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i really thing that more of you ought to be interested in my neighbor's cat.


I'm too worried about my neighbor's cat to be interested in yours. That cat cost me over $300 last month.



well, at least you're interested in someone's cat.


by the way, i think i will have that slice of pie.

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well, at least you're interested in someone's cat.


by the way, i think i will have that slice of pie.

Enough with the cats. Cats have no place in geocaches. They're much worse than hamsters.


Neither do pies, since there is an explicit guideline against foodstuff. But a coupon for a free pie, that's something I'd like to find. Especially if it looks like this:



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i really thing that more of you ought to be interested in my neighbor's cat.


I can tell you all you need to know about your neighbors cat.






















It was delicious.


well, if you have eaten her, you have a marvel of a digestive system or she's a marvel of a cat, because she's out in the driveway.


but yes, they are made of tasty meat, if that's what you're getting at.

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I can tell you all you need to know about your neighbors cat.


It was delicious.

well, if you have eaten her, you have a marvel of a digestive system or she's a marvel of a cat, because she's out in the driveway.


but yes, they are made of tasty meat, if that's what you're getting at.


Not that neighbors cat...the OTHER neighbors cat.

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Any one politican can create a good system. Any system can be abused. Systems are implemented by process. Process removes the ablity of any one system implementor (beauocrat but I can't spell that) from abusing the intent of the process. Process removes any one persons ablity to lop off the system abusers ...who meet the letter of the law dictated by the process but who are clearly in need of being cut off.


Huh? :)


Dude, I gotta go light a candle and meditate to find inspiration leading me to some semblance of understnading of what you wrote...


It's clear in my mind...but then I work in that system and I can see both the good intentions and where they go astray.


So I'll give you a o couple of snippets.


Process is the rules and regs that are about 26' thick due to ongoing meddling by hundreds of politicos that I have to follow. The process tells me what I'm supposed to think and the answers I'm supposed to arrive at given the specific issue I'm looking at.


Thus I'm in a position where I know that if I had the authority I can call up the 12 people who matter invite them to a meeting and come to an agreement in one afternoon because I know the goals and rules and regs and process we are all about to follow and most importantly I know the intent of it all.


However my reality is I can't do that. I have to spend 1.5 million dollars to follow a process that's so convoluted that mistakes will be made and will lead me to the same answer I could have gotten in one afternoon.


The reason is that if they gave me that power (instead of putting the power in the process) I could sway that meeting to whatever goal I want like lining the pockets of my cronies and ignore the intent of the law. That's good, but it also removes my ablility to do the right thing like cut off Kit Fox's Fancy Car driving slumlord queen.


When politicians run on the platform of increasing efficiency...we are exactly as efficient as they have allowed us to be because they are the ones who created the process.


That all said, the process can be treated like a pinball machine if you know the ins and outs. You can tweak outcomes as long as you don't tilt the machine. There are ways to force the system to work for the better and unfortunately for the worse.

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I'd hate to find a cat in a geocache.


My cat is really ornery and demanding. Lock it up like that and it would spring out at you and go for the throat.


At least hamsters you can just grab with one hand and be done with it.


Now pie coupons, there's something I can get behind!!!

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