it yet (it's really late and I have a 12-hour watch waiting for me tomorrow). But...could it be? Anubii? (sp?)


I just got a biiiiiiiiig box today. Haven't had the chance to open it yet (it's really late and I have a 12-hour watch waiting for me tomorrow). But...could it be? Anubii? (sp?)


OOOOOH I hope so!!! Must. Complete. Set. :yikes:

ebay stalking incoming! :D


Well, well, well. I've got to add another chapter to the annals of "Trials & Tribulations of Coin Design, Quarterly".


So I get this box, right? Awesome! They're here! So excited! Then I open it up. URRRRRR??!??!?



Feast Your Eyes


I don't blame Direct Mint; I know that Pete & the Gang sent my blueprints. And although I understand that there was some confusion (the mint themselves made several versions to test out options), even with that in mind, I'd only expect (say) them to mistakenly fill the back with trans #10 (since that was one of the options). But to fill the whole back with trans #10 and no other colors, and the whole front with wipe with no other enamels, when my blueprint is pretty clear about the blues & greens and glitters that go in there? Oy!


Well, Pete, being the gracious guy and extremely good business person that he is, is having the coins remade. And he's giving me these pieces of...coin. So, in the interests of collectibility and, I suppose, a very dark (wiped?) sense of humor, I'm going to sell these directly.


Those of you interested in Egyptian Mythology are probably familiar with the Ogdoad of Hermopolis, eight deities that were worshipped during the Old Kingdom but were eventually supplanted by the later, more familiar gods. One of these was "Heh", whose hieroglyphic name still survives as the symbol representing the number "one million" (so Heh is often known as "god of a million years").


So, with all of this in mind, I am calling this edition the "Meh Edition", in honor of Meh, "the God of Mediocre Work Ethics", also known as "the God of a Million Workers with Inconsistent Quality Control" and the most favorite Old Kingdom epithet of all: "the God of 'Bob Told Me to Use Wipe--No Time to Look at the Blueprint, it's Almost Lunch!'". These coins will be fully trackable on geocaching.com and share the Lotus Compass' unique icon.


I should have them up in my online store sometime this afternoon once I get the labels printed out for them and them ready to be packaged up. I'll post again here when they're ready!


From what I can tell, it's actually pretty cool looking. I'll see if I have any money left over to buy one!


It's really good that they're reminting the ones you actually ordered though, that's really good business. Good luck on the new set!


I like the back. The front reminds me of what it would look like if the coin was just found in an archeological dig. In swamp mud. :yikes:


Of course, I also LOVE IT. And will be getting one if I can!!


Not what you ordered :yikes: BUT still looks... nice. I understand you are disappointed because so much beautiful and bright colors in all your versions and this one probably looks... flat... to you. I am up for one Meh version :D


PS: I too received my 3 Lotus geocoin and I too have a default one for the gold version. I will write DM




It occurred to me that I should seek the blessing of DM before I sell these, given that they straight up gave the coins to me since it was a mistake, but there's still a monetary value associated with them and I don't want to kick these awesome, awesome people in the teeth by turning around and making a profit out of it. Should have thought of that before I announced the sale, and I apologize, but as soon as I get a response, I'll update everyone on what's going to happen.


If DM prefers I don't sell them, I'll trade them, and maybe do a cointest. If I do sell them, though, I think that I'd like to limit them to 1 per person (there are only going to be 34 of them available). If they don't sell out in, say, three days, then those who've let me know they want more than one (Lost-A-Pair, you're at the top of the list, and I did get your email) will get the option of buying up the extras.


Keep an eye on the thread (and on your email, if you're on my newsletter list). I'll update everyone with what's going to happen when, well, when I know what's going to happen! : )

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