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*********COINTEST********* ends 12/2/09


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Post Your Favorite Picture Of Santa.

1 Picture Per Post.

Any Santa Picture will do.

Anyone can play.

Enter as many Times as you want, but there must be a picture of A Santa in each post to qualify.

Remember this is FAMILY FRIENDLY !!!!!!!! No Naked Santas Please!!!!!

Cointest Will End December 2nd, My son's Birthday, and He will pick the winner.

The Winning Picture Will recieve an Unactivated Geocoin from My Collection.

I Think That's It.

Have Fun!!!!!!




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Greek Orthodox do not have St Nikolas as Santa, but St. Vasilios!!!!


St. Nikolas is the protector of the seamen!!! :)


Oh, and something else, in you, Santa brings the presents at Christmas!

In Greece that tradition says that St. Vasilis, brings them in Protochronia (1st of the new year!) :)

According to a legent, he was making pies and he was puting gold coins in them! then he was giving the pies to poor people and what ever they were finding in, it was theirs! that is why in the first day of the year, (we make it in 31 of December, at night and we are cuting it when the new year comes!) we make a pie and we put a coin in it! the one who will find the coin is the lucky one and the blessed one of the new year!


Here is St. Vasilios!



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