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Need Swag ideas


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Well you may have seen my post with my newly painted ammo can. I need some ideas on what to fill it with.


Ive got a few things but would like military swag items.


Any ideas would be appreciated.




Ive got a few things but would like military swag items.

Patches. There's a cache in my area that has an assortment of squadron and command patches for one particular branch. It's quite an interesting collection to look through.


Ive got a few things but would like military swag items.

Patches. There's a cache in my area that has an assortment of squadron and command patches for one particular branch. It's quite an interesting collection to look through.


That's what I was going to say.


Avoid anything that looks remotely like a weapon- including inert grenades (can you even buy these anymore?) and ammo. Inert ammo as Travel Bugs might be okay, but multiple quantities in an ammo can might be more than the average muggle brain can contain.

Posted (edited)

Well you may have seen my post with my newly painted ammo can. I need some ideas on what to fill it with.


Ive got a few things but would like military swag items.


Any ideas would be appreciated.




I third the patches idea. Are you current or former military, or do you have to go buy all the swag at the surplus store? 'Cause it's looking to me like $6 a patch on the internet.

Edited by TheWhiteUrkel

Well you may have seen my post with my newly painted ammo can. I need some ideas on what to fill it with.


Ive got a few things but would like military swag items.


Any ideas would be appreciated.




I third the patches idea. Are you current or former military, or do you have to go buy all the swag at the surplus store? 'Cause it's looking to me like $6 a patch on the internet.


I am former military but Im not giving away my stuff. Patches I can get cheap from surplus. Plus I bought about 20 p-38's. You army guys will know what that is.


little green plastic army men- you could personalize them with a tag stating the cache name , or semper fi or whatever

support our troops car magnets

military mini rubber duckies- I assume they have military -they've got all kinds

stickers - God bless America, etc.

check out army surplus stores


little green plastic army men- you could personalize them with a tag stating the cache name , or semper fi or whatever

support our troops car magnets

military mini rubber duckies- I assume they have military -they've got all kinds

stickers - God bless America, etc.

check out army surplus stores



I found several sites with these.......


How about the old pin on rank since everyone is using velcro these days? I found Army National Guard pens at a flea market 10 for $1 with the new digital camo on them. The P-38s are good, I use them all the time for swag. A while back I picked up some OD green whistles for trade.


A bit Off Topic......... but a word of caution may be in order, here.


Be careful with the wording in your military themed cache. Some have been not approved because the apparent promotion of an "agenda".


Not saying that it cannot be done, just be careful in the wording.


(P-38's eh? You are showing your age.) :)


(P-38's eh? You are showing your age.) :laughing:


My girlfriend keeps one on her key ring -- and she's not even 40 yet. (Yep, she's a keeper!)

I've carried one on my keychain since the days I lived in my truck. Your girlfriend has the right idea.


...Ive got a few things but would like military swag items.



Those drilled out 50 calliber or 20mm rounds would be cool. Challenge coins of any kind would be excellent. A fake hand grenade would be a keeper (though I'd leave a certificate in the cache to claim one as opposed to leaving one in the cache).

Posted (edited)

Forget the P38! How about an FN P90! :D Seriously, what about loading one up with a few MREs? On a related note, I was a little late, but perhaps I'll do it next year: a cache to commemorate the Marines' birthday, Nov. 10th.

Edited by Karoshi59

Seriously, what about loading one up with a few MREs?

Not a good idea. Did you forget "no food left in caches"? Even in the original wrapper animals can snif an MRE.

I've seen several military themed caches. Patches, rank insignia, toy soldiers and military equipment. If you check some of the military surplus type businesses or something like Sportsmen's Guide they occasionally will have a special on military patches, pins, and similar items from around the world in bulk for very cheap prices.


Take a trip to the closest military surplus store and wander about, you'll find all kinds of neat stuff that you would never think of.


Make sure it's a true surplus store and not a chain that sells knockoffs.


The national chain store Dick's Sporting Goods, for example, still owns a few Dick's Army-Navy Surplus stores, which is where the chain got its roots. Our local Dick's Army-Navy store, for example, has lots of military-looking stuff, but not a bit of it is military surplus!


A true surplus store has stuff piled in heaps that most folks have never seen and would have no idea what to do with, cruising those stores is worth the trip just to see what they have... you will find plenty of small cheap interesting things for a military cache.


Ive got a few things but would like military swag items.

Patches. There's a cache in my area that has an assortment of squadron and command patches for one particular branch. It's quite an interesting collection to look through.

Unit patches was my first idea...Look up MAGC "military association of geocachers", maybe some of them can help you gather up some.


I have an idea for a the,ed cache that's sure to keep on task.


Make a (insert from list below) exchange cache.





Pokemon, Digimon, Magic, Card

Signature item


Army Man


Those would definately be able to stay on theme. And if there are more frequently traded items in your area, add them to the list.


I was in the Army, and I remember we had these little compact mirrors with camo face paint in them. I think that would be a fun item to leave. We also had earplug cases, or you could leave unit insignia.

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