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Caches found without GPS?


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Hi, Im just curious about how many Caches you've found without using a GPS? .. I still don't have one and unless I go with a fellow cacher, Im left to my own devices! LOL.. I'm a realtive 'Newbie', but I've found approximatly a dozen or more without a GPS.. including some up the Coast of Queensland along the Great Barrier Reef! .. soooo .. what's your non-GPS experiences?


I've heard tell of people with many hundreds of finds with no gps. A working knowledge of how to use a map and compass helps.


Me, I've found a couple of 'em. Mostly by stumbling on them while looking for a place to hide one.


I've heard tell of people with many hundreds of finds with no gps. A working knowledge of how to use a map and compass helps.


Me, I've found a couple of 'em. Mostly by stumbling on them while looking for a place to hide one.


cool.. well it often takes me a bit of time to 'zone in' on the GZ but I've been lucky so far.. still, I will get a GPS if I don't get one for Christmas! Happy Caching!


Zero. Oh, I see that we are counting accidental finds. Well in that case....two.


Accidental? hmmmm.... well, since you mention it, a couple years ago I was out with a Client. Just happened to be at a small park and we found a Micro. We didnt know what it was, just took a look at it then put it back... at the time I thought it was someones idea of a 'message in a bottle' or something. All the ones I've found since.. have been deliberate! .... happy caching!

Posted (edited)

2 in the last 2 days. Overall, probably less than 20 (out of 800+).


With preparation it is not difficult - study map, satellite and street view of the area, read description and hints, then go to the site.

Edited by Chrysalides

Well over 100. I have no idea of the actual number though.


WOW!.. that's a lot! I take it you didnt have a GPS then? Good on you! You must have a real 'nose' for finding caches! LOL




LOL... cool! I expect it will be a while before I get a GPS so I have to keep going by the hints and my Geo-Senses! Some are just toooo dadgum tricky without one though.


2 that I remember


Was that by accident? or were you actually looking for them?


2 that I was actually looking for.


One was about 150 miles from my house and no GPS was used. I did that one strictly from memory of where it would be.

Second was from an aerial map that I placed in my head and left to get it.


First find ever was no GPS and was by accident so I don't count it.


Three. Two of them I was looking for. I found the third while checking out a spot to hide a cache of my own. Turns out I wasn't the only one who thought that spot was a good one for a cache! It wasn't published yet (otherwise I would have had coords and gone after it the normal way), but I signed the log anyway and claimed FTF when the cache got published the next day.


Well over 100. I have no idea of the actual number though.


WOW!.. that's a lot! I take it you didnt have a GPS then? Good on you! You must have a real 'nose' for finding caches! LOL

I had a GPS. Sometimes it is a fun challenge to find a cache based on your knowledge of the area. There are many cachers who have found far more caches without using a GPS. The 'nose' for finding caches tends to come with experience. Lots of folks refer to it as geosense. Last week I was FTF on a puzzle cache. When I saw the cache page I "knew" where the cache would be without solving the puzzle. Since I didn't have coordinates I went to the area and made the find without the GPS. Only one other finder so far! After I logged the find I did solve the puzzle. :signalviolin:


Three. Two of them I was looking for. I found the third while checking out a spot to hide a cache of my own. Turns out I wasn't the only one who thought that spot was a good one for a cache! It wasn't published yet (otherwise I would have had coords and gone after it the normal way), but I signed the log anyway and claimed FTF when the cache got published the next day.


That's funny! .. hope you found a good spot to place yours!


We found 4 without a GPS


Great... I think it's even more of a thrill to find them that way... especially if they are not specified as 'easy' or for 'newbies'! happy caching!


I found more than 300 before I bought a GPSr. After that, I still didn't use the GPSr for every hunt, so I found a bunch more without using a GPSr. Now, I use GeoBeagle on my G1 (Android), so I'm using a GPSr for most hunts (either the one built into the G1, or an eTrex that I use when the terrain is rough enough that I don't want to carry my phone in my hand).


I've found a few. For LPM's, you can zoom in the Google map until you can see exactly where it is. That's harder to do in the woods, because there are fewer points of reference.


I'm currently perfecting a way of caching using a Motorola iDen phone, which has a GPSr, but only gives you your present location. With a magnetic compass and a scientific calculator (to do the all-important arccosine calculation), I can navigate without a map.


Once I get it all worked out, I'll write it up and put it online.


I've found several with friends who were using a GPS.. Sometimes they find the box and sometimes I do. Since I don't keep track of that stuff all I can say is my GPS-less total is somewhere around 2700.


I found more than 300 before I bought a GPSr. After that, I still didn't use the GPSr for every hunt, so I found a bunch more without using a GPSr. Now, I use GeoBeagle on my G1 (Android), so I'm using a GPSr for most hunts (either the one built into the G1, or an eTrex that I use when the terrain is rough enough that I don't want to carry my phone in my hand).


Wow! that's a LOT! Good for you!


I've found a few. For LPM's, you can zoom in the Google map until you can see exactly where it is. That's harder to do in the woods, because there are fewer points of reference.


I'm currently perfecting a way of caching using a Motorola iDen phone, which has a GPSr, but only gives you your present location. With a magnetic compass and a scientific calculator (to do the all-important arccosine calculation), I can navigate without a map.


Once I get it all worked out, I'll write it up and put it online.


Interesting... I'll look for that post!


I've found several with friends who were using a GPS.. Sometimes they find the box and sometimes I do. Since I don't keep track of that stuff all I can say is my GPS-less total is somewhere around 2700.


Wow, that's amazing! ....and Good to know in case I don't get one for a while. Happy Caching!


All 50 of my finds have been without GPS. Google maps and the cache description is usually good enough for me...gets quite challenging when your in a thick forest or bare field with no points of reference.


Hi, Im just curious about how many Caches you've found without using a GPS? .. I still don't have one and unless I go with a fellow cacher, Im left to my own devices! LOL.. I'm a realtive 'Newbie', but I've found approximatly a dozen or more without a GPS.. including some up the Coast of Queensland along the Great Barrier Reef! .. soooo .. what's your non-GPS experiences?


That's pretty impressive for a relative newbie. I'm curious as to what technique(s) and tools you might have used in the gpsrless finds? Which were most helpful? I've considered this but I think that I'd spend too much time wandering around and way less time finding the things.


Of course, if someone gets their enjoyment from the technical challenge, then more power to them.


Do you plan on getting a gpsr or do you enjoy the no-gpsr method so much that you are planning on sticking with that?


I have found 1. Got to location with the gps but it died 200M away. Walked towards the area and looked for the clue. Found it but if there was no clue would have never found it.


Oh yeah, we had that happen once as well.


Make it three.


2 in the last 2 days.


Cool... Love the name BTW!... Loved the book! So were you 'looking' for them? or just 'stumbled upon them?

Thanks :P I looked for them. I was in San Francisco, the last time I tried turning on the GPSr there's a lot of signal bounce and I was wandering in circles. Looking at google maps, it appears as if the coordinates point to the middle of a street anyway. So I just memorized the location, read the description and hints, and headed there.


none of the cachers we go with have a gps , moneys a bit tight .... all of ours so far are done with description and hind it gets a bit frustrating at times but we love it ...... it way better than the alternative sitting around watching tv or videogames...... so far we ( family n me ) have 18 as of today ..... but i really would like a gps unit , helps with the stealth a bit


I've found all of my 64 caches less 2 without a GPS! I find an area where I want to go on the Geacaching Google Map and just find my way usung landmarks from above. Not always an easy task...


I did borrow a GPS once though (and found 2) and was spoiled with power!!! I'll likely buy one soon.


We found four geocaches without any GPSr while on vacation in Varadero, Cuba. Note that Cuban regulations prohibit bringing a GPSr into the country ! We simply planned ahead of time using maps and log photos as clues. We DNFed on a fifth cache though ! It was great fun.


We found four geocaches without any GPSr while on vacation in Varadero, Cuba. Note that Cuban regulations prohibit bringing a GPSr into the country ! We simply planned ahead of time using maps and log photos as clues. We DNFed on a fifth cache though ! It was great fun.


Wonder how those caches got placed without a GPS. :(


All 50 of my finds have been without GPS. Google maps and the cache description is usually good enough for me...gets quite challenging when your in a thick forest or bare field with no points of reference.


Exactly!.. I've had lots of luck without a GPS but I find the biggest problem when you can't zero in to the GZ for lack of clues.


Hi, Im just curious about how many Caches you've found without using a GPS? .. I still don't have one and unless I go with a fellow cacher, Im left to my own devices! LOL.. I'm a realtive 'Newbie', but I've found approximatly a dozen or more without a GPS.. including some up the Coast of Queensland along the Great Barrier Reef! .. soooo .. what's your non-GPS experiences?


That's pretty impressive for a relative newbie. I'm curious as to what technique(s) and tools you might have used in the gpsrless finds? Which were most helpful? I've considered this but I think that I'd spend too much time wandering around and way less time finding the things.


Of course, if someone gets their enjoyment from the technical challenge, then more power to them.


Do you plan on getting a gpsr or do you enjoy the no-gpsr method so much that you are planning on sticking with that?

LOL.. no actual 'technique' per se', I try to glean as much as I can from the clues, the odd photo and goolge maps. I can't say that Ive developed much Geo-senses yet..but Im working on it. I have had times that I've spent longer than I would have liked searching an area but it was such a beautiful spot, I didnt mind too much. I will get a GPS at some point (holding out to see if I get one from Santa...lol) I can see where it is pretty much an 'essental'. That being said, I also think the hints and clues from other posts are also invaluable. What kind of GPS do you use? Im a little nervous about getting one with too many features since Im somewhat 'Technologically Impaired'.


I have found 1. Got to location with the gps but it died 200M away. Walked towards the area and looked for the clue. Found it but if there was no clue would have never found it.


I think it would be hard with just a GPS, the clues in logs and hints are invaluable to me.


Not including accidental finds, I've found 3 or 4 without a GPS. I've attempted probably a dozen more but eventually gave up and turned the GPS on.


Well as of today, Im up to probably about 20 of the 47 I've found.


none of the cachers we go with have a gps , moneys a bit tight .... all of ours so far are done with description and hind it gets a bit frustrating at times but we love it ...... it way better than the alternative sitting around watching tv or videogames...... so far we ( family n me ) have 18 as of today ..... but i really would like a gps unit , helps with the stealth a bit


I agree, and since I don't presently have a GPS either, I'm not going to sit around and wait until I can get one... I'd much rather be out in the great outdoors seeing what I can find the same way you do, hints and previous logs. Happy Caching


Zero. Without a GPS, it's not called geocaching; it's just a glorified easter egg hunt.


by who's definition?.... it takes a lot more effort I think, but to each their own.


I have found one while I was taking a break at work. I had driven about 200 km and needed to stop and take a break. I parked in a small carpool site and was getting my well deserved rest. I looked over and noticed a little trail going into a tree. Lo and behold I walked over and right in front of my eyes was a micro. I signed the log and was refreshed and ready to get back on the road. I am still relatively new at geocaching and my find let me know that my geosense it getting better as I go out more and hunt!


I also introduced my dad to the sport recently. He called excited one night. He was at a local graveyard paying respects when he noticed a trail going into the woods. He followed it and found a cache. He was excited to find it. He still needs a GPSr and it is up to me to find him one. He wants one more than ever now!


Zero. Without a GPS, it's not called geocaching; it's just a glorified easter egg hunt.


by who's definition?.... it takes a lot more effort I think, but to each their own.

By DENelson83's definition. Wikipedia disagrees with him, apparently, by stating (bolding mine for emphasis):


Geocaching is an outdoor activity in which the participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers (called "geocaches" or "caches") anywhere in the world.

Even if you don't have a GPS yourself, you're still using GPS to find geocaches. At the very least you'll be indirectly using the cache hider's GPSr because that's where the co-ordinates that let you use Google Maps etc. came from. Also, you're also indirectly using the output from the cartographer's GPS surveying equipment. IOW, no matter whether you use your own GPSr or output from someone else's, the only way to find geocaches without using GPS is by accident!


Just a thought ...



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