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There is always hope for missing coins & TBs

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I had a notification today that carried good news ....


My Copper Casino Geocoin which vanished without trace in August 2007 when the cache it was in was muggled ( GCZN34 ) has been dropped off ina cache in the US ( GCJD4N )


Makes a bit of a mess of the history but I'm pleased to see it back :huh:


So, to all you folks with missing coins & TBs... Don't give up hope, I reckon my coin was missing for approx 27 months

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We had a coin as an FTF prize back in August. We dipped it in a few caches on the way to Cornwall and left it near Lands End Delta68's Unfortunate Micro Geocoin and that was it! Gone!


It was in a plastic geocoin sleeve (so it wouldn't be too small to be noticed) with its mission on it as well... :lol:


Stokesy visited the cache a few weeks later and confirmed that the coin wasn't there...




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One of my coins was picked up at the last Mega Event, by a team who seemed to have stopped caching after 17 days.


Anybody know the Grimkniffs? Tried messaging them, but I have had no answer.


Another one was picked up by an American over a year ago, who has been an active cacher, and has not moved it on, or replied to my messages. I suspect he has lost it but doesn't want to admit it.


That's 40% of my coins out of circulation, not counting one which has been stuck in a cache since April (if it is still there)!


At least the other 2 coins are active.

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One of my coins was picked up at the last Mega Event, by a team who seemed to have stopped caching after 17 days.


Anybody know the Grimkniffs? Tried messaging them, but I have had no answer.



The Grimkniffs did their first ever cache (GC7D6D) on 1st August with The McKnifficent 6. At a guess, the latter could be parents of the former :) . I'd try an email in that direction.


MrsB :D

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One of my coins was picked up at the last Mega Event, by a team who seemed to have stopped caching after 17 days.


Anybody know the Grimkniffs? Tried messaging them, but I have had no answer.



The Grimkniffs did their first ever cache (GC7D6D) on 1st August with The McKnifficent 6. At a guess, the latter could be parents of the former :) . I'd try an email in that direction.


MrsB :D


I know the McKnifficent 6, (their "holiday home" is just a few yards away from me as i type this)


when i see them, I'll have a word

Edited by Smurf
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More good news to add....


Mr Ginger (TB) has turned up after nearly 18 months missing in Germany, placed in an old cache (but not logged in) and forgotten about until another cacher came upon him.


I think most TB/ Geocoin that go AWOL in the hands of other cachers are genuinely misplaced, lost, forgotten or dropped in caches with low visitor numbers and not logged in.


Why they don't respond to enquiries is probably down to embarassment more than anything else.


My daughter will be pleased tonight when I tell her!




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we have a TB missing our first one tiny ted he was picked up in oct have email cachers but they not got back. Getting worried about him if they lost him they can just tell me stuff happens. If anyone finds TINY TED plz let me know don't want him to be homless for xmas

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Good news for you :)


It's always good to see them reappear, whether it's 27 months... or 7 years and 4 months later.



New Log from the 7 year missing TB... Found: Yup leaches - yuck. Left CWMTBR-TURBO-DX6, took mug to make room. <B>Did not notice Steves CROCed.</B> Enjoyed the view and took pictures.

... No TB Spooky.... :):):lol: just what I feared... MaxKim.


Check this out, there is hope left!



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I have a few coins 'missing in action' :) . Anyone thought about putting out amnesty cache boxes so that guilty parties can deposit them without fear of being itentified?


I think an "Amnesty" address, you could mail TBs and coins to, would be a useful idea...


How will people find out the address and which address would be used? - I supose it could be puslished on the Geocaching home page? Perhaps both ideas would be good - I will try to put out an amnesty box in my area if that is okay with Groundspeak?

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I have a few coins 'missing in action' :) . Anyone thought about putting out amnesty cache boxes so that guilty parties can deposit them without fear of being itentified?


I think an "Amnesty" address, you could mail TBs and coins to, would be a useful idea...


How will people find out the address and which address would be used? - I supose it could be puslished on the Geocaching home page? Perhaps both ideas would be good - I will try to put out an amnesty box in my area if that is okay with Groundspeak?


In reality, anyone who has a trackable items and is feeling guilty because they've been holding on to it for months (or years :) ) can simply drop it into any suitably-sized, regularly-visited nearby cache where it can sit until the next cacher finds it and...


"Ohhh!... Look at this, an unexpected TB... I'll just go and put in the tracking number... Great! I've found a missing trackable... It's now back in the game."


Nobody would know who put it there.


The idea of Amnesty Caches is nice but, in reality, I doubt whether the message would get out to Those Who Are Holding Trackables Too Long. I think that in many cases they are cachers who've lost interest in caching and no longer bother checking their geocaching emails etc.


MrsB :lol:

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