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Wild Ideas

Sol seaker

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I got started on the Rogue Reviewer Topic and it got me thinking.


It turned out, of course, he was not, but he was asked to help.


but it made me think, what if he was some sort of bandit reviewer publishing caches that were against all the rules, running around the country wreaking havoc?


Thought Id throw it out to you guys to see what wild things have popped in your heads as ideas for caches that would not pass the rules. you are all so imaginative Id love to hear them.


But remember, this is a fantasy exercise only.

Do not try these at home or you will most likely have your account canceled by Groundspeak.

I warned ya, so it's not my fault.

This is just for fun, to see where your brains are all at.

Just entertainment on a rainy day, hopefully some good laughs.


So the best I came up with on the top of my head was every traffic circle in a town (which of course would be too dangerous in reality), or 32 micros in the statue of liberty.


I know you guys can do much better than that.

Impress me...


I got started on the Rogue Reviewer Topic and it got me thinking.


It turned out, of course, he was not, but he was asked to help.


but it made me think, what if he was some sort of bandit reviewer publishing caches that were against all the rules, running around the country wreaking havoc?


Thought Id throw it out to you guys to see what wild things have popped in your heads as ideas for caches that would not pass the rules. you are all so imaginative Id love to hear them.


But remember, this is a fantasy exercise only.

Do not try these at home or you will most likely have your account canceled by Groundspeak.

I warned ya, so it's not my fault.

This is just for fun, to see where your brains are all at.

Just entertainment on a rainy day, hopefully some good laughs.


So the best I came up with on the top of my head was every traffic circle in a town (which of course would be too dangerous in reality), or 32 micros in the statue of liberty.


I know you guys can do much better than that.

Impress me...


1) A power trail in a small park, 500 caches all placed within a 0.5 meter of each other. Of course, I'd log finds on all my own caches too otherwise what's the point? B)


2) We live in a flat so I'm a little envious of hiders that have the opportunity to put caches out on their land. So I'd make a multi or mystery and hide the cache somewhere actually in our block of flats... that way I could meet more cachers 'in the field' too! :)


This cache is for Republican, Female Cachers who are active in the Methodist community and work for Microsoft ONLY!!! All other logs will be deleted.


A puzzle cache...solve the puzzle and email me the answer to get the final coordinates (under a bridge, next to a police station). The final container is a modified beer can containing a pack of rolling papers, 5 sticks of gum, lighter, small pocket knife, and just a small amount of crack.


Once you find the cache you have to sign the log. To get credit for the find you need to go into the police station and get your picture taken with an officer in uniform. You need to be holding the cache container and your GPS in the photo. Upload this photo to the cache page when you log your visit.


Note: I didn't have my GPS when I placed this cache. The coords. might be off seeing as I gave it my best guess.

(under a bridge, next to a police station)


I had one that while it wasn't under a bridge it was next to a police station, within 10' of RR tracks and less than .1 from another cache.


A cacher once told me of a wild idea. Place caches against the rules around the country, label them as geocaches and watch the mayhem and possible destruction of geocaching as frightened people and police found them.

Posted (edited)

a cache on a bridge like the one we have here in tempe arizona that is made of giant rubber tubes. It would have a great ftf prize, when you pulled the cache it thing would deflate or detatch.

Edited by bafl01

a puzzle cache that gives the coordinates of the degaussing range bouy in Norfolk, VA. which is about a mile offshore


Hey! Would it work to put a cache on a NOAA Weather buoy several miles off the coast in the middle of the pacific? That would be serious 5/5!


a puzzle cache that gives the coordinates of the degaussing range bouy in Norfolk, VA. which is about a mile offshore


Hey! Would it work to put a cache on a NOAA Weather buoy several miles off the coast in the middle of the pacific? That would be serious 5/5!

With permission from NOAA, yes... rotsa ruck with that!


How about a micro that you carry in your pocket. When cachers get to the location they can't find it, BUt when you go to check on it, because of all the DNFs, you know that it is there because it's in your pocket. B)


I could always hide a magnetic key container under a shelf in my store, with the only hint being a UPC code for something like a can of peas, or adult diapers. With over 52,000 active items in our store, I'd love the to see the FTF hounds searching for it.


Freeway "cloverleaf loop interchanges" look like such great places for caches! Trees, bushes, plenty of space, no non-vehicular muggles - virgin real estate that's never held a cache. You just gotta risk life and limb running across a freeway to get to GZ. I'd set up a whole series in my city's freeway interchanges.


Some types of chain-link fence posts have caps that can be pulled off. I'm talking about vinyl-coated fencing like in the picture at the top of this page. Place a magnetic micro under one of the caps. Cachers will have to climb the fence, remove the cap, and look inside.


how about a cach on a pay phone

in order to log the cach you must call from the phone leave a message

caller id is a must so you know they are using the pay phone


I am planning a multi lamp post cach that takes you around in a circle only to find a magnetic under the first

stage cover, if you would have looked past the film canister you could find it with out doing all the stages or they will keep going in circles


I am planning a multi lamp post cach that takes you around in a circle only to find a magnetic under the first

stage cover, if you would have looked past the film canister you could find it with out doing all the stages or they will keep going in circles


You evil person! :)



MrsB :):)


Some types of chain-link fence posts have caps that can be pulled off. I'm talking about vinyl-coated fencing like in the picture at the top of this page. Place a magnetic micro under one of the caps. Cachers will have to climb the fence, remove the cap, and look inside.


Found one of these at a local baseball field yesterday, although the container was glued into the fence cap instead of being placed there magnetically.


Place a cache on your car with a GPS tracking device. The finder would have to go to a webpage that lists the currnet location of the cache based on the info sent from the tracking device.

how about a cach on a pay phone

in order to log the cach you must call from the phone leave a message

caller id is a must so you know they are using the pay phone

I've seen one like that. The first stage is a pay phone. You find the toll-free number, call it from the pay phone, and the message tells you the coordinates of the next stage. Caller ID is used so you have to call the toll-free number from that pay phone.

Some types of chain-link fence posts have caps that can be pulled off. I'm talking about vinyl-coated fencing like in the picture at the top of this page. Place a magnetic micro under one of the caps. Cachers will have to climb the fence, remove the cap, and look inside.


Found one of these at a local baseball field yesterday, although the container was glued into the fence cap instead of being placed there magnetically.


I've hidden one like that and have found three others. None of them required climbing a fence.


I would have a lot of fun with caches that have puzzles at the location of the cache..


I am thinking along the lines of Resident Evil Video game type puzzles, where you have to manipulate sliding puzzle pieces in order to receive your next clue...


.... or move objects so that you trip pressure plates to reveal the cache.....


...or turn on a mounted laser pointer and align mirrors in such a way as to bounce the beam to a specific spot to know where to look...


..or a la John McClaine Die Hard III where you have a scale and some water bottles and you have to get just the right amount of water to weigh the correct amount so that the scale would spit out the next step...


I think those kind of puzzles would be a lot more fun for me than the crypto code type pencil and paper puzzles....


Some types of chain-link fence posts have caps that can be pulled off. I'm talking about vinyl-coated fencing like in the picture at the top of this page. Place a magnetic micro under one of the caps. Cachers will have to climb the fence, remove the cap, and look inside.


I have found 2 like this already.


Place a cache on your car with a GPS tracking device. The finder would have to go to a webpage that lists the currnet location of the cache based on the info sent from the tracking device.


I was just thinking of that too. You could use SPOT or something like that.

a micro on the end of a crossing gate arm.

Prior to my hiding days, (and prior to my reading the guidelines), I had a similar idea.

There's a local river with a railroad bridge over it. The bridge is a drawbridge, and is usually in the raised position.

This railroad serves a local power plant. When it's down, it's about 4' above the water.


I thought it would be kewl to stick an ammo can to the bottom of the bridge, holding it in place with magnets.

Folks would need to time their hunts to the delivery schedule for the railroad.

Hop in your boat. Anchor near the bridge. Wait for it to descend. Do your logging & swag swapping before it raises again.

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