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Delft Blaauw coin in the making


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Dear all,


A couple of weeks ago, we announced the sale of the 4th series Delft Blue geocoin. After reading the comments on the forum, we decided against having the sale on Ebay and rather use an e-mail reservation system.


The instructions are straightforward and should be followed accordingly:


1. send us an e-mail before June 15th 22:00 hours Central European Time (CET).

2. our e-mail address is delft.blue.series@gmail.com

3. the subject should be: request for 4th series

4. the e-mail content should only consist of:

1st line: your real name

2nd line: your geocaching name

3rd and 4th line: your address

5. if you want your coin to be sent by registered mail, please add:

5th line: registered mail


Sale details:

price 29,95 euro including worldwide shipping, excluding registered mail (if applicable)

sale is limited to 1 coin per person.


If there are more requests than coins to be sold, we give everyone a unique number. With the help of the random integer set generator at www.random.org we than decide who gets a coin. Invoices will be sent through PayPal. Last but not least; we keep everyone updated via Twitter.


Don't you all think they will recognize that you sent your mails without posting it here? :blink:


This way, everyone else knows that you are in the hunt. I'm sure they will have way more than 125 requests. It is lottery time.


Don't you all think they will recognize that you sent your mails without posting it here? :blink:


This way, everyone else knows that you are in the hunt. I'm sure they will have way more than 125 requests. It is lottery time.


Hmmm....good point. Email sent!



"Thank you all for your requests so far; it's not a lottery yet but we let you know as soon as it is...

Good night ;-)"


3 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone




Just got this message


"With respect to the sale of the 4th series, we are pleased to let you know that we drew your name out of all those who are interested in buying one."


So looks like to bet getting one of these sweet coins! How many others where notified?

Posted (edited)



"With respect to the sale of the 4th series, we are sorry to let you know that we didn’t draw your name out of all those who are interested in buying one.


Because we had to keep a small margin in the number of coins we sell, we contact you once we are ready to sell these too."

Edited by Mauison

I wonder how many request they ended up having for this coin? Looks like I'm a little luckier than I first thought, figured everyone had gotten the good kind of e-mail.


:( woke up and checked mails :(


message: With respect to the sale of the 4th series, we are sorry to let you know that we didn’t draw your name out of all those who are interested in buying one.


:sad::cry::sad::cry::sad::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


I am so deeply looking for this one, in case someone likes to trade, please contact me.


Has anyone received an e-mail request for payment?


None here. :sunsure:



Just saw on their twitter feed that invoices should be going out this week.

I hope they are patient. We will be heading out of town to GW9 on Wednesday...



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