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Multi Event Idea


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How 'bout y'all send directly to Ruud4d the GC numbers of events that have been missed rather than posting here about them. I maintain some bookmark list and it's easy to miss some caches that should belong on them. There are so many 10 Years events, most without coins, some with, I'm sure it's quite easy to miss some of the "coined" events without help. :)



Thanks. That's exactly what I would have asked them. But they are already on the list.

If others that I missed, would want on the bookmarklist, the easiest way is to contact me.


I hope to get the Idaho Event published soon.


I have agreed to take care of the event that will be held in Boise Idaho on May 2nd.


I will post the GC when i have one.


Good luck to everyone on there events. Mike / RC


Ok, there have been a lot of requests for a listing of the participants of this project, the locations and the event cache pages. There are a bunch of bookmark lists out there and people are interested in having a master list for collecting the versions. I have been having a lot of trouble coming up with a good way to display the list (posting in the forums is tricky cause the formatting gets messed up and nothing is clickable). Even the google document that we used with the listing of the colour schemes was not good.


So I have put up a list on a page that has the participant, the location and any and all events that the particular colour version can be obtained at (most only cite one but there are a few that will be available at two different events). The cache code of the event should be clickable and open up the cache page in a new window. Hopefully that will help everyone wanting to add the events to their lists.


I hope I have everyone's event that has one published so far. If there are any missing, please let me know if you will.


Ultimately, I hope to add pictures of everyone's coins once they are all done. This will be helpful for people who want to find a particular version. Plus, along with the list of colour schemes, it would be a fantastic resource for the next multi-event geocoin project. (many thanks to MustangJoni for this great idea!)




Thanks for the list Eltada!!!


There are a couple of events that are listed twice with the same GC #--Czech Republic & Germany. Does that mean they have two different coins available?


Thanks for the list Eltada!!!


There are a couple of events that are listed twice with the same GC #--Czech Republic & Germany. Does that mean they have two different coins available?


I know Lucecitka does in the Czech Republic as she has been in contact with me about a trade :P


Thanks for the list Eltada!!!


There are a couple of events that are listed twice with the same GC #--Czech Republic & Germany. Does that mean they have two different coins available?


You got it! :P


Thanks for the list Eltada!!!


There are a couple of events that are listed twice with the same GC #--Czech Republic & Germany. Does that mean they have two different coins available?


I know Lucecitka does in the Czech Republic as she has been in contact with me about a trade :P

And Longtomsilver has two versions also for his event in Köln, Germany.


Eltada or Avroair have there been any updated from Groundspeak with regards to these events? Also, how do I go about contacting Groundspeak about event donations?


Thanks for the list Eltada!!!


There are a couple of events that are listed twice with the same GC #--Czech Republic & Germany. Does that mean they have two different coins available?


I know Lucecitka does in the Czech Republic as she has been in contact with me about a trade :P


Yes, event in Czech republic - in Praha have two versions of multi event coin (same colours but different finish - one in antique silver and one in black nickel --- the black nickel version is a special version only for winners of our event competitions and for trade :laughing:


Eltada or Avroair have there been any updated from Groundspeak with regards to these events? Also, how do I go about contacting Groundspeak about event donations?


I haven't heard anything yet.



Very interesting. Wonder if they are going to have a lackey at all of the events.... :D


If you check the "10th" Anniversary Events" Maps and the side bar you will see which events the Lacky's will be at for they have their own icon.


If I'm reading it correctly, the icons for attendees will be the same Mega Event icon and regular Event icon. The L&F "icons" are just for the map on that page.


There will be a new icon though, for the 10th Anniversary events.


10 Years! Events


Anyone can host a 10 Years! Event on either May 1 or May 2, 2010. Be sure to check your local event calendar before submitting one, though: it may already be planned. In addition to the standard event cache Guidelines, there are a few additional guidelines that you will need to follow if you wish your event to qualify for a 10 Years! cache type icon.


Additional Guidelines:


* Events must be held on May 1 or May 2, 2010.

* The name of the event needs to be formatted this way: "10 Years! <your location>." For example: 10 Years! Seattle, WA or 10 Jahre! Munich, Germany.

* At least 10 people must attend the event.

* Flashmobs do not qualify.

* A video or picture must be taken at the event. At least 10 attendees must be in the video/photo along with a legible sign showing the event coordinates and location name.

* The people in the video or photo should be festive. Be inventive! But please keep it family friendly.


If you are interested in hosting a 10 Years! event, you are welcome to submit it as a normal event cache at this time. We will provide details on how to switch the listing to a 10 Years! event soon.


So I wonder why there are no locations listed for Florida? I know of several that are being held around the state. We are hosting one on the Space Coast and will have a coin for that event.


So I wonder why there are no locations listed for Florida? I know of several that are being held around the state. We are hosting one on the Space Coast and will have a coin for that event.

They are not showing any of our events yet!!


So I wonder why there are no locations listed for Florida? I know of several that are being held around the state. We are hosting one on the Space Coast and will have a coin for that event.


The Lost and Found icons are for events where lackey's will be attending I believe.

My birthday party hats arrived last week so our picture should be festive! LOL

Ooh!! Party Hats!!! :D Great idea. May I steal borrow your idea? :(




Of course!! I have a few other fun things already in hand also :(

My birthday party hats arrived last week so our picture should be festive! LOL

Ooh!! Party Hats!!! :D Great idea. May I steal borrow your idea? :(




Of course!! I have a few other fun things already in hand also :(


Do tell!!



If you are organizing an event, please consider using the following naming convention for your event name:


10 Years! (Location)


10 Years! (Chicago, IL)

10 Years! (Seattle, WA)


Edited on 2-17-2010 to update naming convension for event listings.



* The name of the event needs to be formatted this way: "10 Years! <your location>." For example: 10 Years! Seattle, WA or 10 Jahre! Munich, Germany.



Ok so I know this could be a picky question but.....

Bryan's post said 10 Years! and city,state in parenthesis. In the one avroair posted from the lost&found link they aren't there. Does it make a difference with or without?



If you are organizing an event, please consider using the following naming convention for your event name:


10 Years! (Location)


10 Years! (Chicago, IL)

10 Years! (Seattle, WA)


Edited on 2-17-2010 to update naming convension for event listings.



* The name of the event needs to be formatted this way: "10 Years! <your location>." For example: 10 Years! Seattle, WA or 10 Jahre! Munich, Germany.



Ok so I know this could be a picky question but.....

Bryan's post said 10 Years! and city,state in parenthesis. In the one avroair posted from the lost&found link they aren't there. Does it make a difference with or without?


I'm hoping the search criteria is 10 Years. Cause they obviously don't have the requirements clear between the two.


Our Event has been published and we are hoping we can get some of the Coins for this Multi-Event. Please inform me of how to get some of these.


Our event is: 10 Years! Greeley, CO GC254WV




Shaun & Abby


Our Event has been published and we are hoping we can get some of the Coins for this Multi-Event. Please inform me of how to get some of these.


Our event is: 10 Years! Greeley, CO GC254WV




Shaun & Abby


exactly what coins you are referring to?


my understanding was that Groundspeak will have their own, if that's the one you're after there has been no announcement yet


as for the coin project, the design and ordering is over now, the only way to get some is from the participants that may have some left over


Our Event has been published and we are hoping we can get some of the Coins for this Multi-Event. Please inform me of how to get some of these.


Our event is: 10 Years! Greeley, CO GC254WV




Shaun & Abby


All colors and designs are in. I am making 4 extra color versions that are shared and can be used by someone who wants to join late. Two of these color choice\designs were made by JackalGirl and the other two by me. Geoswag.com will sell any extras... the versions are:



Crowne Royale


Casino (roulette wheel)




You might try contacting AVROAIR see above quote.



If you are organizing an event, please consider using the following naming convention for your event name:


10 Years! (Location)


10 Years! (Chicago, IL)

10 Years! (Seattle, WA)


Edited on 2-17-2010 to update naming convension for event listings.



* The name of the event needs to be formatted this way: "10 Years! <your location>." For example: 10 Years! Seattle, WA or 10 Jahre! Munich, Germany.



Ok so I know this could be a picky question but.....

Bryan's post said 10 Years! and city,state in parenthesis. In the one avroair posted from the lost&found link they aren't there. Does it make a difference with or without?


I'm hoping the search criteria is 10 Years. Cause they obviously don't have the requirements clear between the two.


I don't really see a difference... 10 Years! Seattle, WA is the example in both places...


I had an interesting question on my cache page. Somebody asked if the new icon was only for the cache page, or will the attendees get a new icon for their profile.


I am assuming that we will get the icon on our cache page.


Oh, and Mark, the samples look awesome!!!

Posted (edited)

I had an interesting question on my cache page. Somebody asked if the new icon was only for the cache page, or will the attendees get a new icon for their profile.


I am assuming that we will get the icon on our cache page.


Oh, and Mark, the samples look awesome!!!


I thought we'd get a new icon in our profile for attending, like we did with MEGA and the Maze Exhibit. That's what I am advertising on the cache page. So that better be the case.

Edited by AtlantaGal
Posted (edited)

Here are a couple images of samples:


They sure look awesome. The left one looks very much like ours! Am I right?


Concerning the new special icon requirements, I'm guessing that we will be getting it after the event, because of the photo/video request. I'm also hoping that other languages "10 Years" will qualify as well as hinted to in the example.

Edited by mar-elendili
Posted (edited)

Here are a couple images of samples:



Great looking coins, I can't wait to get some, as we missed the group order.

Edited by starnsun

Here are a couple images of samples:



The one on the right looks like a match for mine color-wise, but it's not the correct metal finish. There's only two with antique silver listed on the spread sheet, but the colors do not match for either of those. Neat to see tho since I originally wanted to do antique silver, but opted for a metal with no extra fees in the end.

Here are a couple images of samples:


Who's? Any idea? They look great! :smile: I wanna see myyynnnne!!! :anibad:




Left is mar-elendili, right is South Carolina's


I had an interesting question on my cache page. Somebody asked if the new icon was only for the cache page, or will the attendees get a new icon for their profile.


I am assuming that we will get the icon on our cache page.


Oh, and Mark, the samples look awesome!!!


Yep, why do you think so many reviewers are hosting 10 Years! events... :anibad:

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