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Personal Inventory


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Can't find the link on the site anymore. I have some geocoins which are trackable and i don't want to send them into the field. I want to activate them in case they are lost or stolen then want to put them into my personal inventory.


How can i transfer them into my personal not public inventory?




Update: Thank you all very much for your help tried all of the ideas seems that making them missing in action is by far the simplest. Much appreciated.

Edited by marblerodent
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With the last update of the site came this function of having your collection and the inventory.

Very handy for all of us, who have coins, which we activated, but would never send out in the world.


Unfortunately this feature stayed only a few hours live, than it was gone again.

As it was never publicized officially, I guess it's still in the developement phase.


Would be really usefull, though.

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You can Mark them as missing which will put them out to Unknown Location. They stay in your personal inventory but out of your Drop inventory which you see every time you log a cache.


If you want to share your coins for people to Discover they can still be logged while they are out to the Unknown Location and are easy to Grab back out should you want to log them into a cache.


Just access the coin page and you'll see the Mark as Missing option under Trackable Item Options.

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