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It looks like I have 5 each left of Red and Green to trade in the "Surprise Me" batch. The rest of these will be held back for releasing, gifting, and trading for coins I see that I want. Thanks to everyone who has traded with me, I've been getting some cool mailers. I'll probably end up postingthe photos in this thread instead of the Mailbox thread, or I might quote the posts over to there also.

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It looks like I have 5 each left of Red and Green to trade in the "Surprise Me" batch. The rest of these will be held back for releasing, gifting, and trading for coins I see that I want. Thanks to everyone who has traded with me, I've been getting some cool mailers. I'll probably end up postingthe photos in this thread instead of the Mailbox thread, or I might quote the posts over to there also.


I would love to trade for a red one ;)

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First off, I enjoy the interesting ideas behind all the stuff you leave for trade (Recently found a magnet with your logo!)


Second off, I found a yellow coin left unmarked in a cache along Quarry Lakes that was still activated. Just saw this topic and decided to share that.

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Oh, didn't realize that there's a thread for this coin. I was lucky enough to spot one in one of my hides, late last year. I see it is still wandering around in the Bay Area. Your "adoption after 25 logs" is very unusual (I'd say unique in my experience, but my experience is somewhat underwhelming) and very generous.

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Oh, didn't realize that there's a thread for this coin. I was lucky enough to spot one in one of my hides, late last year. I see it is still wandering around in the Bay Area. Your "adoption after 25 logs" is very unusual (I'd say unique in my experience, but my experience is somewhat underwhelming) and very generous.

Well, thank you...there are a couple of limitations. The 25 logs must either all be discoveries, or all be drops into Caches, and the pool of people eligible to adopt a coin is only the people who have found that particular Coin. It's a big experiment, I don't know how many people will actually send a request. I was really thinking that it might cut down on the urge for people to steal them, and so far I think it may be working. There's really no reason to steal one since they can be owned for free later.

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Hi everyone...I'm looking for a little feedback on the new log types for Coins and how it relates to my adoption policy for my Personal Coins.


Many of you have read about these Coins before, and so have also read my adoption policy after the Coin has traveled a bit. So far I've only counted "Dropped into a Cache" logs for the 25, but now there are the new "Took it to" logs...on a couple of occasions, a player has dipped my coins into several Caches very quicly with these logs. I'm starting to think that this kind of dipping makes it way too easy to get to the 25. I'm looking for some feedback on whether I should count these, or stick with the original "Drop" logs only.


I have adopted one coin to a player who dipped it into over 25 Caches, but they used the old method, and whote a note with every retrieval, and the new dips generally come with no interesting notes. What do you guys think?


I guess the qusetion comes down to...

Does a Visit log have the same weight, value and importance as a "Drop" log?


Here's the adoption policy as written on all 250 of the traveling versions...








About this item:

My Adoption Policy: I know that there are many Geocachers who like to collect Geocoins. This is one of my Personal Geocoins. Once this Coin has visited 25 Caches or has been discovered by 25 Geocachers, it is available for Adoption by anyone who finds it. If you would like to adopt this Coin, please mention that when you log the find(or you can send me an email). After the Coin is Adopted you may do anything you like with it, either keep it for your collection, or send it out as your own Traveler or even sell it or trade it.

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I was wondering the same thing. I've recently come across one of your coins for the third time and it hadn't move a lot until I swapped it out with another item. I took it with me the rest of the trip and dropped it and retrieved it from a bunch of caches and then when you told me about the "visited" option I used it.


Though I would like to adopt the coin I can understand your concern. Perhaps if someone is willing to take it on a few months of travels with the new visited feature? Or just make everyone do it the old way and log the visits. Either way, it's your call and generosity so my personal view is we should just live with what ever makes you happy.

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it's your coin, so I say make the rules whatever you like


that said . . .


the "took to" log type (from a "visit" action) is really just a "drop" and then an immediate "retrieve" by the same person


so even if you disallow "visit" logs, someone could get the same result with nothing more than a little additional work


if it were me making the rules, I would require that each action be by a different person


so . . .

one person, three drops and three retrieves = one unit of qualification towards the goal of 25

one person, three visits = one unit of qualification towards the goal of 25


to get unique actions -

1. person "A" drops, person "B" retrieves, and then does another drop

2. person "A" does a visit, person "B" grabs the item from person "A", and then does their own visit


you might also consider requiring that consecutive drops (or visits) be for a different geocache

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I would say... to allow only 1 retrieve / drop or 1 discover per cacher, per coin! or... you can add... the cacher who already retrived /drop or discovered the coin can do that again after the coin passes from 3 other cacher's hands..., or that the coin has to stay at least for a day in a cache... or the cache should be a normal size one so the coin can really enter in the cache (so no micro, nano etc..)


By that way more cachers will have the chance! Personally I would like it a cacher to retrieve the coin, visit 25 caches and drop retrieve the coin so at the end of the day to make it his own!!!

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a few more thoughts . . .


as currently stated, doing either goal is fairly simple


discovery rule -

just take the coin to an event and get 25 people to log a discovery

you could hand out little pieces of paper with the coin code and instructions

done in a day, with very little effort


geocache rule -

dip (drop/retrieve cycle) the coin in the next 25 geocaches that you find


if that would take too much time, go to 25 nearby geocaches that you have already found

clink the coin on the side of the container, go home and log a drop/retrieve cycle on each of them


and if you are really in a hurry

sit down at your computer, bring up a list of all the geocaches that you have found

do a drop/retrieve cycle on twenty-five of them

maybe even date the drop/retrieve actions to match the date that you did the find

you don't even have to leave home

(hey, who can say that you didn't do it as logged

and maybe you even had the coin with you when you found the geocaches in the first place

wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

DISCLAIMER - this last option was offered tongue-in-cheek

I do not approve of playing fast and loose just to get a geocoin

I strongly advocate adhering to the generous coin-givers wishes and intentions

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...or.... you can do something else! since the 250 coin pages are way too much.... other caches can help you! :laughing:


what I mean.... Let's say.... find 20-25 cachers that you trust and they are your friends.... adopt about 10 of them to each one, and when they make the changes... they will adopt the coins back to you! :(


If 10 coins are too many... maybe more will want to volunteer in that and you can find 50 cachers! then the number will go to 5 coins for each cacher to make the changes! :laughing:


edit to say... well... this is ok with the mission and thegroundspeak right?

Edited by GATOULIS
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